True +5 energy sword
ok, i am looking for another and for some reason everyone is under the impresion that there is absolutly no sword with +5 except HOD sword. I know for a fact there is because i found one when i first started the game, it was a gold short sword i found somewhere in ascalon and i kept only because it was +5 energy, still new to the game i did not know the value of this but kept it anyhow. eventualy i found someone looking for it in ascalon city and switched to my mule where i had it, he didnt want it "obviously another noob" because it was a zealus, figured then they were common and since it was low dmg and low req i just sold to merchant. please tell me i am NOT out of my mind, i recall everything at that time like it was yesterday *15 days short of a 11months today*
Legacy Virus
your out of your mind, there has never been any record of a sword that has + to energy at all aside from the HOD sword
Gee, I don't know, of all the items that possess +5 energy, the only sword that comes to my mind is the HoD sword.
There is no mod that adds +5 energy to a sword, so that can't be the solution.
You say the sword was gold, so it can't be a hidden collector that was removed.
If you found a +5 energy sword off of a drop, then shouldn't someone else have been able to find one too?
Unless there is a picture of some sort, I highly doubt that there is another +5 energy sword aside from the removed HoD. Shame that you sold it to the merchant :/
edit: are you sure that it wasn't a +5 Armor modifier?
There is no mod that adds +5 energy to a sword, so that can't be the solution.
You say the sword was gold, so it can't be a hidden collector that was removed.
If you found a +5 energy sword off of a drop, then shouldn't someone else have been able to find one too?
Unless there is a picture of some sort, I highly doubt that there is another +5 energy sword aside from the removed HoD. Shame that you sold it to the merchant :/
edit: are you sure that it wasn't a +5 Armor modifier?
Manda Panda
It's possible that when they removed the HoD sword they removed all the other +energy swords. I know that's what they did with the bows; I found that out when I was trying to get my hands on one a while back.
And the guy that didn't want it because it was zealous isn't necessarily a noob; if he wanted to use it on a caster, he's not gonna be attacking with it so the zealous would hurt rather than help.
And the guy that didn't want it because it was zealous isn't necessarily a noob; if he wanted to use it on a caster, he's not gonna be attacking with it so the zealous would hurt rather than help.
that cant be, if it wasnt +5 energy sword then why would the person have said it wasnt +5 energy and been on his way, it doesnt make any sence. hell i even remember the district i was in when this happend i recall the sword perfectly. more feedback would be nice
I could not make figure out what you meant exactly by : if it wasnt +5 energy sword then why would the person have said it wasnt +5 energy and been on his way, it doesnt make any sence.
Please restructure that sentence, as it may really help with feedback.
Please restructure that sentence, as it may really help with feedback.
yes i am possitive it wasnt a +5 armor, i know this because it wasnt a mod, there was no %dmg on this the sword mods were as follows
zealus short sword of fort
dmg ?-? req.4
+5 energy
life stealing 2
life degen 1
hp +10 *i believe it was 10 maby 15
zealus short sword of fort
dmg ?-? req.4
+5 energy
life stealing 2
life degen 1
hp +10 *i believe it was 10 maby 15
Legacy Virus
also, if it was a gold weapon you would have been able to salvage the pommel or grip from it to get the +5 energy mod, and since i have been playing this game since beta and have never heard of a + energy mod on a melee weapon then im gonna have to say your dreaming.
also i dont know why you would sell that thing ><
i bought my HoD when the game first came out cause i was desperate for a weapon that would give + to energy but not - to regen, and i figured with the sword i could throw a enchanting or fort. mod on it so i bought 3 of them for my chars. and friends and found out after i took a break from GW and came back they removed the sword and they were worth ALOT of money. moral of the story, never ever sell stuff like that
also i dont know why you would sell that thing ><
i bought my HoD when the game first came out cause i was desperate for a weapon that would give + to energy but not - to regen, and i figured with the sword i could throw a enchanting or fort. mod on it so i bought 3 of them for my chars. and friends and found out after i took a break from GW and came back they removed the sword and they were worth ALOT of money. moral of the story, never ever sell stuff like that
then why wouldnt* typo
Legacy Virus
...what are you talking about?
Originally Posted by SlitUrNek
yes i am possitive it wasnt a +5 armor, i know this because it wasnt a mod, there was no %dmg on this the sword mods were as follows
zealus short sword of fort dmg ?-? req.4 +5 energy life stealing 2 life degen 1 hp +10 *i believe it was 10 maby 15 |
Zealous does not give life steal.
Fortitude mods range from 20-30.
The chances of a gold fortitude mod with +10 or 15 health is basically zero, unless it was bugged. Bugged items, well I don't even know if they exist in Guild Wars.
Zealous adds +1 energy per strike, and takes away 1 pip of energy regeneration.
my first character was a warrior and up untillthat point it was the only character i had, there was no need for +5 energy whith lack of dmg on a melee class
You can't have a Health mod any less than a +20 from a dropped item. Only the odd low-level quest reward/collector items have +10s.
Lets Get to Healing
Originally Posted by SlitUrNek
yes i am possitive it wasnt a +5 armor, i know this because it wasnt a mod, there was no %dmg on this the sword mods were as follows
zealus short sword of fort dmg ?-? req.4 +5 energy life stealing 2 life degen 1 hp +10 *i believe it was 10 maby 15 |
Originally Posted by Savio
You can't have a Health mod any less than a +20 from a dropped item. Only the odd low-level quest reward/collector items have +10s.
then i just must be out of my mind, im giving up here ur all right i had some crazy dream where i played for 2 months and found some +5 energy sword and then sold to merchant
Yeah I wish I hadn't sold my 25-75 damage fellblade to the merchant either
(note heavy use of sarcasm)

Originally Posted by Lets Get to Healing
I think u mean gold items. Maybe not.
Along with collector items and reward items can have 10 health mods.
Legacy Virus
no biggie, its easy to mistake -5 energy Dmg +X% for +5 energy
I'm confused.. that's a vampiric mod not a zealous mod...
I do remember the +5 bow from pre searing though.
I do remember the +5 bow from pre searing though.
But that's a bow. We're dealing with swords, a one handed weapon ^_^
Eh, he admitted he's wrong, we don't need more sarcasm. Closed.