Anet Should Help The Color Blind!
Lord Mendes
jk lol
/signed 100%.
Color customization for the different types of conditions would be pretty awesome.
jk lol
/signed 100%.
Color customization for the different types of conditions would be pretty awesome.
anything to help out anyone that wants to play guildwars.
anything to help out anyone that wants to play guildwars.
I myself have bouts of colorblindedness. But in my case it usually involves large quantities of Witch's Brew and Absinthe.
Focus! Focus! ... Oh, wait, it's MY problem.
I myself have bouts of colorblindedness. But in my case it usually involves large quantities of Witch's Brew and Absinthe.
Focus! Focus! ... Oh, wait, it's MY problem.
I edited the thread title to make it a little less deceptive.
Francis Demeules
Originally Posted by Billiard
I edited the thread title to make it a little less deceptive.
this would be nice. after all, I can't imagine this will be very strenuous as an update.
this would be nice. after all, I can't imagine this will be very strenuous as an update.
Well, it appears this is in the index...
...but is missing a link... so this thread can be that!
Originally Posted by Index of Ideas
Colour editing options
Originally Posted by Bloody Death
There are subtitles.
/signed |
try getting on a team for heros ascent without TS or Vent..
those two programs have all but eliminated the current useage of crtl T...
even in GVG matches... granted deaf people CAN see pings on the mini map et al.. but your team all using TS means you have no idea whos doing what..
Anets "battle replay" has helped a great deal in allowing hearing impaired to watch how battles move.. but the crutch is still the same... unless you can hear your not getting on a pvp team very easy.. AND if you actually manage to do so your out of the loop the entire time..
I know of four people who are deaf and play guildwars.
we all talk to eachother about the game mechanics and how its fairly well set up to accomodate hearing impaired.. and the majority of players who do pvp use ts/vent which nullifies the in-game tools...
this really isnt an issue Anet can do anything about, but its something you all can...
customizable ui, or at least even options to revert to older ui's or pre-prepared ui's
Not color blind in any way that I know but I color code and organize things to help me offset my brain problems.
customizable ui, or at least even options to revert to older ui's or pre-prepared ui's
Not color blind in any way that I know but I color code and organize things to help me offset my brain problems.
My son has red-green issues and has pretty much stopped playing because it's too hard for him to keep track of what's going on with the way it is now.
My son has red-green issues and has pretty much stopped playing because it's too hard for him to keep track of what's going on with the way it is now.
Mars Dragonblade
I'm not colour blind, but I'll back up anything that makes GW better for everyone.
Originally Posted by Dr Strangelove
What the deuce? Yellow and green names? I'm staring at it right now and I can't tell the difference to save my life.
There's not a whole lot to be done for deaf people in PvP short of them learning to type 70 words per minute, and/or introducing lots of customizable macros.
Making the game easier for colorblind folks, though, would not be hard.

Originally Posted by AJM
Making the game easier for colorblind folks, though, would not be hard.
/signed |
if it is a lot harder than you think it is they will not .
and dont expect anything before/shortly after Nightfall as they are on the home stretch for that and after launch they will be busy fixing bugs that pop up
I've colourblindness as well so I support this. I don't like how the new interface health bars just fade between conditions etc. makes it less contrast and noticeable.
I also have trouble distinguishing between Guild chat and Local chat. The green/yellows or whatever they are, look very very similar to me and sometimes I need to switch Local chat on/off just to make out the Guild Chat - been that way since before the UI change.
I also have trouble distinguishing between Guild chat and Local chat. The green/yellows or whatever they are, look very very similar to me and sometimes I need to switch Local chat on/off just to make out the Guild Chat - been that way since before the UI change.
i want more customisation in the GUI, talking color, because the interface moddification already inplace is quite cool, but colors would be a big +
i want more customisation in the GUI, talking color, because the interface moddification already inplace is quite cool, but colors would be a big +
Grevious the Purger
/signed My friend is colour blind and uses mend ailment every 2 secs
I agree that A-Net and NC-Soft should do something for the color blind. I have a friend who is partialy color blind and he plays Guild Wars. They could make and option and put it into the options menu to correct this then it wouldn't be as big a problem to implenemt. Possibly allowing each player to outline arrows or have a setting that can change certian aspects to help out our colorblind players.
this should not be too hard to do, just might take a bit of time to get the coding down right.
Mega Mouse
this should not be too hard to do, just might take a bit of time to get the coding down right.
Mega Mouse
mitch herbort
/signed :/ now that u mentioned it guildwars is like one big rainbow,
user customizations would be handy, i wold turn everything purple.... YAY PURPLE... sorry i love purple.
user customizations would be handy, i wold turn everything purple.... YAY PURPLE... sorry i love purple.
My boyfriend is Red/Green colourblind as well.
My boyfriend is Red/Green colourblind as well.
Plushie Penguin
yay for 2 X chromosomes!
maybe I spelled that wrong...
the guys in my family have a green/blue one
yay for 2 X chromosomes!
maybe I spelled that wrong...
the guys in my family have a green/blue one
I have a guildie that's color blind, and this would help.
I have a guildie that's color blind, and this would help.
/signed, also have a guildie that's colorblind.
Dr Strangelove
Major threadomancy on this one. They fixed this a long time ago, I think in the April 26th factions update.
Dark Saga
Originally Posted by Cjlr
That, and telling Ranger and Necromancer bosses apart from their auras.

Edit - Oh, they got a border now :P Should have checked, anyhow, still signed to make it even better
Thalion Galad
How could anyone say no?
How could anyone say no?
For the Colourblind!
For the Colourblind!
Corran Horn
Originally Posted by EternalTempest
I would shoot anet techsupport as well. |
/signed a little late I guess
Also, an easy way to tell if a boss is a ranger or necro is to look at them. Ranger bosses tend to use bows.
I'll be able to tell the names in yellow from the ones in green
I'll be able to tell the names in yellow from the ones in green
Ilithis Mithilander
to make guildwars a better game.
to make guildwars a better game.
Custom colours would be nice.
Black and white anyone?
Custom colours would be nice.
Black and white anyone?
Skyy High
Holy necromancy.
Didn't ANet update the default UI all around a while ago? Did it help this issue at all (I'm asking anyone who happens to be color blind)?
Didn't ANet update the default UI all around a while ago? Did it help this issue at all (I'm asking anyone who happens to be color blind)?
The Last Windseeker
I am red/green color green color blind as well, but I have no problems whatsoever distinguishing status conditions on characters. I do suppose that if it is a problem for you it is probably a problem for other people as well, but Anet may not always be able to cater to a small percentage of the community. Even so, I will sign just for the sake of there being more options for people with disabilities.
Equality for the win.
And to the ones that do not agree: Express your opinion in a way that does not sound offensive.
Equality for the win.
And to the ones that do not agree: Express your opinion in a way that does not sound offensive.