[Rare] kills Lich in Abaddon's
Made possible by X's interrupt hax
59% dp because I had a headache and the lich doesn't like me :P
A few notes:
1. The Lich uses Unholy Feast and Strip Enchantment.
2. I was not using Mending.
3. The Dead Bow was 14-27 damage, req. 11, no bonuses.
4. It took approximately 15 minutes with degen and lifesteal, and it would have been faster had not a dumb Monk with a headache gotten repeatedly killed.
1. The Lich uses Unholy Feast and Strip Enchantment.
2. I was not using Mending.
3. The Dead Bow was 14-27 damage, req. 11, no bonuses.
4. It took approximately 15 minutes with degen and lifesteal, and it would have been faster had not a dumb Monk with a headache gotten repeatedly killed.
Better shot. 10% Morale Boost 'cause I'm awesome.
Another shortly before he died.
He has drops and gives experience.
X of Thulcandra
o [email protected], my intrpt h4xs had a kelgger incripted, im' scrooed!
Just kidding, but since this guy counts as an undead, he just might drop that 15^50 Sephis after 20 minutes of tedious condition-spamming madness to the guy that wasn't really doing anything...
Just kidding, but since this guy counts as an undead, he just might drop that 15^50 Sephis after 20 minutes of tedious condition-spamming madness to the guy that wasn't really doing anything...
That Rocks @$$!
Way to go! A true feat. Now I must try!
Way to go! A true feat. Now I must try!
Oh no! I missed it! >.< Stupid Burger King...
X of Thulcandra
Originally Posted by Vilaptca
Oh no! I missed it! >.< Stupid Burger King...
Have it your way. ^^
lambda the great
n00bs, lol jk. 15 mins on the lich, too bad he didn't drop something good.
Vermilion Okeanos
so much for the 'undead' lich.
Murder In China
Good to know that Savio wasn't using Mending
Originally Posted by Murder In China
Good to know that Savio didn't use Mending
What a surprise ! wow.
Tsunami Rain
I hear savio uses frenzy and healing signet
no mending? what kinda build is that
no mending? what kinda build is that
Ok, you just caused a major plothole.
Lady Lozza
Isn't he suppose to be an Undead Lich - so maybe he is only technically dead if you kill him on that blood stone so his energy can be used to recharge the stone instead of self-res.
I'm glad he didn't drop an awesome gold item or something. That'd gave me nightmares about me spamming "LFG: 5-man Lich Farming!"..
Good job though! ^^
Good job though! ^^
He should've dropped the Sceptor of Orr. It would be the ultimate minion master weapon.
Originally Posted by Desbreko
He should've dropped the Sceptor of Orr. It would be the ultimate minion master weapon.
If you hold it, you have +1 Energy Regenaration, everyone in range has +10 maximum Energy That's great for alot more then a Minion Master.
Isn't a Diversion/WW spammer mesmers really helpfull in that group?
Originally Posted by Maxiemonster
If you hold it, you have +1 Energy Regenaration, everyone in range has +10 maximum Energy That's great for alot more then a Minion Master.
I was thinking more along the lines of using it to summon half a dozen Smoke Phantoms from a single corpse. . . . But yes, +1 energy regen would be awesome too.
Originally Posted by Yanman.be
Isn't a Diversion/WW spammer mesmers really helpfull in that group?
As far as we can tell, the Lich (not the Undead Lich in Hell's) takes exactly 0 damage from all sources, which is why we had to go lifesteal/degen. Diversion might have helped though.
Fungus Amongus
Originally Posted by Savio
I didn't take my screenshot of the dead lich, but i did find Savio's popularity upon our return to town to be rather amusing. The guy just can't go out in public without being recognized anymore.
Originally Posted by Murder In China
Good to know that Savio wasn't using Mending
Actually, he dropped Mending so he could use Succor on himself.
Originally Posted by Tsunami Rain
I hear savio uses frenzy and healing signet
--edit-- no mending? what kinda build is that Well, I heard he saw Bloodlight Eyes in Observer Mode, had a vision of light from God, and now also uses a sundering Rhino Hammer. Nice one [Rare], to find this little trick. Asplode
I'm so confused, can someone show me where the Lich spawns in Abbadon's? Can you just go and engage him or is there something special you have to do to keep him in combat?
Juicey Shake
at the end of the mission, after you kill the seals, you fight a glitched titan. if you walk past him, towards where the merchants and xunlai agent would be in hell's precipece, you will find vizier khlaiborn or whatever & the lich.
viz friendly npc, lich enemy. Carinae
The Lich is by far the hardest monster in the game.
We hit him with: Life Transfer x2 Life Siphon x2 Conjure Phantasm Bleeding Poison Disease Weakness Vamp Gaze x3 (but without Awaken, because he was using Strip Enchantment) Shadow Strike x2 Plus whatever Savio and X were doing up close..?? I don't think he ever actually degened, we just managed to stop his natural regen of +8 billion. He has enough hit points to eat Glint for lunch and then some. We'd hit him with VG x3 and his health bar would move like 1 pixel. Oh for the love of God... He uses Strip Enchantment and Unholy Feast, but X was often able to Disrupt those. Oh, and he hits for ~120 (seriously) with his Staff, the Staff of Orr. Murder In China
I guess Anet didn't want people to create plotholes...
Lady Lozza
I think I'm going to have to try this with my guildies
X of Thulcandra
Originally Posted by Carinae Dragonblood
Plus whatever Savio and X were doing up close..??
Savio was using sever artery on the lich, I was using Mark of Rodgort and setting him on fire. (ViM really works nicely when your opponent has like 5-7 conditions on him!)
I was mainly using Vamp Gaze and Barbed Signet, since Shadow Strike isn't worth it if the extra shadow damage doesn't hit. Vamp Gaze and Barbed Signet were each stealing 63, while Shadow Strike only stole 55. I'd throw up Life Siphon/Transfer when I had the energy, but it seems like spamming Gaze/Barbed did more damage in the long run.
I think a three necro team with either Life Transfer or Virulence, Blood Is Power, and Grenth's Balance for their elites would probably work better. Life Transfer/Virulence to help counter his regen, Blood Is Power to keep people's energy up in the absence of Soul Reaping, and Grenth's Balance to really put the whammy down--provided it works. With a Diversion mesmer we'd be able to keep Awaken the Blood and Blood Is Power on us as well, since it wouldn't be getting stripped constantly. The mesmer could also stack some degen with Conjure Phantasm and the like. Two April Mornings
indeed, next thing we know are 5 man parties doing abaddons
Lady Lozza
lol or an all mesmer party take on the Lich
Cyan The Archer
This is definately on my "to do" list.
Just when you think something can't be done. This happens.
Absolutely amazing. To Abaddon's Mouth! Pupu
i actually tryed this lol, couldent kill the thing with henchies :/
Originally Posted by Lady Lozza
lol or an all mesmer party take on the Lich
We tried, but nobody had degen (sorry conjure phantasm, nobody likes you!) so we killed the Titan and ended mission instead
Lady Lozza
lol well methinks it might be a good idea to go back in with degen migrane would also be a help to ensure interrupts After all, if they can do it, mesmers must be able to
Originally Posted by Cyan The Archer
This is definately on my "to do" list.
Same here I really wonder if he can drop stuff
Cymboric Treewalker
I am curious how you stopped him from running away... every time I meet up with him he runs in fear...
Lady Lozza
Really? I've always found that he seems stuck in place. I has simply never occurred to me to try to kill him.