What will be coming to an End?
Energizer Deth Buni
Just wondering on your thoughts on things coming to and end?
I picked up a game magazine in the store today killing time. I saw the last few lines of the last 12 or so people on Asherons Call before they shut down forever... very interesting. Just made me think..
Book/gear/keg gone today
55ing next?
Ectos and shards?
Running? Droks and Desert?
Being pissed off at THK?
I wonder will Droks and LA become ghost towns...
(PS someone please tell me what 1337 is.. I recognize it from George Lucas?)
I picked up a game magazine in the store today killing time. I saw the last few lines of the last 12 or so people on Asherons Call before they shut down forever... very interesting. Just made me think..
Book/gear/keg gone today
55ing next?
Ectos and shards?
Running? Droks and Desert?
Being pissed off at THK?
I wonder will Droks and LA become ghost towns...
(PS someone please tell me what 1337 is.. I recognize it from George Lucas?)
Dr Strangelove
As for the book trick, I imagine a very small number of farmers may ragequit. See if I care, all they did was 5 man farm with the same groups over and over. Everyone else will just have to branch out.
55ing.. I doubt they'll nerf it, if you really think about the build, how overpowered is it? Except for the UW, there are builds that can farm the same places quite easily. Besides, if they haven't yet, why would they bother?
Ectos and shards- Ecto drops have already been nerfed to almost nothing. If you're worried they'll lose value after faction.. liquidate. People will still want FoW armor after factions, and it'll still be hard to get, and less people will be farming ectos.
Anet has already said they have no problem with running, give it a rest. The droks run and desert are both perfectly possible, they're just slightly harder than they were.
People quitting after failing THK for months... good riddance to bad rubbish I say.
As for 1337, you're not leet enough to know
55ing.. I doubt they'll nerf it, if you really think about the build, how overpowered is it? Except for the UW, there are builds that can farm the same places quite easily. Besides, if they haven't yet, why would they bother?
Ectos and shards- Ecto drops have already been nerfed to almost nothing. If you're worried they'll lose value after faction.. liquidate. People will still want FoW armor after factions, and it'll still be hard to get, and less people will be farming ectos.
Anet has already said they have no problem with running, give it a rest. The droks run and desert are both perfectly possible, they're just slightly harder than they were.
People quitting after failing THK for months... good riddance to bad rubbish I say.
As for 1337, you're not leet enough to know
imho, a lot of farmers will quit... a large portion of the players are NOT willing to adapt. I for one know pletny of people that quit, coz anet nerfed griffons LOL. people dont like to work hard in order to press ctrl-click on their weapon set and think themselves as 1337 mofos

i think all the players who don't realise that GW is a game and therefore for passing time and having fun will quit, games aren't just about farming, just because someone has collector's/drok's armour doesn't mean they can't have fun ^^ sure it's nice to be able to constantly get new things for your char, but is it really necessary to force yourself not to have fun to get it?
(and exactly what's so hard baout THK? i've only failed that mission 2-3 times i believe, out of 3 chars that have done it)
(and exactly what's so hard baout THK? i've only failed that mission 2-3 times i believe, out of 3 chars that have done it)
Good, I don't want any of these ppl threatening to leave if their precious method they know so well is removed, around

There is a point here. Each time a person or people come up with great builds or ideas on missions, it gets nerfed or changed in a way that destroys the idea. Lets be honest, if you keep getting slapped across the face for doing something great, how much longer will you keep doing it before you finally quit?
Muse of Shadows
Originally Posted by Energizer Deth Buni
(PS someone please tell me what 1337 is.. I recognize it from George Lucas?)
Cheeky Temptation
Im agreeing with both points.. It does suck how as soon as we discover something new it gets nerfed straight away. there was a discussion in war camp earlier how guild wars is about pvp if u get the name and thats what anet trying to do but i personally loved to farm im not that great at pvp. Post i recently read about adding new things to draw aggro to certain areas as in taunting the enemies i thought that was a great idea but u cant choose anets decission. I'm bummed about the new update cos i only just finished my ss today

Originally Posted by Anet Update Page
* Added a Titles tab to the Hero panel. Full support for titles, including the display of titles to other players, will not be available until the release of Guild Wars Factions. * In PvP, the victorious players can no longer be killed after a battle ends. This prevents remaining effects, such as Disease or the Edge of Extinction Spirit, from wiping out a winning team after the battle has ended. * Improved quest marker support for destinations outside of the character's current map. o The zoomed-out world map now shows the location of the destination map. o The zoomed-in world map shows an arrow at the appropriate exit for the current map and displays the name of the destination map in green. * The entries in the Control Setup dialog box are now grouped by category. Categories and entries within each category are now sorted alphabetically. * Added DirectX 9 renderer support for anti-aliasing with GeForce 3 and 4 graphics cards. * Fixed a bug that prevented the maintained Enchantment Unyielding Aura from ending if its caster died. |
Edit: Well Ive looked at the other threads and it seems to be the general opinions so i'll go have a cry now. It use to make my spiteful spirit so hardcore.
Originally Posted by Guild Wiki
Update - Tuesday, April 25, 2006
GuildWiki Notes
Lots of ecto farmers will be jumping off tall buildings last I heard...
Former Ruling
Originally Posted by Lonesamurai
[/LIST]I know its only Wiki, but usually it has the right idea
Originally Posted by jmj102
Edit: Well Ive looked at the other threads and it seems to be the general opinions so i'll go have a cry now. It use to make my spiteful spirit so hardcore.
Book/gear/keg gone today = Good 55ing next? = Doubt it Ectos and shards? = They're armor components... might become cheap but who knows Running? Droks and Desert? = Anet doesn't mind running too much, and theres always, yknow, doing the missions. Being pissed off at THK? = It's pretty easy with a good group, exactly what the mission is for - a filter |
Originally Posted by Former Ruling
alot of that was reverted in the 3-4th updates though.
Weapons can now drop with +5 energy as an inherant mod, in place of a damage-increasing mod. |
not that i care, I was asleep and it was during the server downtime in EU servers anyway
Change is the nature of the beast. Farming imo has gotton out of hand. For the past 8 months that's just about all there is to do in pve.
You cannot look at the future of GW the as the same as the past year. We have been waiting for 1 year for a new chapter to give use new content. I bet more people have left this game because of the stale pve environment. With a new release every 6 months having as much content as chapter 1 its going to bring those players back. It will also keep the impulse generation at bay with less time between chapters.
You have a choice on the book trick. Either completely destroy a new proffession in GW and make it completely unsuable in pve or you change it to make the rit viable. Besides all you had to do is take off your weapons and sit there. You didn't even need a book/gear/crystal it was an AI flaw that people had been abusing for a long time. Personally I'd have the fix it and be able to use a ritualist.
If you cannot understand that GW is a game of constant change you probly should change games. If you are so concerned about the changes destroying your ideas. Come up with another idea. That's a challenge and should be fun. If you want the game to never change to abuse your same farming techniques then this is the wrong game for you.
You cannot look at the future of GW the as the same as the past year. We have been waiting for 1 year for a new chapter to give use new content. I bet more people have left this game because of the stale pve environment. With a new release every 6 months having as much content as chapter 1 its going to bring those players back. It will also keep the impulse generation at bay with less time between chapters.
You have a choice on the book trick. Either completely destroy a new proffession in GW and make it completely unsuable in pve or you change it to make the rit viable. Besides all you had to do is take off your weapons and sit there. You didn't even need a book/gear/crystal it was an AI flaw that people had been abusing for a long time. Personally I'd have the fix it and be able to use a ritualist.
If you cannot understand that GW is a game of constant change you probly should change games. If you are so concerned about the changes destroying your ideas. Come up with another idea. That's a challenge and should be fun. If you want the game to never change to abuse your same farming techniques then this is the wrong game for you.
Energizer Deth Buni
Thx for the Info on 1337. Also im sorry about the George Lucas reference that was 1138. but if you are interested
I just have to pop in here and tell you that it wasn't (my beloved) Asheron's Call that was shut down but it's sequel Asheron's Call 2 that was closed. My first MMOG was Asheron's Call

55ing will never die, it's the dev's brainchild.
Running will never die, anet has said they intended on running to be doable.
Keg/Book trick runs are harder, sure, but still easy if your tank knows how to round up aggro. People do succesful 8 man UW runs, yes? And has there ever been a book for that?
Running will never die, anet has said they intended on running to be doable.
Keg/Book trick runs are harder, sure, but still easy if your tank knows how to round up aggro. People do succesful 8 man UW runs, yes? And has there ever been a book for that?
Originally Posted by LordMahal
There is a point here. Each time a person or people come up with great builds or ideas on missions, it gets nerfed or changed in a way that destroys the idea. Lets be honest, if you keep getting slapped across the face for doing something great, how much longer will you keep doing it before you finally quit?
Originally Posted by Skuld
Good, I don't want any of these ppl threatening to leave if their precious method they know so well is removed, around
![]() |
Well, that, and the average PUG can't grasp that small concept.
Rules on aggro amangement:
rule 1: stay at least 1.5 aggro circles away from the tank (because monsters, especially rangers can have a slightly bigger range - when using Long/Flatbows)
rule 2: You do not talk about Fight Club.
rule 3: you DO NOT talk about Fight Club!
rule 4: wait until he/she stands still and all monsters attack the tank, usually takes 2-3 seconds.
rule 5: MM stay behind so minions don't draw aggro
rule 6: watch out for Rangers
Nothing will die, cause chapter 1 is known through the whole map, chapter 2 people will go back and forth. Those people not buying Chapter 2 or those just getting into Chapter 1 will be the ones in those "ghost towns" and districts won't die. This is why A.net gave us the option to go back and forth so chapter 1 won't die completely but still used.
Originally Posted by twicky_kid
Change is the nature of the beast. Farming imo has gotton out of hand. For the past 8 months that's just about all there is to do in pve.
Celdor Nailo
What is the book trick? I don't recall ever hearing about it.
It's in FoW; similar to the gear trick from SF.
Originally Posted by Inde
I just have to pop in here and tell you that it wasn't (my beloved) Asheron's Call that was shut down but it's sequel Asheron's Call 2 that was closed. My first MMOG was Asheron's Call
![]() |
Wait a minute, am I going off-topic?
I'm glad to see the gear/book trick is gone, and I hope that lame runners will find disappointment for their 'business' in Factions, plus finding that they get no reply when shouting out in Augury Rock 'I RUN EVERYWHERE IN TEH DESSERT 500 GOOLD'.
In any case, hopefully Factions will change the PvE mood from bored 'Must get rich' farming and repeated FoW/UW/Tombs/SF trips to questing, exploring, and finding out stuff. At least for a while. The first person who says 'Lol I is first to found l33t farming spot in Cantha', I will scream at. At least, I'll try to in my typing.
Originally Posted by King Symeon
The first person who says 'Lol I is first to found l33t farming spot in Cantha', I will scream at.
sunny dai
Originally Posted by SirJackassIII
Rules on aggro amangement: rule 1: stay at least 1.5 aggro circles away from the tank (because monsters, especially rangers can have a slightly bigger range - when using Long/Flatbows) rule 2: You do not talk about Fight Club. rule 3: you DO NOT talk about Fight Club! rule 4: wait until he/she stands still and all monsters attack the tank, usually takes 2-3 seconds. rule 5: MM stay behind so minions don't draw aggro rule 6: watch out for Rangers |
its absolutely amazing how few people can do this corerectly, just because an enemy is aggroed initially by someone does not mean they will attack them!!!
Originally Posted by Avarre
I think I'm going to cry now too, and keep crying until people learn that the book trick was never needed for keeping aggro.
i dont seem to be able to think of any monsters that pop out in either fow or sf upon other monstaz deaths, but this happens in tombs (whilst trying a 3man idea of mine), and if you can get their aggro only on yourself, I SALUTE U
Sir Skullcrasher
Originally Posted by Inde
I just have to pop in here and tell you that it wasn't (my beloved) Asheron's Call that was shut down but it's sequel Asheron's Call 2 that was closed. My first MMOG was Asheron's Call
![]() |

Back on track, i think majority of farmers either got tired of all the nerfing (SF, UW) so that they quit the game for good. Or, we seen more peoples starting to use different builds and find other locations to farm. But i have to say, A-Net seen to have left open an opportunity for us to "cheat the system" than after a whlie, decide to drop the nerfing stick on us.
Originally Posted by King Symeon
In any case, hopefully Factions will change the PvE mood from bored 'Must get rich' farming and repeated FoW/UW/Tombs/SF trips to questing, exploring, and finding out stuff. At least for a while. The first person who says 'Lol I is first to found l33t farming spot in Cantha', I will scream at. At least, I'll try to in my typing.
BTW .... Lol I is first to found l33t farming spot in Cantha!
<-- waiting for runners to get nerfed
I don't see farmers quitting. I farm. I won't quit. I'll figure out new ways to farm the various areas but I'll play through the factions storyline first. Also I see again someone that seems to think that the people who farm don't enjoy it. Again fun is subjective people. LoL . I wouldn't do multiple hour and half long tomb runs if I didn't like doing them. I wouldn't go slaughter ettins for runes if I didn't have fun. I wouldn't hit some of my secret little spots if I didn't like soloing and getting good drops.
God Apprentice
Originally Posted by Energizer Deth Buni
(PS someone please tell me what 1337 is.. I recognize it from George Lucas?)
Jas D
Glad the book/gear tricks are nerfed.

Ira Blinks
Originally Posted by Avarre
I think I'm going to cry now too, and keep crying until people learn that the book trick was never needed for keeping aggro.