Originally Posted by Scott42
I'm sorry I have to disagree with you there Zhou I for one became very frustraited with the UW FoW situation because particularly I would like to obtain my FoW armour. I have since learned how to farm with only two people and I am now well over half way to my first set the farming techniques used are more difficult in a way but I do not enjoy this type of game play. I would like to see it so I do not have to resort to these methods. It is far far more rewarding going in a smaller party and your comment that "everything is yours" this rate of drop should be the similar for the individual using any party size in my opinion. I do understand why it is why it is, but I feel this is a dated notion.
Guild Wars greatest achievement is the level of team orientation that can be seen, for a role playing game to be able to have hero's that go into battle and are set so they don’t actually deal any damage and are there to support the damage dealers using a wide range of healing, wards, protections, interruptions and the list goes on. For them to encourage farming by making it so appealing by making it so much more profitable and team oriented nearly to the point it’s a waste of time they are losing this element to people the are moving to appeal of solo farming. Then they try to stop solo farming by adjusting areas so they can no longer be solo farmed they are not adressing the issue this way. |

So anyway most people dont want to team to farm cause "greed" is dangerous. Why not just make it so when an enemy drops an uncommon or rare item for someone that person gets "flagged" until everyone else receives uncommon to rare drops. And if a mob drops an ecto maybe they should make it drop for everyone in team. Maybe that will make ectos drop too... Bah that wont happen either.
I still think the best bet is treating economy like real world economy by making economy emulation at every market so that items sold rotate their values as if emulating NPCs trade/selling/buying Today ectos are pricey tomorrow they drop drastically then a few days later they are pricey again. Actually market in real world fluctuates a lot... but some things remain pricey (gold, diamonds, etc.)
At this rate there is no sensible solution. Remember in the real world there are rich people too. You cant expect this to be an utopia there will be always those who are rich and those who are poor. What I would like however is that anyone who can work towards becoming rich the other also have a fair chance to do so IF they work just as hard I guess.