First let me preface by indicating the purpose of this post is as stated below.
I am fairly new to regular GW play and GW does not appear to have a feedback method at their official site, but indicated to “post in a fan site forum” hence this post.
I also realize that this is my opinion of this situation and not yours, even though I encourage differing opinions my real desire is to see a response from Gaile Gray or AN on the subject.
Can you please advise if Guild Wars (Arena Net) has any plans at all in the future to update the AI of the in game henchmen and if they are planning to include any simple commands, like wait, follow attack, etc for henchmen and pets alike?
I think it is a crying shame that the enemy AI is much more advanced than the henchmen AI and it gets very frustrating that you cannot even have the henchmen or pets wait or fall back when you need them too.
I really like GW but am becoming more and more frustrated with the game because of this easily fixable situation.
Being a gamer for a long time I know the incentive to change this for the better might not be there because you are trying to encourage grouping with real players which I think is fine for some or most.
Most online gaming companies believe grouping equals friends and social interaction, which equals players gaming longer and moving on to the new expansions with there new found social circle etc. and which is true again for some or most.
However there are some of us who are not dependent on the social aspect of gaming and already posses well adjusted social lives outside of the game and just like to game for 15 to 25 hours week for fun and relaxation.
Which is becoming more and more difficult to do because of something which can simply rectified.
Please consider this as I have seen (in forums), and heard from other players (yes I do talk to others) and I have not ever seen any response from AN on this subject.
As a former EQ1 and EQ2 player for over 5 years, one of the reasons among many EQ lost a good size player base was there unwillingness to pay attention to the needs of the solo type player, when they did finally realize there mistake they had already lost a lot of subscribers because of it.
In addition I offer the following regarding the new “Factions” expansion. I was holding off to see if any improvement in the henchmen AI or simple commands would be included. After the factions weekend I can see that there has been nothing done in either of these areas, hence I most likely will not be purchasing “Factions” for that very reason, as I do not think I can survive in the game.
In GW it is fine in the early levels but as you get to Aurora Glade mission and beyond it becomes more and more difficult to survive with just henchmen and pets.
Finally, thank you for the great game, please help us who depend on our pets and henchmen to survive and have fun, as this will keep us involved in the game for years to come.
Thank you,