Auction system - Congratulations!



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005

I would like to give congratulations to all involved in get the Auction system to work.

I've been using it from the beggining and sold around 200 items (all kinf of) in here, i know cause i save the winning emails in a separate folder, don't get the feedback from all but still have 143 in 144 positive feedbacks.

Guys you have done a great job in here, and i apreciate so much, you can't imagine how much. I don't have the time (work, wife, 2 childrens, ...) to just sit in 2 or 3 cities and announce the items, this way i can just put the Auction in here and have all the time that i was online to play.
If it wasn't this system most of the items i sold would be for the merchant, so being able to sold them to other players is good for me and is good for ppl who's looking for a specific item.

For you, to put this to work you have to spend a lot of time, time that you can spend playing, but you take this time and give this nice auction system to us.

So i would like to thank you very much.

I have a couple of suggestions, but not for this message, this is a thank you, only message.



Site Contributor

Join Date: Dec 2004

Thank you mrlopes, appreciate the comments. We also have an update coming soon (this week) to the auction system so look for the details later on.