Game UK :confused:

Zaxan Razor

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Organised Spam [OS]


Ok, so i just got the pre-order box from Game UK today.

Now for some reason, they have sent me a completely different pre-order key!

Originally, i bought the pre-order online, and after a couple of days, then sent me a pre-order key to my email address.

So i now have two pre-order keys, but no full access key yet!


Free Runner

Free Runner

Forge Runner

Join Date: Oct 2005


Knights Of The Sacred Light [KSL] send out 2 pre-order keys. One by Email and the other by post (the one by post contains all te stuff listed with it)

I recieved mine just the other day by post having been sent one the day before the FPE by email.

So you get an extra pre-order key

The key that will grant full access (Retail Key) to the game will be in the Standerd Edition box or the Collectors Edition box.That pre-order key will grant you access 24 hours early on the 27th April

Zaxan Razor

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Organised Spam [OS]


So they're gonna send me the retail box around rlease time then i guess?

Kinda strange way to do things