Overdue FPE fun pics
I've been very slackish about getting this off my camera, but I figured someone here would have to get a kick out of this.
During the FPE, the guys made the mistake of leaving me home alone for a span, and I stole my husband's keyboard and mouse for this little experiment. I decided that the FPE weekend was a great time to see if my laptop plays nicely with the TV. I have no picture taking skills whatsoever so there's glare and stuff, but the sad truth of how much of a dork I am is here:
I did this for round about a half hour to an hour on the FPE... and then I got all excited and went and got Elinora Ascended on the big TV. I neglected to get pictures of myself grinning like a dork in the living room, though. :P
During the FPE, the guys made the mistake of leaving me home alone for a span, and I stole my husband's keyboard and mouse for this little experiment. I decided that the FPE weekend was a great time to see if my laptop plays nicely with the TV. I have no picture taking skills whatsoever so there's glare and stuff, but the sad truth of how much of a dork I am is here:
I did this for round about a half hour to an hour on the FPE... and then I got all excited and went and got Elinora Ascended on the big TV. I neglected to get pictures of myself grinning like a dork in the living room, though. :P
Murder In China
You know you can take screenshots without the use of a camera?
If you hold your scanner up to the monitor, then you should be able to edit something that way with Paint.
Rex the Unloving
i love your monitor... its so crystal clear and beatiful.... im unlucky!\
--- nvm you just hooked it up to the tele. STill beautiful nonetheless.
--- nvm you just hooked it up to the tele. STill beautiful nonetheless.
Originally Posted by VGJustice
If you hold your scanner up to the monitor, then you should be able to edit something that way with Paint.
Note: I want your tv
That is one pimped TV. 'Gotta have it for that 360, too.
Pimping ones monitor in the guise of showing late FPE pics. Subtle.
-jealous. Although my laptop has that WXGA widescreen, that's just beautiful.
I almost think this is more a check out my monitor topic than it is a check these screenshots topic.
Originally Posted by Lexar
I almost think this is more a check out my monitor topic than it is a check these screenshots topic.
Still though, sweet setup and I would highly consider making it permenant
Very nice.. I wanna play on my tv!
Alot of idiots in this thread, lol.
Way to explore the power of the enetertainment center
Alot of idiots in this thread, lol.
Way to explore the power of the enetertainment center
Originally Posted by Murder In China
You know you can take screenshots without the use of a camera?
Print Screen, or aim camera.
For those who don't understand, that's a TV, not a monitor.
Apparently gone are the days where using a TV for PC gaming would be heretical--nice to see they're catching up.
Apparently gone are the days where using a TV for PC gaming would be heretical--nice to see they're catching up.
Bowman Artemis
I want your TV. What is your TV? How much was your TV? Who gives a damn about GW, I want the TV.

Ishocon Fuzing
Connecting the computer to the widescreen in my house is considered sacrelig.
Why?... Monitor Screens have a much better resolution then T.V's...
Originally Posted by Nevin
Why?... Monitor Screens have a much better resolution then T.V's...
Thats beautiful

Swampgirl Inez
And monitors don't usually get that big.

I kind of think of it as "look what a loser I am, I need to get out more" kind of deal.
Because yes, a monitor has much better resolution, but as a general geek-thing, nothing here is sacred so at some point everything gets connected to everything else until this place looks like a big spaghetti tangle of wires (at least temporarily). It's the natural progression, put two software testers under one roof and they will keep doing weird stuff until something breaks just to see if they can make it work.
TV is a Pioneer something or other 43"; I really would feel dorky admitting how much we spent. :: blush :: In truth I'm a tiny bit embarassed about that part. We were going to get a smaller cheaper one, and then I saw how much they weighed, and I just stared at it thinking, there is no way in *hell* we're going to get that up the stairs...
My husband gave me the "what, did you just say buy whatever you want?" look, and I shrugged. Me, I'm happy on a tiny little TV stuffed in a corner somewhere, but I admit that I got won over when we put a movie in. :P

TV is a Pioneer something or other 43"; I really would feel dorky admitting how much we spent. :: blush :: In truth I'm a tiny bit embarassed about that part. We were going to get a smaller cheaper one, and then I saw how much they weighed, and I just stared at it thinking, there is no way in *hell* we're going to get that up the stairs...
My husband gave me the "what, did you just say buy whatever you want?" look, and I shrugged. Me, I'm happy on a tiny little TV stuffed in a corner somewhere, but I admit that I got won over when we put a movie in. :P