Ok, after I've seen how the Elite Missions will work and seeing it will be an Alliance thing, I'm sure there will be a lot of Alliances that would just take control of cities, and then charge Guilds lets say X amount of gold/sapphs/rubies to be 24hours in that alliance, and then would kick the guild out of the alliance.
I have come up with a way to prevent this. And that way would also prevent the Farming of Standing (if any is possible)
I say the Standing Points should be Guild Specific. Let me explain. For the purposes of the exmple, I'll make things easier.
Alliance has 3 Guilds, A, B and C. Let's suppose that the maximum number of guilds an alliance can have is 3 for the exemple.
Guild A (Leader) : PvE
Guild B : PvP
Guild C : Both
Guild A is producing 1,000 standing every day (total of 7,000 a week)
Guild B is producing 2,000 standing every day (total of 14,000 a week)
Guild C is producing 4,000 standing every day (total of 28,000 a week)
(I know numbers are huge.. maybe. But its just an example with simple numbers)
By the end of the week, they're controlling the Kurzick Capital (woohoo! Big mission, big drops, etc bla bla bla)
Now with the current system, a farming Guild could notice that and offer 1,000 plats to Guild A for being in the alliance for 48 hours. Guild A's leader would be more than happy to get that 1,000 plats and share it with its guild. Though he already has the maximum number of guilds.
The alliance currently has 49,000 Standing at the end of the week. Leader of Guild A accepts the 1,000plat offer and kicks Guild B, because they produce less factions. Invite Guild D and Voila, Guild D can farm for 48 hours in the most elite mission there is..
What if, every Guild in the alliance would have a set amount of Standing. In the exemple, what if the Guilds all had they're separate amount of Standing that they would throw in all together to get the Alliance standing. And if one guild leaves the alliance, that guild's part in the pot would be removed as well. They would also lose it so it doesnt just get off the alliance for 48 hours and then reinvited back in it to get back all the standing. Then the alliance would instantly lose 14,000 factions and would probably lose control of the town.
IMO this would tighen relations between guilds because they would all depend on each others. This way there wouldnt be Alliance jumpers all around and all that.
What does everyone think?
A Way to Prevent Elite (town) Missions Abuse/Farm
Awesome Nuke
I like the penalty thing of the alliance loosing the standing points earned from said guild in the alliance if they are kicked or removed from the alliance. I mean if they earned it they should represent for it...
I'll admit I saw this coming a long time ago. Alliances selling access to elite areas to people that have not been able to get there. I still think some of the faction alliance issues will balance themselves out over time. Because it will take a lot of effort to maintain control of towns indefinitely... and honestly I doubt many guilds will be able to for long. maybe a month or so, but thats about it. Their guild will get bored with it eventually and not do it anymore. OR want to try a new elite area and start trying for control to get there, letting their control in the old areas slip... see what I mean? Maybe at first it will be a little annoying, but I think Anet will find a fair balance to the matter.
One such balance I have heard kicked around was allowing the ones with control free and open access to the elite areas for free. But members of the controlling faction, Lux or Kur and not part of the controlling alliance itself will be able to access said areas using faction points to get in.
Another such balance would be to allow a favor type control of said areas. so if you manage to pay to get into a place once it adds a map point that you have access too. So in order to do the mission your faction must control the map point. This promotes the Alliance battles even further... Much like you have to be ascended and have favor of the gods to do underworld and fissure of woe now and the only way to get favor is to be fighting in the Heroes Ascent areas (or have people from your country doing it for you). But it eliminates the Exploitable resale of access to people that have already been there once. Thus kicking guilds out of the alliance after said time is obsolete as a gold generator.
and lastly I have heard mention of the faction line wiping out control of towns as an option as well. thus if the luxons push the line over a controlled town, that Town becomes totally uncontrolled and available to luxons to purchase standing in as though no one was ever there. and visa versa. so if the Kurziks push them back... control is open to them again. starting from scratch once more... Again this last option encourages alliance battles to control faction lines AND secure towns faction standings... But also makes it possible for ANY alliance to have an oppertunity to get access to elite mission areas eventually.
I'll admit I saw this coming a long time ago. Alliances selling access to elite areas to people that have not been able to get there. I still think some of the faction alliance issues will balance themselves out over time. Because it will take a lot of effort to maintain control of towns indefinitely... and honestly I doubt many guilds will be able to for long. maybe a month or so, but thats about it. Their guild will get bored with it eventually and not do it anymore. OR want to try a new elite area and start trying for control to get there, letting their control in the old areas slip... see what I mean? Maybe at first it will be a little annoying, but I think Anet will find a fair balance to the matter.
One such balance I have heard kicked around was allowing the ones with control free and open access to the elite areas for free. But members of the controlling faction, Lux or Kur and not part of the controlling alliance itself will be able to access said areas using faction points to get in.
Another such balance would be to allow a favor type control of said areas. so if you manage to pay to get into a place once it adds a map point that you have access too. So in order to do the mission your faction must control the map point. This promotes the Alliance battles even further... Much like you have to be ascended and have favor of the gods to do underworld and fissure of woe now and the only way to get favor is to be fighting in the Heroes Ascent areas (or have people from your country doing it for you). But it eliminates the Exploitable resale of access to people that have already been there once. Thus kicking guilds out of the alliance after said time is obsolete as a gold generator.
and lastly I have heard mention of the faction line wiping out control of towns as an option as well. thus if the luxons push the line over a controlled town, that Town becomes totally uncontrolled and available to luxons to purchase standing in as though no one was ever there. and visa versa. so if the Kurziks push them back... control is open to them again. starting from scratch once more... Again this last option encourages alliance battles to control faction lines AND secure towns faction standings... But also makes it possible for ANY alliance to have an oppertunity to get access to elite mission areas eventually.
Awesome Nuke
Thing is, in factions, you dont select what town you want to control. Within the sides (L or K), towns are ranked from 1 to 26 or 27 (1 being the capital and 27 being the small outpost). Then the guild in that faction with the most standing gets town 1, the 2nd guild gets town 2, etc. At least thats what I think. So control of town will always swap between the top 25 guilds or so. At least thats how I see it
I still don't like the whole "top guilds controlling access to content of the game" thing, I play GW on/off every few months thus don't really get into the Guild thing as I don't feel I'd be a really contributing member, so I'm pretty likely to never get to these elitist missions.. Unless Factions gives me enough reason to keep me playing longer than few weeks at a time.
And I'd presume a lot others non on/off players, and smaller guilds would be in the same situation as "zerg guilds" are producing a lot more faction than they ever can.
1000 gold fee, like entry to UW/FoW that is split among the "ruling alliance", or perhaps "1000 faction fee" that gets split would be much nicer in my opinion.. Amounts can vary, but still, everyone could access the content, and there'd be some point to ruling these places.. Ruling alliance would get their entry free of course, and there would be no need to "abuse" the alliance by giving other people rights to the elite by kicking out/blackmailing the existing alliance members
Well I'm not entirely sure how the mechanic is, but if it is as I've come to understand (only the ruling alliance can enter the elite mission), ble, I dun like it.
EDIT: I r bit offtopic prolly. I'm sleepy, j00 can't blame me!
And I'd presume a lot others non on/off players, and smaller guilds would be in the same situation as "zerg guilds" are producing a lot more faction than they ever can.
1000 gold fee, like entry to UW/FoW that is split among the "ruling alliance", or perhaps "1000 faction fee" that gets split would be much nicer in my opinion.. Amounts can vary, but still, everyone could access the content, and there'd be some point to ruling these places.. Ruling alliance would get their entry free of course, and there would be no need to "abuse" the alliance by giving other people rights to the elite by kicking out/blackmailing the existing alliance members

Well I'm not entirely sure how the mechanic is, but if it is as I've come to understand (only the ruling alliance can enter the elite mission), ble, I dun like it.
EDIT: I r bit offtopic prolly. I'm sleepy, j00 can't blame me!
So.. basically the guilds who were there right from the beginning and consist of 24/7 faction farming fiends get all the good places (under the current system)? Doesn't sound like "skill, not time played" to me.