Sigh, I suppose I should know better than to have an opinion on the Internet.
Originally Posted by Exoudeous
here is the thing, anet is being pretty nice already giving yu 48 hours without having the game, any more then that and they would get screwd. think about it. imagine alot of people pre order the game to check it out. if they ahd more time to play, then they might be able to bet the game, now if they beat the game before they pay full price, who is to say they wont just skip buying the game, and wait till the price lowers? that would screw anet over.
First of all, they aren't giving me 48 hours without having the game. I friggin bought the game, as I presume nearly all people who bothered to get the pre-order key did. Sure, a few people might not have, but that number of people must be an incredibly small amount of people. The number of people they are expecting to play is going to be roughly the number of pre-orders, even after the pre-order period.
Yes, it's nice to get the one day advance. That's a nice reward for people who are helping out ArenaNet and NCSoft by preordering (which is surely just good for them financially and logistically).
I think that idea is crazy, and that situation is extremely unlikely. How many people do you think will beat Factions in the first week and then decide they don't want to play it anymore? That's fairly absurd, and even if a tiny number of people do that, so what? Sure, players have had a year to figure out Prophecies, but I still think it's a challenge to play through all the PvE content within a week. (Reaching ascension is different, and probably only requires playing through about 5% of the PvE content.) Possible, presuming you don't sleep, and know exactly what you are doing -- which means you've already played through all the PvE content. By definition, that's not what is going on here.
Even if a few insane players "beat" PvE, that would NOT screw ANet over compared to the number of people who will buy it instead. And the kind of people who like Guild Wars enough to play for a week solid are pretty likely to buy it, don't you think?
for the most part, anyone who wanted teh game bad enough they would pre order it just sto play early, would probably also be geetting the game on the 28.
Er. Well, I guess I must be the only person who pre-ordered online, then.
Its your problem for ordering online, and its your problem for doing 3 day shipping, not anets, you cant blame them for how you chose to buy the game.
Uh. Did I blame them? Why is it a matter of blame? In the part of what I said that was quoted, I
started off by saying maybe I screwed myself. But I doubt I'm the only one.
I see an issue that affects some number of Guild Wars players. Neither I nor ArenaNet probably know exactly how many, but obviously they will have a better idea than I will. However, I still just can't see much harm coming to ArenaNet by extending the pre-order period for a short period of time.
every single person puts a tiny bit of load on the system.
there might be 1 million extra leeches getting preorders if they knew they were getting a 5 day unlimited pass.
as a comparison the free trial is for only 14 days or 10? hours of play whichever comes first
they do not want to have all the chapter 1 people PLUS all the new Factions people PLUS up to a million freeloaders laging the system to make the game launch lousy.
First of all, if "1 million extra leeches" bought the pre-order key (which was not freely available for any schmoe who wanted it), that would mean a lot more money in NCSoft's pockets. Yes, it's more load on their system. But they got money off of it.
Second, they know exactly how many keys they made. I doubt there *are* a million pre-order keys in existence.
The final statement quoted has factual and implied errors.
The Chapter 1 people are irrelevant. They are already supporting them, and have been for a while. The new Factions people are *also* already going to be supported, no matter what, and they have pre-orders to thank for knowing
how many people will be showing up. Furthermore, most of the Chapter 1 people ARE the Factions people, and they know that because they accounts become linked together; at any rate it's far more than All Old + All New. And, of course, there aren't a million freeloaders, and they know that because they didn't make a million pre-order keys.
Anyway, I will try to shut up and not debate minor points. This is what happens when I'm away from forums for a while -- I forget how to shut up.
I obviously like Guild Wars a great deal and support ArenaNet. No one needs to defend them from me; I try to get other people to play and buy Guild Wars whenever possible. I merely want to play Factions starting from when it comes out and not instead be frustrated with The System.
I stand by my original beliefs that it would help many Guild Wars fans to extend the pre-order period, and do very little hard to ANet. If I'm wrong, because ANet knows better than I do, then I'll find out when I'm frustrated later. I'm sorry people stop at thinking I'm an idiot and have wasted everyone else's time.