ok i have new info on thsi matter that gotten me consered with thsi last up date i noticed my monk hasnt explored evry thig yet so i went exploring noticed i didnt have majesty's rest so i grabed my 55 monk and ran up thier would have completed uncovering it but some thign cought my eye so i was foreced to risk my life to find out what it was you know the statue right just like in TOA well every tiem i ever been up that way (america) never had favor nothing new about that but any ways this time we did! well the statue was all lit up liek the ones in TOA so i was liek huh wonder what this could be so i looked i kneeled in front of it then he pops out just like the ones in TOA so i hurryed up and clicked on him ( i was covered with enemy AI) and all i could was was two things beofre i died first chose pay him 50g (didnt have tiem to read it) second one pay him 100g (again had no time to read it)
so after that i decided to come here for more info on this matter and to see if any one knows about this... very odd verry odd to me is this guy just like the guy in the droks run??
(edit).... I found out what it does all it does is lets you buy dp remover but not all at once... the other one give you a bonus kinnda thing good place to farm when your side has favor with that guy thier