An ugly Dilemma in GW

Tai Kamiya

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2006

Ugly Ducklings


Ok I'm stuck on what to do for myself now. My guild is the Ugly Ducklings but I'm beginning to wonder what I'm doing in this guild. They all seem to be hardcore players and I feel as I dont fit. To top things off 1/4 of the members have ignored me because they think I'm a noob in HA. Im almost to rank 3 but I feel as if no one in my guild even wants to help me. They hardly ever speak to each other and I feel as if they're robots that can understand each others language and I'm an outsider. We never GvG and they never want to teach me anything. Some reasons I want to stay in are because my best friend on GW is in the guild and she taught me everything and showed me the ropes back in my early days with her in a different guild. Ugly Ducklings is also such a prestigous guild and gets far in HA everyday. Other than that ugly Ducklings make me feel like a horrible player who seems to be getting nowhere in GW. Should I stay or leave ugly when I have no other guild offers currently?



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006


I can give you some advise

Look, whenever you like to join a Guilde.. just look around, gotcha got a Guild..
I mean, they are advertising and recruiting everywhere so if you want to switch just leave and look around for another nice Guild who fits your requirements


If the Guild your in at the moment just.. sucks, join another !!

A Guild can be, for example :
If there r nice ppl it's fun to play with, that's just great cause that's the reason ( for me ) to join a Guild.
They can help, I help them of course..

Go ask your friend if she comes with you and find a new Guild


Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2006

East Coast

Boston Guild


I agree with the advice. There are plenty of guilds looking for members. Why stay in one that makes you feel horrible? For that matter, why continue playing a game if it isn't fun? I had a tiny bit experience with this (though I didn't leave such a good guild), I ended up leaving my friend to join a guild and was much happier with it. Plus, I finally convinced him to join too. So it all worked out.

As for the invites, they will come, just announce you are looking for a guild and what you want out of one, and I'm sure your inbox here will flooded with PMs.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2005

Wales, UK

Devils Scorpions


How important is HA to you ?

I can see it being a problem where 8 members who know each other well and are used to playing with each other dont want to start introducing fresh blood to train and help other members.

I might be wrong but I feel this is an affliction with LARGE guild sizes, and officers of those guilds not properly looking after its members...

I would suggest having a word with the officer that recruited you!

I feel its the officers responsability to look after members they recruit... I find that members will quit my guild for silly reasons, I dont like to lose members and yet people in other guilds find it really hard to leave, even if they arnt all that happy!

whats the deal with that?... surly the aim of the game is to have fun, not feel isolated :/



Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2005

Lions Arch Dis 4 (International)

Servants of Fortuna [SoF


You have a friends list 'n' for a reason; tell your buddy, "thanks for the help and all, but I need to go my own way, our styles are different", that solves the friend issue.
now you just have an issue of what kind of player are you. Do you truely enjoy PvP? it sounds like you do, but you want to learn, I would say just find pick up groups for awhile, but these other guys in here would kill me. They are right in telling you to find a guild that takes in beginers and trains them. Read the guild adds on here and gwonline and find you a guild that will be a community to you, not just a cape and rank. The cape is bought, and the rank tends to go to most people's head. (not bashing good PvPers, but seriously, how many rank 6's do you see out there helping a rank 1? even in your own guild. No they are out there saying requesting rank 6 or better groups.)
Anyhow, I'm with the others on the 'find a new guild and fast' attitude.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006

I live in Konglevegen


well if you don't feel comfortable in your guild just leave, try to find a guild that suits you more, if all the other member get long in HA, but you dont, there is no reason to stay!



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005


Originally Posted by Tai Kamiya
Should I stay or leave ugly when I have no other guild offers currently?
Perhaps they use teamspeak/vent? People are busy? Could be any number of reasons? Have you tried asking in Guild talk about what everyone's up to or anything? In any case it sounds like you've kinda made your mind up already hence my quoting that last line. If you're not happy, then go but don't string them along as well just because you've nowhere to go (yet).

There are more than enough Guilds to join that you won't remain Guildless for long but it isn't right or fair to just stay in there while looking around for somewhere else to go - you're just using them then.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Apr 2005


Tai Kamiya, it seems like you are wanting to be in a Guild that is both highly successful in Tombs and helpful for training/spending lots of time out of Tombs with less knowledgable players.

You will find that the vast majority of Guilds are not this way. Being highly successful in Tombs takes much time and dedication in itself hence most hardcore highly successful Tombs Guilds are not going to over-extend their time into both areas.

It's understandable why they don't want you in their Tombs team. Because you would drag their whole team down to your skill/knowledge level and hence limit their success whilst you are on the team. I'm not saying that to insult you. It is simply how things are. If you were on their side of the fence, it is possible that you might feel that way too.

Ultimately you have to make a choice between the two basic types of Guild settings: do you want to be in a friendly, easy-going Guild who will spend lots of time with you, yet are not Tombs experts?

Or, do you want to be in a hardcore PVP Guild that probably won't be friendly/spend time with you unless/until you yourself become a hardcore PVP expert without much help from them?


Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2006

Beau Geste


Originally Posted by Navaros
Tai Kamiya, it seems like you are wanting to be in a Guild that is both highly successful in Tombs and helpful for training/spending lots of time out of Tombs with less knowledgable players.

You will find that the vast majority of Guilds are not this way. Being highly successful in Tombs takes much time and dedication in itself hence most hardcore highly successful Tombs Guilds are not going to over-extend their time into both areas.

It's understandable why they don't want you in their Tombs team. Because you would drag their whole team down to your skill/knowledge level and hence limit their success whilst you are on the team. I'm not saying that to insult you. It is simply how things are. If you were on their side of the fence, it is possible that you might feel that way too.

Ultimately you have to make a choice between the two basic types of Guild settings: do you want to be in a friendly, easy-going Guild who will spend lots of time with you, yet are not Tombs experts?

Or, do you want to be in a hardcore PVP Guild that probably won't be friendly/spend time with you unless/until you yourself become a hardcore PVP expert without much help from them?
while most of this is true - it is also simply wrong. A guild should loohout for and train its members before making the judgement you describe. Then (maybe) after training the player is still not up to snuff, the good guild will try and find another role for that player while explaining straight out why s/he cannot join their team to do X (whatever that may be)

If a rank 6 is unwilling to train lower levels, there is little hope for the guild overall to improve overall. JMO