and the err is back again
devils wraths
just got the err we have been getting for the last few days now and so did my mates. and we carnt get in any inter disrict at moment im in europe
Feng Leung
Guess whose back and it's better then ever..the 005 is here..
same here
the gw servers have been a real joke recently, LAG LAG LAG and now the stupid error again. starting to get really irratating when u let down the rest of ur team middle of match cause of something that keeps repeating itself for some reason.
This is getting annoying :/ What's up ANet?
After a year of near flawless performance, it's not unexpected to have a few issues. Especially with everything getting ready for a new release in less than a week.
same here (i'm on usa servers).
Even if you don't err out you still get lag today-worst I've seen in 10 months. It must be the new game coming out.
It took me 15 minutes the other day with a lvl16 necro to kill the kurzicks- it took me a loong time (with 60dp) to get them today with a lvl20 war. I just sat there taking hits.
It took me 15 minutes the other day with a lvl16 necro to kill the kurzicks- it took me a loong time (with 60dp) to get them today with a lvl20 war. I just sat there taking hits.
Death Dealer
I'm on US Servers and cant get in either. The lovely Code=005 shows up.
The past few days have been real laggy. Fighting then either you die not knowing it or they do. I've even glitched all the way across the map a few times.
The past few days have been real laggy. Fighting then either you die not knowing it or they do. I've even glitched all the way across the map a few times.
Just great, my warrior is in Ring Of Fire and i cant play with him right now(map won't load).
yes cant log on with any of my chars...
looks like warcamp, droks and amnoon are down again
1st we had 2 days of HUGE lag now err005 is back
looks like warcamp, droks and amnoon are down again
1st we had 2 days of HUGE lag now err005 is back
005 here as well .. support has been very funny ^^
devils wraths
well its still like it now
I rather play a game works instead of play factions.. this is bs. no one can cause they are just trying to make room for factions.
Death Dealer
Wonder how many people are going to get sick of waiting and move on to WoW. This is indeed bs. They cant warn us that the servers are going to be down? NO! They just shut them down. Great job ANET. Way to come out a winner!
Give it a break.
ANet's servers have been working flawlessly for almost a year. If you notice, WoW has been having problems since release till now with their servers. We have been having problems for a few days, give it a rest.
There are no downtimes with this game unlike other MMOs, at least appreciate that and the fact that ANet's servers have done very well in the last year.
I'm sure they'll have them back to the levels we are used to quite soon.
ANet's servers have been working flawlessly for almost a year. If you notice, WoW has been having problems since release till now with their servers. We have been having problems for a few days, give it a rest.
There are no downtimes with this game unlike other MMOs, at least appreciate that and the fact that ANet's servers have done very well in the last year.
I'm sure they'll have them back to the levels we are used to quite soon.
With any luck all these whiners will move to WoW.
storm of daeth
idk what alot of you are talking about lol ive never lagged since i got gw 6 months ago and ive only errd out once i havent seen any difference in the last few days.
Teh Mighty Warrior
Kind've annoying when my guild is contemplating wether or not they should have selected me as their infuser because I was lagging to much to infuse a sh*t spike.