Faction is comming in a few day's but i cant decide if i want to make a new char ore not,ihave an Warrior and Ranger Both are lvl20 and allso have pretty high end stuff,so i was thinking that might not be so fun plowing thru tons and tons of Low lvl'd monster in the begining,so i was thinking of makeing a new warrior but i start thinking that just seems such waste of time having 2warrior which one is in cantha and the other in Tyria,and later iam gonna want to take my tyrian warrior to cantha so iam so freaking confused it might sound like an simple choice but i don't like the Assassin netheir the Ritualist,and iam not really a fan of playing as an spell caster etheir and i think it's so much work having more then 2chars cause i dont wanna stop playing whith my warrior.
ore Should i just Continue whith my warrior as Faction was just an Uppgrade from Prophecis campaign and just dig in to the farming stuff and explore?
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Should i make new char for cantha? iam confused
I personally have three lvl 20's covering all the core professions...
I've decided to make a Ranger/Assasin on thursday morning for 2 reasons - 1/. I want to see the Canthan equivalent to Pre Sear & 2/. I don't want to make a ritualist, EVER, and I haven't done a Ranger primary yet...
I've decided to make a Ranger/Assasin on thursday morning for 2 reasons - 1/. I want to see the Canthan equivalent to Pre Sear & 2/. I don't want to make a ritualist, EVER, and I haven't done a Ranger primary yet...
Personally, Id start a new character. Ok, the monsters may be low lvl, but it's going to be fun to see the differences. This doesn't mean to say you cant progress with your existing char tho.
If you want to experience the best of both worlds:
1. start a new char and go thru some of the low lvls... if you like it, keep it
2. Take your existing char over to factions and try out some of the harder lvls... you can always go back and you'll know what to expect if you keep your new char
Good luck deciding!
If you want to experience the best of both worlds:
1. start a new char and go thru some of the low lvls... if you like it, keep it
2. Take your existing char over to factions and try out some of the harder lvls... you can always go back and you'll know what to expect if you keep your new char
Good luck deciding!
Originally Posted by GentleBreezes
Personally, Id start a new character. Ok, the monsters may be low lvl, but it's going to be fun to see the differences. This doesn't mean to say you cant progress with your existing char tho.
If you want to experience the best of both worlds: 1. start a new char and go thru some of the low lvls... if you like it, keep it 2. Take your existing char over to factions and try out some of the harder lvls... you can always go back and you'll know what to expect if you keep your new char Good luck deciding! Laura |
iam thinking of makeing a mesmer but i dont know if they will be any usefull, ppl might underastimate the power from the mesmer and take an ele instead ore something like that..
The dev's stated that 75% of the content in factions is for lvl 20 content.
Originally Posted by EternalTempest
The dev's stated that 75% of the content in factions is for lvl 20 content.
How many % of GWrophecis is for lvl20 chars (just so i get an idea how much 75% really is