And here's your proof:
So I was bored there for a few minutes, sue me
The Magic 8 Ball is OBVIOUSLY broken ...
Lord Iowerth
Mustache Mayhem
good one =]
Murder In China
You didn't have mending.
Originally Posted by Murder In China
You didn't have mending.
And you dont have the uber rare FDS.
Tahts cause i swiped it, I AM TEH L337Z0RS!!!!!
I got so bored I duct taped my headphones.... but to click on a banner on a website, wow you must really be bored.
Rayne Nightfyre
Ooh the urge...
Mesmer: /casts Soothing Images + Ineptitude on the 'leet Wammo
'Leet Wammos: "My ardenalnes brkoen its a 1337 h4x! Y r'nt my attakcs hittng!?11!?"
Ahem, sorry it's so fun doing that.
Mesmer: /casts Soothing Images + Ineptitude on the 'leet Wammo
'Leet Wammos: "My ardenalnes brkoen its a 1337 h4x! Y r'nt my attakcs hittng!?11!?"
Ahem, sorry it's so fun doing that.
0mgz0rz! n00b m3s3r st0p runn1ng @[email protected] $0 1 [email protected] h1t u!!!!1111one one one
haha =p
haha =p
I wouldn't know, I don't get to see those ads.