Reaper Profession
This class calls for a few different roles you can pursue. One being a Rift Mage creating various effects to opponents which can create a lot of tension behind enemy lines. The main weapon of the Reaper, the Scythe, is also a very big part in thsi proffesion as it adds melee damage for some of those powerful touch spells (ya that sentence there will be in this prof. eventually...). Some will also enjoy following a more destined path, the Soul Magic. These are area of effect buffs and heals in which the reaper help allies. Scrying, the primary attribute of the reaper, effects not only secondary class enchantments, but many of the reaper's own skills such as rifts and Soul Magic, making these potent spells even more powerful.
(With armor on)
Base armor of 70AL
Base energy of 25
Base energy regen of 3
*Scythes give +5 energy
Malign Scythe of Fortitude
10-20 slashing damage
req. 8-13
+5 energy (with (req) Scythe mastery or higher)
33% longer Diseased
+30 Health
Main Attributes:
Scrying {P}
Scythe Mastery
Cosmos Magic
Soul Magic
*This is an ancient form of divination, for those who wanted to know

This is the Reapers Primary Attribute and allows the caster to let enchantments last +2% per level WHILE maintaining focus on the target. This means that the enchantment lasts +2% (per level) longer on the target, while you have focus on that target. So if i were to cast Healing Breeze on a target and have 10 scrying, i would cast it for 1 second, and they recieve the benefit for 10 seconds with the 20% longer while you have focus, added on. Focus means that you are not moving, using different skills or being interupted. So, the healing breeze would last 22 seconds and you would be focused for 12. (I really hope that made since to you guys, see later posts for more info...)
Divination {E} : 5e, 2s, 40r
Enchantment Spell. You lose all energy regeneration and target ally gains that as health regeneration but multiplied by 1...3 for 4...10 seconds.
Scythe Mastery
Raises the damage of skills linked to Scythe mastery and raises the chances of hitting a critical hit.
Wayward Slash {E} : 5e, 1s, 10r
Elite Scythe attack. Target foe is hit for 3...15 more damage and all foes adjacent to you take 1...25 dark damage.
Shred : 10e, 1s, 15r
Scythe Attack. Target foe is hit for 1...6 more damage and is hit twice. This attack deals 25% less damage on each hit.
Severing Slash : 10e, 1s, 15r
Scythe Attack. Target foe is hit for 1...6 more damage and suffers from dismemberment for 1...12 seconds.
Purgatorist's Strike : 5e, 1s, 10r
Scythe Attack. Target foe takes 3...15 more damage if target foe has an enchantment or hex on them.
Cosmos Magic
No inherent effect. Raises the effect of linked skills. Contains long casting high damage spells, mostly on just one target. Rifts are effected by Scrying. Rifts effect all nearby foes or allies.
Vangeful Rift {E} : 15e, 3s, 30r
Rift Spell. Create a Vengeful Rift at target ally's area for 1...12(16) seconds. While target ally does not move, they recieve 1/4 of the damage originally dealt to them, and the foe who dealt the damage takes half their original damage as chaos damage. Any effects or conditions still apply.
Past Touch {E} : 5e, 1s, 15r
Touch Spell. Target touched foe is dealt half the damage of your last attacks as chaos damage. Half chance failure with 7 or less Cosmos Magic.
Read the Stars : 10e, 2s, 20r
Enchantment Spell. All allies in the area gain +20 AL versus Elemental damage and gain 1...3 health regeneration for 4...10 seconds.
Vortex : 15e, 2s, 30r
Rift Spell. After 3 seconds, a vortex appears at target foe's location for 4...10 seconds. This knocks any nearby foes down for 1 second every 6...3 seconds.
Black Rift : 20e, 3s, 60r
Rift Spell. Create a Black Rift at target foes position for 3...15 seconds. All nearby foes are stripped of 1...3 enchantments and take 6...30 damage every 5 seconds.
Cosmic Trust : 10e, 3s, 40r
Enchantment Spell. Nearby allies gain +10AL and 1...2(3) regeneration for 1...12 seconds (remember scrying effects this). When this ends, you lose one (other) enchantment and hex.
Soul Magic
No inherent effect. Raises the effect of linked skills. This includes small aoe healing spells. Usually turns targets energy into health or other effects.
Conversion {E} : 10e, 1s, 30r
Touch Spell. Target touched foe loses 1...6(8) energy and all allies in the area are healed for 30...90(110).
Linked Fates {E} : 10e, 1s, 40r
Enchantment. Target ally recieves a +1 energy regeneration for 1...12 seconds. While this ability is in effect, target gains the number of health regeneration of their energy regeneration.
Breakdown : 15e, 2s, 30r
Spell. Target foe takes 1...17 damage for each hex and enchantment on them.
Rend : 5e, 1s, 10r
Touch Skill. Target foe takes 10...34 damage and 6...30 chaos damage if target has enchantment on them.
Renew Spirits : 15e, 1s, 30r
Touch Spell. Target foe loses 1...3 energy and all nearby allies lose 1...3 conditions and 1 hex.
Falling Star {E} : 10e, 3s, 10r
Target foe takes 13...85 fire damage and is knocked down for 1 second. Half chance failure with 4 or less Cosmos Magic.