ive heard from many people, that they wish a new guildmenu..
maybe like in world of warcraft
im in a big guild, with around 40-50 members.
its hard for us to get an overview of people who play pve oder pvp only..
there r just a few points which would make it all better..
-> Guild-leader or officer can create groups:
For example:
Group1: "GVG TEAM"
Group2: "HA TEAM rank0-3"
Group3: "HA TEAM rank3-6"
Group4:" PVE ONLY"
in this groups u can add a groupleader with specials rights etc, and u also can swap all people around
also it would be gr8 to set notices at players.. like: "he was 2days offline without telling a officer" or .. "rank2 but hes good as a rank3"
it would be so great.. and easy for big guild to organize thereselves
some examples from wow, which i found
(y dont u just copy them ^^.. guys this is not too hard to solve, and it would be gr8

Guild Ranks Initiate, Member, Veteran, Officer, Leader Guild leaders can also rename the existing ranks and create their own ranks, up to 10.
u can set like in icq/msn a notice.. like:
"Im looking for group"
"i need 2 ppl to help me with a mission xx"
another point is, that u can see in the guildmenu the Character+Level and the current position!
sorry for my english, but i hope iLL get an positiv answer

thx for reading it