what happens when someone gets a runner
devils wraths
ok people you may agree you ma ynot agree but its my opinion so i dont mind what you say because its your opinion aswell and we all have one. ok here goes
ive seen very heavy complaints recently about alot of noobs and how bad its getting. but i think we only have ourselfs to blame not everyone. when some get a run through missions or run from a town to a town or like from ascalon to beacons or ascalon to sanctum cay or something like that. im sure you know what i mean.
this means the palyer who is gettign run has new experiance with any builds or proberly doesnt even know how to use his poffesion only what he used in pre sear. this is why i think there is more noobs around now because people cannot be bothered to fight like alot of us did incluidng me ive never been run and dont agree with it.
if we could get rid of the runs im sure there would be alot less noobs than what there is now.
as i said you can say what you want about this because i dont mind and i like to see what people think of what i think if they dont agree and explain why i can learn from it and say yeah thats a pretty good idea thanks for your help or something like that.
ive seen very heavy complaints recently about alot of noobs and how bad its getting. but i think we only have ourselfs to blame not everyone. when some get a run through missions or run from a town to a town or like from ascalon to beacons or ascalon to sanctum cay or something like that. im sure you know what i mean.
this means the palyer who is gettign run has new experiance with any builds or proberly doesnt even know how to use his poffesion only what he used in pre sear. this is why i think there is more noobs around now because people cannot be bothered to fight like alot of us did incluidng me ive never been run and dont agree with it.
if we could get rid of the runs im sure there would be alot less noobs than what there is now.
as i said you can say what you want about this because i dont mind and i like to see what people think of what i think if they dont agree and explain why i can learn from it and say yeah thats a pretty good idea thanks for your help or something like that.
Lets Get to Healing
Maybe the noobs get ran, its thier fault. Im getting a run to droks as i type.
BTW u have run on sentences galore.
BTW u have run on sentences galore.
Not everyone you see getting run is playing through their first time. Don't assume that just because someone is getting run that they don't know how to play. I believe you are probably mostly right however, it is just ill advised to make generalizations in that manner.
I do agree that it is getting harder and harder to get groups to actually play in certain towns (Sanctum Cay, Elona Reach, Riverside Province) because of the number of runners. But you don't have to wait too long usually.
I do agree that it is getting harder and harder to get groups to actually play in certain towns (Sanctum Cay, Elona Reach, Riverside Province) because of the number of runners. But you don't have to wait too long usually.
You always preface every post with something like 'this is my opinion okay'. You don't need to. We're WELL AWARE that it is your opinion--you're posting it (albeit badly, but whatever).
On topic, this is a subject beaten to death time and time again. I see no reason to bring it up again.
On topic, this is a subject beaten to death time and time again. I see no reason to bring it up again.
Don't see what difference it makes. If you're sitting in Ice Mines and there's a guy at level 6 trying to get into the mission and you take him... well.... you get what you deserve I suppose.
well you evidently are a "noob" to the forums because the term "noob" when refering to people new to the game is usually frowned upon by the admins.
as far as running, i dont really care, its your game you paid for it so play it how you want.besides if they are low level players thet wont get picked up in pug's so they will have play the game to get lvl'd, in the process learning how to play.
ps to the admins. sorry about the use of the term "noob".
as far as running, i dont really care, its your game you paid for it so play it how you want.besides if they are low level players thet wont get picked up in pug's so they will have play the game to get lvl'd, in the process learning how to play.
ps to the admins. sorry about the use of the term "noob".
devils wraths
ctb i mena like if there is a lvl 20 in ice mines an di accpet him and i get full party we go in hes keeps dying an doesnt have a clue what he is doing you just know he has bound to be run.
kakumei im sry if you dont like me saying that but i do it all the time and its my way of posting im sorry if its anyoing its my way of being polite before i moan. lol
kakumei im sry if you dont like me saying that but i do it all the time and its my way of posting im sorry if its anyoing its my way of being polite before i moan. lol
Phaern Majes
Originally Posted by Ctb
Don't see what difference it makes. If you're sitting in Ice Mines and there's a guy at level 6 trying to get into the mission and you take him... well.... you get what you deserve I suppose.
Doesn't change a thing. The pug environment has always been like this, and only a few good players won't do it with a guild group or with henches.
How would you know he got a run anyway? Maybe he's just bad at the game, bad at that particular mission, or having a bad run?
Sometimes I go into a mission with people and I do stupid, boneheaded things and get myself killed. Sometimes I'm with a party and I'm the only thing that keeps it going. I've dragged parties down, I've dragged parties along behind me, it all depends on the mission and how with it I am.
It has nothing to do with running. You can have clueless guys that have gotten themselves dragged through every mission without a single run just because they teamed with good PuGs and there are probably guys standing around in Drok's right now at level 15 that got a run and are fully ready to and capable of going on the next mission with all the "experts" around them.
Sometimes I go into a mission with people and I do stupid, boneheaded things and get myself killed. Sometimes I'm with a party and I'm the only thing that keeps it going. I've dragged parties down, I've dragged parties along behind me, it all depends on the mission and how with it I am.
It has nothing to do with running. You can have clueless guys that have gotten themselves dragged through every mission without a single run just because they teamed with good PuGs and there are probably guys standing around in Drok's right now at level 15 that got a run and are fully ready to and capable of going on the next mission with all the "experts" around them.
devils wraths
as i said we all have our opinions an yes i do agrees in a way and i dont but lets not just argue i wanted to see what everyone else thinks

Count to Potato
Usually someone who gets run long distance has already been there with another character... so they don't want t repeat the missions
to the OP, you've just gotta take the good with the bad. are there more "less experienced players" (note the lack of the term "noob") in later areas because of runners? absolutely! BUT ... having 7 PvE chars myself and certainly not wanting to go through the "grind" with all of them, thats something im definately willing to put up with since running has saved me soooooo much time.
devils wraths
i understand what i you mean cash and i agree with that but im mainly mean people who just come to the game and get a runner straight away
Originally Posted by Lets Get to Healing
Maybe the noobs get ran, its thier fault. Im getting a run to droks as i type.
BTW u have run on sentences galore. |
"BTW" isn't a word
I recently played through with my third PvE char that lasted any length of time before i got bored of him, I reached where my second got up to, at Druid's Overlook, and just thought "why am i doin this, I can get a Drok's run an just pick up near the end" and I did get a Drok's run, but I have no idea how to properly play a W/R, because I';ve never been one before, and im still experimenting, so I went back to learn how to use it and carry on the missions the ebst i could.
I can see the appeal in even your second char running to Droks jus to be done with it, but I can agree with the OP that having 1/2/3 high level char doesnt make you great at the game with every class or at every mission, and it cna be frustrating to see someone try to poison a skeleton, or throw fire at a fire imp etc.
Admitidly on my frst Char I got ran to Drok's for free, mainly as I heard it was a hard run and wanted to see if the guy could do it, and secondly because I didnt know any better, everybody was tlkaing about it, I actually thought it was the next place to go in the game, it was only getting there and seeing the prices, the player levels I realised that although it was inevitable I end up there, it wasnt by any means th next destination.
I think elitist people constantly big up Droknar's, albeit fairly since you do get the beefy armour there, but it leaves relatively new players like me (ive only been a GW player since early December, i think i mstill new ish) confused and wondering what to do, if everybody is saying "go here its good, or cna earn you money" your gonna do it, I was lucky and got myself to Granite with my first char at level 18 in naff armour (LA onwards collectors) and tried to go IDS hunting with guildies because again, I didnt know I shouldnt be doing that at that point.
I think the majority of bad players further on in the game are either just generally not too great at the game, or thought that if they'd done it once they could run it all and play just as good as wiht their first char, bu as has been said, totally miss out on getting to know their char and naff it up.
I can see the appeal in even your second char running to Droks jus to be done with it, but I can agree with the OP that having 1/2/3 high level char doesnt make you great at the game with every class or at every mission, and it cna be frustrating to see someone try to poison a skeleton, or throw fire at a fire imp etc.
Admitidly on my frst Char I got ran to Drok's for free, mainly as I heard it was a hard run and wanted to see if the guy could do it, and secondly because I didnt know any better, everybody was tlkaing about it, I actually thought it was the next place to go in the game, it was only getting there and seeing the prices, the player levels I realised that although it was inevitable I end up there, it wasnt by any means th next destination.
I think elitist people constantly big up Droknar's, albeit fairly since you do get the beefy armour there, but it leaves relatively new players like me (ive only been a GW player since early December, i think i mstill new ish) confused and wondering what to do, if everybody is saying "go here its good, or cna earn you money" your gonna do it, I was lucky and got myself to Granite with my first char at level 18 in naff armour (LA onwards collectors) and tried to go IDS hunting with guildies because again, I didnt know I shouldnt be doing that at that point.
I think the majority of bad players further on in the game are either just generally not too great at the game, or thought that if they'd done it once they could run it all and play just as good as wiht their first char, bu as has been said, totally miss out on getting to know their char and naff it up.
I've run through my characters after the first. Why? Because I absolutely loathe the Maguuma Jungle. Not to mention the expense (and annoyance factor) of buying numerous sets of armour just to end up junking them.
After doing EVERYTHING POSSIBLE on one character the first time through - all the quests, missions, bonus missions, all of it - I decided to get runs for my next few. I took 'em through Divinity Coast normally, cut down to Drok's, bought some armor, ran to Sanctum and picked up in the desert. From there it's a hop, skip, and a jump to Thunderhead Keep, and the Ring of Fire island chain.
What was the point of this long rambling story? Well, to be honest, not much. But essentially this - I like runners, because it's far more convenient for me to skip the unsavoury portions of the game. I do think there should be some sort of "town unlocking" mechanism, though. Like, the first time through the game you'd have to unlock each town or something before any other characters could visit it. Or you'd have to have a certain place explored to visit another. Kinda complicated to work out, and perhaps a major pain in the neck, but ideally it'd help.
After doing EVERYTHING POSSIBLE on one character the first time through - all the quests, missions, bonus missions, all of it - I decided to get runs for my next few. I took 'em through Divinity Coast normally, cut down to Drok's, bought some armor, ran to Sanctum and picked up in the desert. From there it's a hop, skip, and a jump to Thunderhead Keep, and the Ring of Fire island chain.
What was the point of this long rambling story? Well, to be honest, not much. But essentially this - I like runners, because it's far more convenient for me to skip the unsavoury portions of the game. I do think there should be some sort of "town unlocking" mechanism, though. Like, the first time through the game you'd have to unlock each town or something before any other characters could visit it. Or you'd have to have a certain place explored to visit another. Kinda complicated to work out, and perhaps a major pain in the neck, but ideally it'd help.
I got a run once... my monk needed to get to Droks for the Halloween quests. Beyond that... never run.
running doesn't make bad players, sometimes people are just experimenting with a different build and find out the hard way whether it works or not. and i've been run before too; yak's to beacons on my monk, elona reach mission on my ele (not by choice, the War just did it), augury to destiny's gorge on ranger (i'd tried to run there myself but failed so got someone else to help me).
also, gameplay later on in the game is pretty different from when you start off post-searing because of various elites and more stats to spread around, so what you pick up as you lvl doesn't always apply to where you eventually end up.
also, gameplay later on in the game is pretty different from when you start off post-searing because of various elites and more stats to spread around, so what you pick up as you lvl doesn't always apply to where you eventually end up.
You know, that problem would be solved if people offering runs would bother using the trade chanel. That way, the new people to the game would realise that it's a service and that they could just grab some henchies and explore the place themselves.
I've got 6 pve chars which have all finished the game. Some have had runs for weird reasons, such as getting to Kryta to get a Lynx.
For me though, I need to play through the game to get a feel for the skills I'm using.
I hear that getting run and then power leveling is more convenient, but.. what about all the skill points you'll need? How do you compensate for the skill quests?
I've got 6 pve chars which have all finished the game. Some have had runs for weird reasons, such as getting to Kryta to get a Lynx.
For me though, I need to play through the game to get a feel for the skills I'm using.
I hear that getting run and then power leveling is more convenient, but.. what about all the skill points you'll need? How do you compensate for the skill quests?
I hear that if you get a run your palms grow hairy and your eyes melt out...
Ken Dei
I don't assume people who get run can't play. I assume that people who get run can't play with the class their being run with.
The whole "I've been through it once, I don't want to do it again" arguement is pretty lame. If that's so WHY did you make another PvE char? Go do PvP and buy new skills.
Oh wait now I see, you're to lazy to work through PvP either. I get it now, then why did you even buy the game?
Finally, please....please, please, please, stop spewing "I bought the game I'll play as I want, it doesn't affect you."
Enrrrr! Wrong!
If you're ignorant of your class because you got run, you just affected my gameplay, by being a walking screw-up with your class. This happens A LOT, countless times I've had to explain the basic principles of how to play a class, even other then my own, to people who were on their 2nd, or even third character because they got runs.
Running, DOES make bad players, and a lot of them.
The whole "I've been through it once, I don't want to do it again" arguement is pretty lame. If that's so WHY did you make another PvE char? Go do PvP and buy new skills.
Oh wait now I see, you're to lazy to work through PvP either. I get it now, then why did you even buy the game?
Finally, please....please, please, please, stop spewing "I bought the game I'll play as I want, it doesn't affect you."
Enrrrr! Wrong!
If you're ignorant of your class because you got run, you just affected my gameplay, by being a walking screw-up with your class. This happens A LOT, countless times I've had to explain the basic principles of how to play a class, even other then my own, to people who were on their 2nd, or even third character because they got runs.
Running, DOES make bad players, and a lot of them.
Lets Get to Healing
Originally Posted by Riceboi
it's their I'm
"BTW" isn't a word |
So if Inc. isnt a word are you gonna tear THAT guys head off too?
Abbreviations, patented of the internet.
Originally Posted by Ken Dei
<paraphrase>I hate players who don't think and play like I do</paraphrase>
There is something Ironic about this post but I can't seem to place it

Vel Satis
I actually agree with Ken. If your first char was a Warrior (for example) and you make a monk or necro (or god forbid, a mesmer) who gets run to the later parts of the game you're not going to have a clue what you're doing.
You should play the game at least once... but after then run all you want but it is up to you how you want to play the game.
@ Ken Dei - Anet made a game that allowed all methods of playing. Anet is not against running as long as it's not too "easy". Running allows for targeting of elite skills for use with PvP. Also notice how the collector items are duplicated in Souther Shiver peaks and Crystal Desert. It also allows you to get the better stuff and blaze through the early stuff easier once you have done more then twice. It's also still the same challange once you hit southern shiver peaks.
At least with C1 - PvP and PvE. If you start in one it doesn't prepare you for the other all that well either.
@ Ken Dei - Anet made a game that allowed all methods of playing. Anet is not against running as long as it's not too "easy". Running allows for targeting of elite skills for use with PvP. Also notice how the collector items are duplicated in Souther Shiver peaks and Crystal Desert. It also allows you to get the better stuff and blaze through the early stuff easier once you have done more then twice. It's also still the same challange once you hit southern shiver peaks.
At least with C1 - PvP and PvE. If you start in one it doesn't prepare you for the other all that well either.
Silent Kitty
Droks looks like a shopping mall to newbies. They probably worked very hard in pre-sear (I did), to get the money for armour and runes. They walk out of town, to test their stuff, and notice they are still a one-hit kill. "Okay, no problem. I just need better skills and exp.", the newbie thinks. Because they have that uber armour, they join on missions that are way over their head, pissing off more experienced players. Some will quit, because the game looks to hard for them, and other go back to ascalon. Once you are in Ascalon with Droks stuff, you get easily bored, because everything is way to easy. Yet you still have to do it.
End of the story often turns out to be a bad experience. Runners don't know it, but they are slowly destroying the game. Don't come to me with all that "This is my millionth character" crap. You have had your days. Right now you are luring newbies in a trap, which many never get out again. Don't tell me that you always ask if this is their first time. I don't believe you. I sometimes join runs for fun (With a newwly created character), and this has never been asked to me.
I am getting tired of all this "Once a noob did this to me!", because many of these noobs are being run to where they messed up your gameplay. They didn't expect the game still being hard, with their uber Droks stuff.
I am talking from experience. Every time when I encounter someone who acts stupid, I see him/her as the victim of a runner.
Runners pretend to give people easy solutions, while they actually make the game harder on people. Yeah, yeah, yeah, this is your millionth character. First of all, I don't care, and second, I don't believe you. You probably leached your way to the Grotto, just to tell everybody here in this forum how good you are. Stop farming the UW all the time, and do something productive. Your knowledge means nothing to me, if you keep on running newbies though the game or tell me how to farm a certain area.
Why not get off your high horse and teach people to play the whole game? Tag them along on missions, with a character of same lvl? No, you rather show off your uber-leet barage Ranger, who is only good for farming certain areas.
And please don't get me started on how you farmers get the item drops nerved, so it will become harder on newbies to find stuff. I can do missions for hours, without finding one single coloured drop.
Droks looks like a shopping mall to newbies. They probably worked very hard in pre-sear (I did), to get the money for armour and runes. They walk out of town, to test their stuff, and notice they are still a one-hit kill. "Okay, no problem. I just need better skills and exp.", the newbie thinks. Because they have that uber armour, they join on missions that are way over their head, pissing off more experienced players. Some will quit, because the game looks to hard for them, and other go back to ascalon. Once you are in Ascalon with Droks stuff, you get easily bored, because everything is way to easy. Yet you still have to do it.
End of the story often turns out to be a bad experience. Runners don't know it, but they are slowly destroying the game. Don't come to me with all that "This is my millionth character" crap. You have had your days. Right now you are luring newbies in a trap, which many never get out again. Don't tell me that you always ask if this is their first time. I don't believe you. I sometimes join runs for fun (With a newwly created character), and this has never been asked to me.
I am getting tired of all this "Once a noob did this to me!", because many of these noobs are being run to where they messed up your gameplay. They didn't expect the game still being hard, with their uber Droks stuff.
I am talking from experience. Every time when I encounter someone who acts stupid, I see him/her as the victim of a runner.
Runners pretend to give people easy solutions, while they actually make the game harder on people. Yeah, yeah, yeah, this is your millionth character. First of all, I don't care, and second, I don't believe you. You probably leached your way to the Grotto, just to tell everybody here in this forum how good you are. Stop farming the UW all the time, and do something productive. Your knowledge means nothing to me, if you keep on running newbies though the game or tell me how to farm a certain area.
Why not get off your high horse and teach people to play the whole game? Tag them along on missions, with a character of same lvl? No, you rather show off your uber-leet barage Ranger, who is only good for farming certain areas.
And please don't get me started on how you farmers get the item drops nerved, so it will become harder on newbies to find stuff. I can do missions for hours, without finding one single coloured drop.
Gmr Leon
You could sort of call me a crusader against runners,although I don't wish to start any kind of arguments I prefer to get people to try first then get a runner.
Usually when I hear someone saying something like "I need a runner" or "Looking for a runner to/through [town] [mission]". I say,you can get anywhere without a runner,it's called putting forth an effort. If the person has played the game through once I apologize and get on with what I was doing.
Seriously though the number of people who get runs that haven't played through the game are in my opinion lazy and aren't playing the game. It's their loss though and not mine.
Usually when I hear someone saying something like "I need a runner" or "Looking for a runner to/through [town] [mission]". I say,you can get anywhere without a runner,it's called putting forth an effort. If the person has played the game through once I apologize and get on with what I was doing.
Seriously though the number of people who get runs that haven't played through the game are in my opinion lazy and aren't playing the game. It's their loss though and not mine.
Silent Kitty and Ken Dei said everything here
Originally Posted by Cherno
Not everyone you see getting run is playing through their first time. Don't assume that just because someone is getting run that they don't know how to play. I believe you are probably mostly right however, it is just ill advised to make generalizations in that manner.
I do agree that it is getting harder and harder to get groups to actually play in certain towns (Sanctum Cay, Elona Reach, Riverside Province) because of the number of runners. But you don't have to wait too long usually. |
So taking your quote above, I can see why he makes that assumption, or generalization. Playing in the lower levels with max armor and weapons and skills is child's play, but once he gets to mid to high level areas, he will get creamed.
Runners are a great addition to GW. period.
For veteran players, they can be a way to relieve some unnecessary extra grind/ time spend.
For new players, they can be a way to catch up with other players in this game by buying Droks armor faster and have an easier time then the players that played without end-game armor through the PvE storyline.
And I doubt 'we'll have less noobs'. They still would have the same amount of experience, just not maybe not be present at Southern Shiverpeaks. But even that is debatable, as many 'experienced' players are so clueless still it hurts.
~ Makkert
For veteran players, they can be a way to relieve some unnecessary extra grind/ time spend.
For new players, they can be a way to catch up with other players in this game by buying Droks armor faster and have an easier time then the players that played without end-game armor through the PvE storyline.
And I doubt 'we'll have less noobs'. They still would have the same amount of experience, just not maybe not be present at Southern Shiverpeaks. But even that is debatable, as many 'experienced' players are so clueless still it hurts.
~ Makkert
Lord Cooper

I'll think I'll create my first wammo tonight.
Silent Kitty, you need a run!?
Silent Kitty, you need a run!?
Silent Kitty
Originally Posted by Ctb
I'll think I'll create my first wammo tonight.
Silent Kitty, you need a run!? :-b /duck |
GUE Tech
It's not like we are launching the space shuttle here. Everyone acts like playing any of these professions is rocket science.
Here is what you do:
1. Create character
2. Get runs
3. While getting run read the builds section on GWG
4. Get a power leveler if you can't level yourself
5. Enjoy your new level 20 whatever.
I do recommend playing through at least once though.
If you are in a good guild, it really doesn't matter what the other players are doing anyways.
Here is what you do:
1. Create character
2. Get runs
3. While getting run read the builds section on GWG
4. Get a power leveler if you can't level yourself
5. Enjoy your new level 20 whatever.
I do recommend playing through at least once though.
If you are in a good guild, it really doesn't matter what the other players are doing anyways.
I've gotten two characters to lvl 20, and been playing for--according to /age--two months. I usually only get run if I'm getting really annoyed with a certain co-op mission, or if I've had nothing but bad experiences on it with a previous character.
I try to do most of the skills quests, though, so I don't have to buy as many skills.
I try to do most of the skills quests, though, so I don't have to buy as many skills.
I think the OP needs to pay for a run to an English Teacher. Unless it's his second language, then he's forgiven. Well not really, but whatever.
Other than that. People really need to remember, it's just a game for crying out loud! I can just envision some of the people here yelling at their computer screens while the responded with their impassioned views, lol. Goodness sakes.
If the game is that bad due to its social interaction. Then go play a single player RPG like Elderscrolls. Poof!, no more noobs.
Other than that. People really need to remember, it's just a game for crying out loud! I can just envision some of the people here yelling at their computer screens while the responded with their impassioned views, lol. Goodness sakes.
If the game is that bad due to its social interaction. Then go play a single player RPG like Elderscrolls. Poof!, no more noobs.