Unlocking movies for later viewing pleasure.
Well, I know we've all been there before. You're new to a mission, and happen to love cinematics. Problem is, you're being chased by 6 Mursaat or something. Not wanting to die, you eagerly press 'Skip', therefore losing your chance to view a potentially beautiful cinematic.
What I am saying is: when you manage to reach a certain cinematic, whether your party chooses to skip the scene or not, why can't you can have the option to view the movie at an outpost? Maybe with a push of the button, you can bring up a list of movies you have unlocked, and can view for fun.
Of course, the same party members would not be there, but instead, replaced with henchmen.
With this feature implemented into the game, I can see it solving several problems.
1) As I've mentioned, you wouldn't have to skip the scene just so you wouldn't die in the cutscene.
2) Angry members going 'OMFG Y U DUN SKIP U NOOB U WAST MI TIM'
3) Frustrating others during runs. <-- more or less the same as number two, but makes my list look bigger.
4) After finishing a LONG and HORRIBLE mission and wanting to see the cinematic again a few weeks later without doing the mission. You no longer have to thrash your way through groups of Mind Freezing sob's and stomping Dolyaks.
5) There will be an incentive for some players who want to unlock everything. After all, having access to every movie is an accomplishment.
Having a list of 'unlocked' movies? Yes? No? Maybe so?
Any comments, fixes, constructive criticism will be appreciated.
Now I am sleepy. >_>
What I am saying is: when you manage to reach a certain cinematic, whether your party chooses to skip the scene or not, why can't you can have the option to view the movie at an outpost? Maybe with a push of the button, you can bring up a list of movies you have unlocked, and can view for fun.
Of course, the same party members would not be there, but instead, replaced with henchmen.
With this feature implemented into the game, I can see it solving several problems.
1) As I've mentioned, you wouldn't have to skip the scene just so you wouldn't die in the cutscene.
2) Angry members going 'OMFG Y U DUN SKIP U NOOB U WAST MI TIM'
3) Frustrating others during runs. <-- more or less the same as number two, but makes my list look bigger.
4) After finishing a LONG and HORRIBLE mission and wanting to see the cinematic again a few weeks later without doing the mission. You no longer have to thrash your way through groups of Mind Freezing sob's and stomping Dolyaks.
5) There will be an incentive for some players who want to unlock everything. After all, having access to every movie is an accomplishment.
Having a list of 'unlocked' movies? Yes? No? Maybe so?
Any comments, fixes, constructive criticism will be appreciated.
Now I am sleepy. >_>
Originally Posted by Opeth11
3) Frustrating others during runs. <-- more or less the same as number two, but makes my list look bigger.
Otherwise its a great idea.
It's also a plus because I finally got a new graphic card, and now possess the ability to use a higher quality graphical setting in game. Now I can see the movies in style.
Lady Lozza
Hmm... I like this idea a lot, however the movies that are done often involve not just your character, but those of the other players who are in your team. So how would you propose it works? Place your character as group leader with a random team of henchies? I could llive with this - vanity FTW.
Originally Posted by Opeth11
Of course, the same party members would not be there, but instead, replaced with henchmen. |
Vanity is good.
I liked it at the end when Prince Rurik almost begged me to kill him, then as the leader of the party there was a close up of me firing an arrow at him :P
Would definately like to see that over!
I liked it at the end when Prince Rurik almost begged me to kill him, then as the leader of the party there was a close up of me firing an arrow at him :P
Would definately like to see that over!
Originally Posted by GentleBreezes
I liked it at the end when Prince Rurik almost begged me to kill him, then as the leader of the party there was a close up of me firing an arrow at him :P Would definately like to see that over! |

I'd just like to be able to skip cinematics alone without having to wait for the rest of the f*cking team to do it. A bit like in PvP. Too many morons that just stand there and wait for your minions to die during an extremely long cut scene. Better still was the cut scene where the MM died before it and his minions almost killed the entire team (during THK).
Would be a nice little touch indeed
Would be a nice little touch indeed

I was thinking about suggesting this a few days ago. Didn'tthink anyone would care. woo!
I was thinking about suggesting this a few days ago. Didn'tthink anyone would care. woo!
Easy to make and would solve all of your listed problems. /signed
/Signed. It gets irritating having to skip cut scenes.
Worth An Army
I'm surpised nobody has suggested this before, since I've been thinking it for months, and many other games have it.
good idea
good idea
That would be nice, to watch the movies you have unlocked, I could then make a sort of small movie out of each cutscene played one after another!
That would be nice, to watch the movies you have unlocked, I could then make a sort of small movie out of each cutscene played one after another!
Phoenix Avenger
/signed since ANet wont do anything else to improve cutscene mechanics
/signed, because it's a good idea. and I want to kill rurik over and over again. And watch Dagnar kill him over and over again. ^_^
lol. Sounds like some people have an axe to grind with Rurik.
The movies are already on our comps and this option won't hurt anything.
The movies are already on our comps and this option won't hurt anything.
This is one of those minor things that's going to the bottom of the priority queue
Dougal Kronik
I actually asked Gaile Gray about this on 22 April in LA ID1. But she never got around to answering before she had to leave.
I actually asked Gaile Gray about this on 22 April in LA ID1. But she never got around to answering before she had to leave.
Originally Posted by King Symeon
Indexed. |
little late on my posting, but i'll /sign to that.
They already do some of this in Factions. Prior to entering a mission area, you get a cutscene. If you talk to one of the NPCs in the mission area, he/she has the option to replay the cinematics. However, I haven't really tried this so I don't know if it's possible to replay the cinematics that happened during the mission or not.
GW: Hot Coffee?
Congra on seeing this idea in game. Good call.
Congra on seeing this idea in game. Good call.
I sincerely hope they disable (or have an option to) disable all cutscenes, even those in HA.
You can already view some movies by talking to a mission npc in the mission areas.
Otherwise, I agree there should be a way to watch movies you've already seen (character based of course).
I would enjoy watching my 55 monk dying mid cutscene from a vampyric sword, lol.
Otherwise, I agree there should be a way to watch movies you've already seen (character based of course).
I would enjoy watching my 55 monk dying mid cutscene from a vampyric sword, lol.
Theres people in mission places who would replay the cinematics for you.
They only replay the initial cinematic, not the ones happening during and after the mission.
But even better would be to pause the game during cinematics.
But even better would be to pause the game during cinematics.
The funniest cutscene I saw was during Rurik's deathspeech, one of my sister's bone minion kept beating him down! I was in tears!
The funniest cutscene I saw was during Rurik's deathspeech, one of my sister's bone minion kept beating him down! I was in tears!