Man, where do you get these? Ive killed all types of monsters in Old Asacalon, but ive only found 1.
added thread which shows bandits now give worn belts which salvage to hides
On the pre-searing side, in Regent Valley the Bloodsworn (guys with flaming staffs) and their bandit friends frequently drop Worn Belts, as of this beta weekend. These decompose into hides. It didn't take me long to gather 60 hides with a newbie character and then take them over to the post-searing side for my older characters.
Quinn Falcon
Seems a fair amount of salvage items have been added to pre-searing ascalon for this BWE, found spider silks in catacombs (salvage for glittering dust), the worn belts mentioned (they're actually collector thing, never tried salvage on 'em), and even some grawl gear, marked as salvageable which gives hides.
Also salvage rates on items ID'd as highly salvageable seem to have gone up for me.
All in all bounteous be the world this BWE
On hides, yes charr drop some salvagable stuff (stalker armour I think), and maybe post-searing grawl do too now.
Also salvage rates on items ID'd as highly salvageable seem to have gone up for me.
All in all bounteous be the world this BWE
On hides, yes charr drop some salvagable stuff (stalker armour I think), and maybe post-searing grawl do too now.
Olfin Bedwere
You can use the worn belts to get a belt pouch in the Searing. I didn`t get mine in Post so was glad to see this. Just happened upon the guy somewhere NW of Pock Mark flats
Originally Posted by Quinn Falcon
On hides, yes charr drop some salvagable stuff (stalker armour I think), and maybe post-searing grawl do too now. |
Skizzle the Curado
what about bolts of cloth?
Originally Posted by Skizzle the Curado
what about bolts of cloth?
i was on a marathon inventory cleanup and found 2 bolts of cloth
found it
Actually I think all artifacts give cloth.
Skizzle the Curado
well shaman gnolls things give off shaman armor which can be salvaged for bolts of cloth.
static deathbringer
alot of the charr armor gives cloth/hide