Farming Done Right: Minotaur Farming



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006

In a house....


First of all, you'r gunna be farming Minotaurs, which a bunch can be located iat Elona's Reach (mission).


When you enter the mission you have to talk to the ghost that gives you the crystal, you dont need it, drop it. After that theres gunna be a spliter mine, 2 Minotaurs and a path on the right. Take the path on the right, then on ur upper left theres is a plain field with alot of minitour. Now thats what ur farming. Ready?

Category Minotaur
Level 20
Known Zones Elona Reach
Known Skills Mighty Blow
Description Warrior

Aftershock - Spell
Nearby foes are struck for 26-85 damage. Knocked down foes are struck for 10-56 additional damage.( Good 10 second dmg dealer, and health spike )

Armor of Earth - Enchantment Spell
For 30 seconds, you gain 24-53 armor, but move 50%-21% slower than normal.( +60 armor, enough said )

Kinetic Armor - Enchantment Spell
For 8 seconds, you gain +20-68 armor. Whenever you cast a Spell, Kinetic Armor is renewed for 8 seconds.( Plus 80 armor. Do i need to say anything more? )

Stone Daggers - Spell
You send out two Stone Daggers. If it hits, each stone dagger strikes for 3-20 earth damage.( This skill is important! you spam this to keep Kenetics Armor )

Ether Renewal {Elite} - Enchantment Spell
For 7 seconds, each time you cast a Spell, you gain 1-3 Energy and 5-17 Health for each Enchantment on you.( MAJOR health & energy spike! )

Physical Resistance - Stance
For 30-78 seconds, you gain +40 Armor against physical damage, but you lose 24-14 Armor against elemental damage.(Reduces the attacks even more)

Channeling - Enchantment Spell
For 8-46 seconds, whenever you cast a spell, you gain 1 Energy from each foe in the area.( Combined with stone dagger and a huge aggro, energy.... )

Aura of Restoration - Enchantment Spell
For 60 seconds, you are healed for 152-350% of the Energy cost each time you cast a Spell.( The victums will do 3-5 dmg each, 5energy=13hp.... )

15 earth 10+1+3
12 energy storage 11+1

Before you aggro them, cast all the enchants you have besides kenetics armor. Then aggro a few and goto the left a bit.For some reason I run to the left of me, makes me feel more secure....Now use kenetics armor While fight just spam whatever flashes. When killing a few some more should show up, dont worry, keep spamming stone daggers ect.There isnt really alot to say because well, THIS RUN IS EXTREAMLY EASY! In 3 minutes i get around 500g total, Now thats farming!

Drops: Drops are based off of luck.... So if you farm the hell out iof this spot, expect worse and worse drops.

Francis Crawford

Forge Runner

Join Date: Dec 2005

Typo in the above -- you said you had to spam to keep Armor of Earth alive, when you obviously meant Kinetic Armor.

By the way, recent discussion here of this build has focused on a -2 when enchanted shield plus an enchantment extension 1-handed weapon, if you can afford it, being even cooler than Galigord's staff. Or you can switch weapon sets.

Of course, faster recharge of Aftershock is also nice.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2005

Drunken Rangers [DR], Sig of Ultimate Doom [SiG]


how about the -1 trunch from quest at surmia?
Edit, wootwoot, high council


Join Date: Dec 2005




Why not edit that build a bit, and go farm titans with that? ^^, more money, easy as hell, more xp, and less co-farmers

Francis Crawford

Forge Runner

Join Date: Dec 2005

I just finally got around to doing Hell's Precipice.

Which Titans?

And are the Titans quests repeatable, or is it once-and-done?



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006

In a house....


Originally Posted by
Why not edit that build a bit, and go farm titans with that? ^^, more money, easy as hell, more xp, and less co-farmers Well, not everyone have titans. For ex. people might just have gotten to drok, and they need some money. So they farm here to get there 1.5k armor. And i just created that ele 2 days ago, shes allready at the ring of fire.

Metal Faust

Metal Faust

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2006


Could you help me get a feel for this build? I'm still pretty new, but I have a 20 elem as my main and I just tried this build. I it worked fine against 2-3 minotaurs, but anything more than 4 kill me because I run out of energy really fast trying to keep up all the armor. Ether renewal has too long of a cool down to rely on for energy management. As soon as armor of earth slips off, I start getting owned and find myself playing defense. Before I know it, I'm out of energy and dead shortly after that.

While I don't have as good of equipment as you, I shouldn't be having this hard of a time, should I? I'm using drok's armor, milius' pillar, and have 16 earth and 12 energy storage. This sounded like a good way for me to make money, but I keep dying. Any advice?

Francis Crawford

Forge Runner

Join Date: Dec 2005

In a real Ether Renewal build, there shouldn't be a big problem with energy. You should have 5 enchantments up, so each spell while Ether Renewal is up returns you a gross of 15 energy. You should be able to get 5 spells per Ether Renewal pretty easily, if you stick to short casting time ones, twice per minute, or maybe four if you can't afford enchantment-extending mods. (I forget what Milus Pillar does.) With more practice you can get the number of spells higher.

You need to cast Kinetic Armor once per fight, Armor of Earth twice a minute, Ether Renewal twice a minute, Aura of Restoration once a minute (but you often cast it twice to use it as an "extra" spell during Ether Renewal), plus Earth Attunement or Channeling as needed, depending on which is in your build. (Physical Resistance in the build is a bad idea, because it's not an enchantment.)

That leaves you plenty of energy per offense, especially since with Channeling you may make a net energy PROFIT on every casting of Stone Daggers (if you have five or more minotaurs beating on you).

Health from beatdown can be a problem, but energy shouldn't be at all.

And to help with health, consider using a -2 while enchanted shield. Those can be had from collectors (not in the desert). Not 16 armor, but who cares, since you don't have a Tactics score anyway?

There are a bunch of threads on this.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006




And you can make it real easy and fast if you take out Stone Daggers and Ether Renewal and put instead of them Whirlwind and Ward Against Melee. It's easy to keep Kinetic Armor up all time because only not spell in your skill setup is Physical Resistance, simply play with timing and you will not have problems with Kinetic Armor. As for energy menagment Channeling i enough, with 3 in Inspiration Magic you can have Channeling all time.
I have -2 while enchanted shield from colector and Galigord's Rod.
You will take dmg only from Mighty Blow rest will be lot of 0 dmg

Skill setup:
Ward Against Melee
Armor of Earth
Physical Resistance
Kinetic Armor
Aura of Restoration

Inspiration Magic 3
Earth Magic 16
Energy Storage 13
(i have both 15 att quests)

Francis Crawford

Forge Runner

Join Date: Dec 2005

If you rely on Channeling for energy management, you HAVE to have a lot of attackers.

What's the minimum number you need, in practice?



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006




Don't know minimum but in Elona aggro as many as posible.
I usualy aggro them all and my life don't drop under 75%, and have energy all time 50%+ (until the end when there are 2 - 3 left)

Francis Crawford

Forge Runner

Join Date: Dec 2005

I still am guessing Ether Renewal would be better than Physical Resistance in that build, especially if Inspiration is low, even if you don't have an enchantment extended modifier.

And by the way, 20% extra enchanting staffs are CHEAP. Just buy some mesmer green that has it. Galigord's staff can also be head for 5K easily, and below that with not much effort.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006




If you find that Ether Renewal is works better for you then by all means use it. I just give alternative approach
BTW i got Galigord's Rod for 1.5k and 15 min of farming Wind Riders for collectors shield.

Francis Crawford

Forge Runner

Join Date: Dec 2005

Uh, hate to break it to you, but I bought Galigord's Rod for well under 1K. In fact, the rod and scroll together were under 1K.

That said, I don't use them. The collector's wand is better (20% earth recharge vs. 10% global recharge). Of course, I must confess to not using it either.

But before this turns into a bragfest ...

I bought Galigord's Staff long ago. Overpaid at 8K when 6K was easily doable. use it a lot.

I JUST got some collectors earth staffs from Mineral Springs. Made a +57 health one that I may use as a warder in PvP some day. Haven't actually used it yet. Considering whether to make one with great defense mods too.

I also just put a 19% enchant axe mod on a Fiery Flame Spitter. Haven't used that yet either. Just have a Thorgall's Shield somebody gave me; haven't gotten around to farming the Ancient Eyes.

Uh -- where is a good place to farm Ancient Eyes?

Thanks, and sorry for babbling.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006




Yes i know i their price but i am willing to pay extra if i get what i want real fast (under 2 min in droks 1).

I have Fiery Flame Spitter but ATM my 55hp monk uses it.

hm.. this is way off topic

As for Ancient Eyes go infront Druid's Overlook go litle SW, when you came to spiders run down into the river.

Metal Faust

Metal Faust

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2006


Magot, your build worked a lot better for me. The damage output AND damage reduction from adding in whirlwind was a lot. Knocking down 10 minotaurs drops their damage a lot, and the added aftershock damage allows for much more even damage on all the minotaurs. I am killing almost all the minotaurs at one time now.

This isn't to say the OP's build is not good. I think it just takes more experience all around, and this is my first attempt at any high level farming.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006

In a house....


If you need any help, pm me ingame and ill help. But i allready provided the video...



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2005


Usually I hit Elona for this, but it seems like you can only make two or three runs before the drops decrease sharply. But its still decent for skill points (which is what I do it for):

Crystal Wave
Ward Against Melee
Armour Of Earth
Magnetic Aura
Kinetic Armour
Elemental Attunement

Herd them up, toss on Kinetic while they come at you, then Ele Attunement, then Ward, then Armour of Earth. Then Crystal, Quake, Shock. They'll take off, refresh Ward or Armour of Earth to keep Kinetic up. Magnetic Aura is the oh-s*** button, in the odd chance they're getting past the Ward or you need to refresh Kinetic.

Takes about three cycles of CW/EQ/AS to finish off everything at the beginning of Elona Reach. Gear-wise, I just do it with a sup Earth, a sup Energy Storage, and a Milar's Pillar.

Bladed Aatxe

Bladed Aatxe

Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2006

Here's my Elona mino build...give it a try

Flame Burst
Rodgorts invocation
Arcane Echo
Fire attunement

16 Fire
10 Storage
3 Inspiration
9 Water

Similar to pork soldiers, but I think this is gonna kill much faster.

Cast Arcane echo, aggro everthing in sight and then use mistform. Cast channeling, fire attunement and then pound them with the fire skills. Once the first mistform is done cast the copied. When that ends cast the original if necessary.

This build also works great for Droks Trolls. I usually replace one of my dmg skills with Mantra of Resolve.

Francis Crawford

Forge Runner

Join Date: Dec 2005

Originally Posted by Bladed Aatxe
Here's my Elona mino build...give it a try

Flame Burst
Rodgorts invocation
Arcane Echo
Fire attunement

16 Fire
10 Storage
3 Inspiration

Similar to pork soldiers, but I think this is gonna kill much faster.

Cast Arcane echo, aggro everthing in sight and then use mistform. Cast channeling, fire attunement and then pound them with the fire skills. Once the first mistform is done cast the copied. When that ends cast the original if necessary. How high is your Water Magic and how long does Mist Form last?

Bladed Aatxe

Bladed Aatxe

Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2006

Woops! Sorry. I have 9 into Water so mistform is 15 seconds. Times that by three...45 seconds. A little longer because I use Ragos Staff.



Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005


...why does nobody use ward against melee?

pork soldier

pork soldier

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2005

Originally Posted by necr0mancer
...why does nobody use ward against melee? because with mistform you aren't taking hits anyway.

Maria The Princess

Maria The Princess

Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2006

Aequitas Deis

GOod places to apply that earth build in the beggining

have fun