Anyways I was wondering if there are any changes I can make in the Catalyst control panel to make my game still look nice, but have less trouble drawing textures or being choppy. I have the in-game settings at:
Terrain at Medium (I had it at high but noticed zero difference at medium)
Reflections at All
Textures at High
Shadows at Medium (High makes the fan on my card louder)
Vertical Sync is on
Post-Processing is on
4X AA is on
I really like how the game looks at these settings so I was hoping not to have to sacrifice the quality settings in-game any more than that. There are lots of things I can choose in Catalyst, but I'm not sure which changes will improve performance without sacrificing further image quality. Should I:
- Decrease Mipmap Detail
- Enable Adaptive Anti-Aliasing (currently off)
- Specify Anisotropic Filtering to 2X,4X..(up to 16X) (currently at Let App Decide)
- Change Anti-Aliasing (currently set at Let App Decide)

BTW I have 1GB of RAM and a 1.8GHz AMD XP2400 processor in case anyone suspects a bottleneck somewhere else in my system. Sounds like plenty for GW, but you never know.