- You target an enemy and use Charm Animal - Your pet attacks that target.
- You target an ally and use Charm Animal - Your pet attacks that ally's target.
- You target yourself or nothing and use Charm Animal - Your pet yeilds and returns to you, ignoring the attacks of enemies until he gets to you or you issue another command.
Easy and simple control with 1 button without having to painstakingly create a GUI for pets. Charm Animal just sits in your skillbar doing nothing. Why not give it a practical use that will make pet builds more viable? Perhaps we could rename it to "Animal Ally" or somesuch.
I have suggested this before, but not in its own thread. I know many people have suggested a whole new pet window to issue commands, but I really don't see that happening, as GUIs are a pain to impliment, whereas this requires much less work.
I think it's a winner.