Can anyone tell me how to dye ELE fissure armor PURE BLACK?
ive been looking around and cant find any methods for dying ele fissure armor pure black. Can ne one enlighten me on the subject?
Silent Kitty
Only some parts will be black, and on some armors the difference is almost neglectable.
Murder In China
Black is the blackest black black there is. Also, not all parts of the armor will be dyed, only certain parts.
dont think its possable the blackest your going to get is by using regular black dyes since thats the darkest color you can get.All colors can be made by mixing dye accept for white and darker black "though people will claim to have" dont trust screen shots they can easily be edited with photoshop and I can tell you that S+Y+S+S and S+DR+S+S doesnt make white you cannot make a whiter color by mixing lighter colors together unless you would mix all the primary colors together which only works with light and not paint same thing goes for black dye.
turn your monitor contrast down. :P
But other than that , black dye. The reason is that you cannot dye your whole armor.
But other than that , black dye. The reason is that you cannot dye your whole armor.
There are several threads on dying armors already, in Questions & Answers, the Campfire subforums (even though they're more for builds), Community Works, Screenshot Exposition, and Tyrian Explorers' League. Find a thread in one of those forums rather than making a new thread in the main discussion forum, where it doesn't belong. Closed.