yeah of course you did - cause that's why you've got your Character: xxxxx against your posting avatar !!
The rules are broken with every post. well amost
Stupidiest name you have seen in GW
This thread kills my brain because not only is "stupidest" spelled wrong, but name posting is not allowed.. sigh.
Dark Suoon
stupidist names ive seen are like ppl with names of pokemon, digimon, yugioh and etc.. those are really stupid
Originally Posted by Phaern Majes
Am I the only one that sees this thread as a major contradiction to a rather important rule? NO POSTING OF NAMES. Just my tidbit on it though...
I looked over the forum rules and it mentions nothing about not posting character names
only the scam thread has that rule as far as i can see
Official GW Scams Thread (no posting names) |
Originally Posted by zamial
Not that this is a bad name but more funny/rage insiting was:Bill Clinton,whats next a John Kennedy/George Bush?just the mention of old /current presidents or any former leader of any country seems to say" i want to start a huge debate on politics in a fantacy game".while i dont care about these debates unless they are extremly offencive,why insite them?i play to escape the real world as i think many others do as well.
(im sure that the above player is a good one not bashing his/her skills in any way) and religious names/guilds lets keep personal beliefs out of a game that is supposed to be fun.......remember this is guild wars not jyhad. "NOT MY BELIEFS,NOT MY RELIGION,BUT IT IS MY GAME"" |
Ashlee Simpson
Kelly Clarkson
i seriously found that shit in game
Kelly Clarkson
i seriously found that shit in game
Ninetail Trickster
You can post names with the person's permission, aye?
(I had my guildmate's permission... >_>; )
(I had my guildmate's permission... >_>; )
o yea.... i almost forgot...anyone with
"Azn" or "Azn Pride" in their name is RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOn annoying
~not being racist because i am ASAIN myself
"Azn" or "Azn Pride" in their name is RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOn annoying
~not being racist because i am ASAIN myself
Swampgirl Inez
How this lasted so long I don't know. This is all personal opinion and potential flamebait if someone happens to disagree with what you think is 'stupid'. Also, it is best to edit out names unless the person gives you permission even if it is a good post.