New Mesmer Skill: "Signet of Approval", "Signet of Massive Approval"
Tuoba Hturt Eht
This skill is inspired by Ken Dei's "Signet of Approval"
Ken Dei's version:
Inspiration? Fast Casting?
(Mate, let me know what attribute you want to link them to)
Signet of Approval | Signet | 0e | 1/4s C | 45s R
Target ally's currently activating skill/spell, or next skill/spell casts instantly. You lose that half the energy cost of that skill/spell.
Signet of Massive Approval | Elite Signet | 0e | 1/2s C | 90s R
One activating skill, or the next skill used by any nearby party member is instantly activated. You lose (30...10)% of the total energy cost of all skills used.
Tuoba's version:
Signet of Approval | Signet | 0e | 1/2s C | 45s R
If target other ally is activating a skill, that ally's skill is instantly activated and you lose 10-X/3 energy.
Signet of Massive Approval | Elite Signet | 0e | 1/2s C | 90s R
If target other ally is activating a skill, that ally's and nearby allies' skill is instantly activated and you lose 10-X/3 energy and 50-2X health for each skill activated this way.
More new skills:
Cry of Approval | Spell | 25e | 1/4s C | 30R
If target other ally is activating a skill, that ally's and nearby allies' skill is instantly activated and you lose 10-X/3 energy and 50-2X health for each skill activated this way.
Focused Concentration | Enchantment Spell | 10e | 3s C | 10s R
For 6 seconds, the next time target other ally uses a skill, that skill takes less 10+2X seconds to recharge.
Basically, them be support skills.
So, imagine 1 mesmer and a bunch of Elementalist packed together, all casting Meteor Shower, then bam! Mesmer invokes "Signet of Massive Approval"! Rwar!
This skill is inspired by Ken Dei's "Signet of Approval"
Ken Dei's version:
Inspiration? Fast Casting?
(Mate, let me know what attribute you want to link them to)
Signet of Approval | Signet | 0e | 1/4s C | 45s R
Target ally's currently activating skill/spell, or next skill/spell casts instantly. You lose that half the energy cost of that skill/spell.
Signet of Massive Approval | Elite Signet | 0e | 1/2s C | 90s R
One activating skill, or the next skill used by any nearby party member is instantly activated. You lose (30...10)% of the total energy cost of all skills used.
Tuoba's version:
Signet of Approval | Signet | 0e | 1/2s C | 45s R
If target other ally is activating a skill, that ally's skill is instantly activated and you lose 10-X/3 energy.
Signet of Massive Approval | Elite Signet | 0e | 1/2s C | 90s R
If target other ally is activating a skill, that ally's and nearby allies' skill is instantly activated and you lose 10-X/3 energy and 50-2X health for each skill activated this way.
More new skills:
Cry of Approval | Spell | 25e | 1/4s C | 30R
If target other ally is activating a skill, that ally's and nearby allies' skill is instantly activated and you lose 10-X/3 energy and 50-2X health for each skill activated this way.
Focused Concentration | Enchantment Spell | 10e | 3s C | 10s R
For 6 seconds, the next time target other ally uses a skill, that skill takes less 10+2X seconds to recharge.
Basically, them be support skills.
So, imagine 1 mesmer and a bunch of Elementalist packed together, all casting Meteor Shower, then bam! Mesmer invokes "Signet of Massive Approval"! Rwar!
Kool Pajamas
I like!
Does sound like a possible skill, however much it sounds like something somebody said in a topic i read earlier turned into a skill 
The massive aproval 1 would make necro/ele spikes literally unstopabble though without Fertile so i think you should just stick to the original 1.
Also how would it be linked to Inspiration without a variable link?

The massive aproval 1 would make necro/ele spikes literally unstopabble though without Fertile so i think you should just stick to the original 1.
Also how would it be linked to Inspiration without a variable link?
Jas D
Instantly casted? Or recharged?
Interesting though.. the 2nd one would never happen. "Balancing issues".
Interesting though.. the 2nd one would never happen. "Balancing issues".
Cowboy Nastyman
the first one is pretty interesting but as it is there id say its bordering on elite status
Tuoba Hturt Eht
I meant "instantly casted", or "instantly activated", not "recharged".
Sorry mates, I posted in a hurry, forgot to add in variables and balancing factors.
Let's see the revised one:
Signet of Approval | Signet | 0e | 0s C | 15s R
Target other ally's currently casting spell is instantly casted.
You and target other ally loses 10-X/3 energy.
Signet of Massive Approval | Elite Signet | 0e | 0s C | 30s R
Target other ally's and all allies in the area currently casting spell is instantly casted.
Target other ally and all allies in the area lose 10-X/3 energy.
You lose 10-X/3 energy for each approved spell.
Well, if the "elite" is too ubar, I've increased the activation time.
Still too ubar?
For the 1st one, well, we can toss in a lot of drawbacks to "balance" it, aye?
So, if a mesmer with 9 in Inspiration invokes "Signet of Approval" on an Ele who just started casting Meteor Shower. The ele's Meteor Showever would be instantly casted, and both the mesmer and the ele would lose
10 - 9/3
= 10 - 3
= 7 energy
Basically, they get to finish casting a spell faster, at the expense of more energy.
For the second skill, the mesmer would most probably be deprived of all remaining energy when the mesmer uses that signet on a bunch of casters currently casting a spell.
Oh ya. I forgot to mention, with this signet, resurrections will be instanteous! Rwar!
Rebirth + Signet of Approval
Vengence + Signet of Approval
Restore Life + Signet of Approval
Haha, with this signet, now Alessia, Lina and Mephlo can restore life to the dead even faster than ever!
Sorry mates, I posted in a hurry, forgot to add in variables and balancing factors.
Let's see the revised one:
Signet of Approval | Signet | 0e | 0s C | 15s R
Target other ally's currently casting spell is instantly casted.
You and target other ally loses 10-X/3 energy.
Signet of Massive Approval | Elite Signet | 0e | 0s C | 30s R
Target other ally's and all allies in the area currently casting spell is instantly casted.
Target other ally and all allies in the area lose 10-X/3 energy.
You lose 10-X/3 energy for each approved spell.
Well, if the "elite" is too ubar, I've increased the activation time.
Still too ubar?
For the 1st one, well, we can toss in a lot of drawbacks to "balance" it, aye?
So, if a mesmer with 9 in Inspiration invokes "Signet of Approval" on an Ele who just started casting Meteor Shower. The ele's Meteor Showever would be instantly casted, and both the mesmer and the ele would lose
10 - 9/3
= 10 - 3
= 7 energy
Basically, they get to finish casting a spell faster, at the expense of more energy.
For the second skill, the mesmer would most probably be deprived of all remaining energy when the mesmer uses that signet on a bunch of casters currently casting a spell.
Oh ya. I forgot to mention, with this signet, resurrections will be instanteous! Rwar!
Rebirth + Signet of Approval
Vengence + Signet of Approval
Restore Life + Signet of Approval
Haha, with this signet, now Alessia, Lina and Mephlo can restore life to the dead even faster than ever!
Kool Pajamas
I think its a good idea. Its like glyph of sacrifice but relies on a teamate.
Rayne Nightfyre
I like this idea a lot!
Although wouldn't it make more sense to work like a glyph, where it would say "target other ally's next spell is instantly casted"? It seems sort of wierd to instantly boost casting speed in the process of casting. But great idea, I'd love to see this one implemented.
Although wouldn't it make more sense to work like a glyph, where it would say "target other ally's next spell is instantly casted"? It seems sort of wierd to instantly boost casting speed in the process of casting. But great idea, I'd love to see this one implemented.

Tuoba Hturt Eht
Thanks for the feedback, everyone, much appreciated.
Well, I got inspired by the abundance of the mesmer's interruption skills.
All these "interruption skills" causes the "current action" to be "canceled", so I was thinking, why not throw in a new skill that "completes" that "current action" instead of "canceling" aka "interrupting" it?
And I've been using Ken Dei's "Signets of Approval" in Sardelac for quite some time already, then one day this idea struck me, and so, bam! Here it is.
Perhaps linking this skill to the "Fast Casting" attribute would be much more approriate?
About the "drawbacks" of this two signets, the "energy lost" for a spell "casted instantaneously".
Will it balance out the ubarness of these signets?
Or will more significant form of drawbacks be required?
Originally Posted by Rayne Nightfyre
It seems sort of wierd to instantly boost casting speed in the process of casting.
All these "interruption skills" causes the "current action" to be "canceled", so I was thinking, why not throw in a new skill that "completes" that "current action" instead of "canceling" aka "interrupting" it?
And I've been using Ken Dei's "Signets of Approval" in Sardelac for quite some time already, then one day this idea struck me, and so, bam! Here it is.
Perhaps linking this skill to the "Fast Casting" attribute would be much more approriate?
About the "drawbacks" of this two signets, the "energy lost" for a spell "casted instantaneously".
Will it balance out the ubarness of these signets?
Or will more significant form of drawbacks be required?
/signet of approval
I couldn't resist.
/signet of approval
I couldn't resist.
Kool Pajamas
Yes I think this would go very well with fast casting. I think they are balanced fairly well as of your revised one.
Gimme gimme gimme!
Rayne Nightfyre
I understand it better now, it's basically the opposite of an interrupt. So it would take some awareness and timing to use. It would be introducing an entirely new game mechanic, but it sounds like a wonderful idea, and I'm all for it! 
Sort of off-topic:
I was just thinking, it would be great to see the acronym "SoA" renew itself, but this time have a positive connotation.
This is referring to the removed SoA Axe, which unintentionally enabled two axe grips to be put on it. Thus creating an exploit enabling an axe to make enchantments last up to 40% longer, have +60 Health, and so on. (SoA=Scavengers of Ascalon)
I can see it now..."LF SoA Mesmer!!1!1"

Sort of off-topic:
I was just thinking, it would be great to see the acronym "SoA" renew itself, but this time have a positive connotation.

I can see it now..."LF SoA Mesmer!!1!1"
Ken Dei
"Signet of MASSIVE Approval"
Talk about catching my eye, I couldn't pass up a post in the thread.
Love the skill, very innovative, and very much in the spirit of what my signets are for. To push something towards acceptance/completion.
Kudos. Discuss.
Talk about catching my eye, I couldn't pass up a post in the thread.
Love the skill, very innovative, and very much in the spirit of what my signets are for. To push something towards acceptance/completion.
Kudos. Discuss.
Hella Good
I like the idea. I don't necessarily like the execution. But something that speeds up or increase the effectiveness of other ally spells seems an interesting and creative solution. 1/4 s cast is I think proper. Also I think target ally's next spell is better than spell currently being cast. And them losing nrg is a bit too much for what you get. The elite version I don't particularly like.
Juicey Shake
crappy, will be used to rage people by bringing 0 fast casting 'OMG STOP TAKING 10e AWAY FROM ME OMG'
keystone signet, repeat, repeat. mantra of signets, teammate raging, repeat.
keystone signet, repeat, repeat. mantra of signets, teammate raging, repeat.
Ken Dei
Good point, probably not a good idea to take away ally energy.
(First incarnation of my versions burnt to a crisp by unwarrented flames)
(First incarnation of my versions burnt to a crisp by unwarrented flames)
I like this idea a lot. Looking at the new Mesmer skills in Factions it is quite possible that you can have a mesmer that casts spells only on your team mates, which is interesting. Something like this would be very useful.
I think giving any penalties to the person you cast it on is a no-no. The only skills in the game that do that are ranger spirits, which is reasonable. People get very very annoyed with any spell or skill from an ally that can disrupt their work in any way. I used to hate the Conjure line of ele spells for instance because it would take off my monk bonds.
I think what I like best about this idea is its focundity. There are so many variations one can think of on it. A signet that gives the target 50% faster casting, say. A "reverse interrupt" ala your Signet of Approval. Or imagine an interrupt prevention ward; a zone of concentration if you will. Or a signet that gives the mana cost of an ally's next spell to you, so they cast a spell and spend your mana instead of theirs. Oh there's so many possiblities!
In your last iteration I think the penalties are too harsh. Exhaustion on a mesmer is pretty brutal. Really, exhaustion should just be exclusive to the ele in my mind (with the exception of that lovely new mesmer spell that causes exhaustion in other people).
At the same time, it's too powerful. Even giving someone else 50% faster casting for a few seconds is a pretty decent spell, but to give everyone that plus all that other stuff for the next spell is generous, even for an elite.
I think giving any penalties to the person you cast it on is a no-no. The only skills in the game that do that are ranger spirits, which is reasonable. People get very very annoyed with any spell or skill from an ally that can disrupt their work in any way. I used to hate the Conjure line of ele spells for instance because it would take off my monk bonds.

I think what I like best about this idea is its focundity. There are so many variations one can think of on it. A signet that gives the target 50% faster casting, say. A "reverse interrupt" ala your Signet of Approval. Or imagine an interrupt prevention ward; a zone of concentration if you will. Or a signet that gives the mana cost of an ally's next spell to you, so they cast a spell and spend your mana instead of theirs. Oh there's so many possiblities!
In your last iteration I think the penalties are too harsh. Exhaustion on a mesmer is pretty brutal. Really, exhaustion should just be exclusive to the ele in my mind (with the exception of that lovely new mesmer spell that causes exhaustion in other people).
At the same time, it's too powerful. Even giving someone else 50% faster casting for a few seconds is a pretty decent spell, but to give everyone that plus all that other stuff for the next spell is generous, even for an elite.
echo this and have everyone else use rodgort's invocation = other team dead in less than a second, then OoB and do it again...
basically... no
echo this and have everyone else use rodgort's invocation = other team dead in less than a second, then OoB and do it again...
basically... no
I can't see it being used outside certain spike situations, in which it will be severely overpowered. Outside those situations, it will be useless.
This skill would be either imbalanced, or be useless imho.
This skill would be either imbalanced, or be useless imho.
Ken Dei
I am not Tuoba Hturt Eht, we each have a different versions of the skills...
People are getting brutal for no reason at my first version was a bad idea, fine.
Let me try again:
"Signet of Approval"
Cost: 0e
Recharge: 45s
Target ally's currently activating skill/spell, or next skill/spell casts instantly. You lose that half the energy cost of that skill/spell.
Signet of Massive Approval: {Elite}
Cost: 0e
Cast: 1/2s
Recharge: 90s
1 currently activating skill/spell, or the next skill/spell used by any NEARBY party member casts instantly. You lose (30...10)% of the total energy cost of all skills used.
Let's say you have 6 teammates nearby, excluding the wammo who just charged ahead to his/her demise.
They ALL use/are using 15e skills.
90e cost, even at 30% you only lose 30e. And since both of these skills would probably be tied to Inspiration magic, it's most likely you'd probably only lose around 12-18% of the total energy.
Hope I did better this time.
People are getting brutal for no reason at my first version was a bad idea, fine.
Let me try again:
"Signet of Approval"
Cost: 0e
Recharge: 45s
Target ally's currently activating skill/spell, or next skill/spell casts instantly. You lose that half the energy cost of that skill/spell.
Signet of Massive Approval: {Elite}
Cost: 0e
Cast: 1/2s
Recharge: 90s
1 currently activating skill/spell, or the next skill/spell used by any NEARBY party member casts instantly. You lose (30...10)% of the total energy cost of all skills used.
Let's say you have 6 teammates nearby, excluding the wammo who just charged ahead to his/her demise.
They ALL use/are using 15e skills.
90e cost, even at 30% you only lose 30e. And since both of these skills would probably be tied to Inspiration magic, it's most likely you'd probably only lose around 12-18% of the total energy.
Hope I did better this time.
Tuoba Hturt Eht
Added two new skills to the original post, "Cry of Approval" and "Focused Concentration". Also added Ken Dei's version onto the first post.