Factions Map: Complete All Locations
Sorry due to the quality, I have been trying to get it in a visable perspective part by part. I will continue to help with quality.
Phoenix Avenger
Jas D
Oh, very nice. Quality, as you said, isn't too great but thanks
There are a LOT of towns there! Nice.
If that's all there is, I will be very disappointed. We have pretty much seen all of Kurzick and Luxon territory during the FPE and besides monastery area and Cantha, there doesn't seem to be ANYTHING else to explore.
I still hope there is portion of the map unexplored.
I still hope there is portion of the map unexplored.
Seef II
You do realize that most of Kaineng City was skipped during the FPE right? Somehow, I doubt we'll teleport all the way from the marketplace to pongmei valley in the actual game.
Yeah, I did.
Although I also need to get my eyes checked, because I thought that the upper portion of the map would be some sort of a huge city area. Hopefully there will be variety and my fears will be unfounded.
Although I also need to get my eyes checked, because I thought that the upper portion of the map would be some sort of a huge city area. Hopefully there will be variety and my fears will be unfounded.
Interesting, how did you get the map?
looks like a computer gaming world article that was modded
Rolintider hit it on the head, Im just taking the map from the bigger version of the pve event and fixing it with the same symbols and proper names. To give a general Idea of what and where they will be. Figured to just post this up in the mean time to give an ease of mind for some people. To me its not small at all, but that is IMO.
good day yall
good day yall
Originally Posted by Traveller
If that's all there is, I will be very disappointed. We have pretty much seen all of Kurzick and Luxon territory during the FPE and besides monastery area and Cantha, there doesn't seem to be ANYTHING else to explore.
I still hope there is portion of the map unexplored. |
thankee. I will think of you whenever I pwn cities with this map
Sha Noran
Read the description for Unwaking Waters.
That will be out of control sweet except for one thing... will the teams from the two sides be random? If they are then... gg.
That will be out of control sweet except for one thing... will the teams from the two sides be random? If they are then... gg.
Vahn Roi
Wow, I see my old Guild is still riding strong...
Nope...I am sure there will be alot more places to go to between The Marketplace and the factions' starting towns. The Marketplace seems accurate, though, in that is likely where the Original Cantha charries will meet Tyrians.
This probably isn't the whole map.
And as was said, a number of places may not even appear on the map.
Have an early look at a handful of the game's key areas, |
Kool Pajamas
They probably arent showing all the small outposts like Port Sledge kinda places.
Where did my jaw drop?

bugger, this map is giving me hiibie-jiibies already! And they feel gooood..
Well I seriously hope you're right by saying that this isn't whole map, because I would be partially right with my rant after last event, that map shown isn't even half of Tyria..
Originally Posted by Anarki
Well I seriously hope you're right by saying that this isn't whole map, because I would be partially right with my rant after last event, that map shown isn't even half of Tyria..
Originally Posted by Kool Pajamas
They probably arent showing all the small outposts like Port Sledge kinda places.
Also Consider when Ch.1. was released how much of that map we dont use. I think its safe to assume this is all we will get until a patch opens more up or similar to S.F. if at all.
Here's another thing to consider. The number of quests, at leasts what I played in the FPE, is much more dense than GW:P. Yes. The square footage seems to be less, but there's probably going to be a lot more gameplay per area than there was in GW:P. Multiple quests per area, oh yeah. Someone I believe found out that the mission areas were also explorable areas, so they do double-duty.
It's actually a good design for maximizing gameplay for minimal design costs.
It's actually a good design for maximizing gameplay for minimal design costs.
I would have to differ with you on the quests. In the FPE there was multiple quests that either A. had the same end point, b. in the same area, or etc..
I know on the Krun side, there was an alter south east of the L. Conservatory that had the same end point as 3 other quests.
I know at another point in the same zone I was able to complete 5 quests.
I know on the Krun side, there was an alter south east of the L. Conservatory that had the same end point as 3 other quests.
I know at another point in the same zone I was able to complete 5 quests.
Originally Posted by MSecorsky
Size may be irrelevant considering how much of Tyria is unused. This seems much more dense.
I can't tell very good from the map posted, but it looks to me like they are using most of the map this time, but its all squished together. Which really isn't a bad thing. How many people don't go past Temple of Ages anymore? I don't, I get ran down to Sanctum Cay from there and head to the desert. Does anyone even go to the jungle anymore?
Really, with all the running, and because so many of us with multiple characters don't want to deal with all the missions again, we're only using about half the map anyways. Ascalon, Shiverpeaks and the Desert. Some people continue on to the Ring of Fire, personally, I don't. I've done it once with PUGs, I don't want to experience that again.
Angel Develin
tnx for not letting me sleep anymore till faction is out :O or maybe I should get some sleep and be rdy....hmmm oh well.
very cool, I'm getting lots of coffee for the first few day's and lots of food
Darth Malak
You know all the old type quests like Gates of LA, ruins of Surmia etc..
will factions have this also? if so will they keep it that you transport through the game 1 mission to the next, likle in GW??? this is one issue im so concerned about but i dont nno the answer
somepne enlighten me
will factions have this also? if so will they keep it that you transport through the game 1 mission to the next, likle in GW??? this is one issue im so concerned about but i dont nno the answer

a+++ for the mispelling on the filename.
a+++ for the mispelling on the filename.
Laibeus Lord
Cantha is 2/3 the size of Tyria but more dense.
Also, from a recent Gaile log, she mentioned they won't be using old places to introduce new content in the next campaigns. So it's safe to assume Tyria is as it is now and Cantha can still grow. Besides, she said they'll stop adding content to the older campaigns and instead will concentrate on the new content.
It appears now that Tyria became a testing ground for the path they are going to take. ^_^ Cantha is more denser than Tyria, avoiding what maybe an unintentional mistake in Tyria
Just a hunch
Also, from a recent Gaile log, she mentioned they won't be using old places to introduce new content in the next campaigns. So it's safe to assume Tyria is as it is now and Cantha can still grow. Besides, she said they'll stop adding content to the older campaigns and instead will concentrate on the new content.
It appears now that Tyria became a testing ground for the path they are going to take. ^_^ Cantha is more denser than Tyria, avoiding what maybe an unintentional mistake in Tyria

Just a hunch