In-game media-player



Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2005

The Etereal Guard


As we all know, game background music gets old very quick. I often find player turn off the background music and start playing their own music.

I suggest GW implement a in-game media-player that allows player to play their own music.

Of course there are always the old fashion way of just alt-tab and play your music. The thing is that sound from different sources are mixed together by a sound mixer, producing a lower quality sound (or even noise if you're using old sound cards).

Normally this isn't really a big deal, but I find music often can cause better immersion than graphic

Aarroe of Gilgamesh

Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2005

Friedberg, Germany

We Came, We Saw, We Drank [Tea]

i think this is a great idea, but works out odd for this game. like id love to be able to chosse more appropriate battle music, however, the game doesnt differentiate between when you are fighting or when you aren't. so you wouldnt be able to pick music for when you are fighting or not. what i think woud be kind of neat would be guild theme songs. like watching war machine in observer mode and hearing Underworld's "Dinosaur Adventure 3-D". like choose a side you want to cheer for kinda and get their theme music maybe... good idea, but you kinda need to be a bit more specific in how you want it implimented.