What they should do, in the expantion, is make a craftable sword in one of the towns that say... I dunno... Gives you +1 mana regen. Then, remove the ability to craft it a few months later, but keep the item in the game.
The next step, would be to leave it in the game for long enough for it to become up there with the most valueable items. THEN (and here's the genius), screw everyone over who's bought one, buy making them drop from monsters. There by pulling everyone to buy the expansion.
That'd be an AWESOME idea. I mean, who wants to have consistancy in the game.
Hot new idea for GuildWars, in true GuildWars fashion
Crimson Ashwood
You won't find much sympathy here. Most people agree that the return of the denravi sword is a good thing. And I definitely feel that way, I actually had 4 denravi swords before this and I'm happy anet finally made this a common item in the game. I wish they had done this sooner, but better late than never.

Crimson Ashwood
Yeah that's cool and all. What's rubbish, is they left it in the game, uncraftable... giving it a high value... then reintroduced it, that's my problem. I'm also glad it's back, awesome! Just could have been handled a lot better.
Besides, who wouldn't be crying losing that much in-game money on an item because of something that could have been handled a million times better. Post's like Skuld's are just crap.
Besides, who wouldn't be crying losing that much in-game money on an item because of something that could have been handled a million times better. Post's like Skuld's are just crap.
Sorry, auto-reaction 
I think they should have removed them altogether in the first place, I can see why you'd be mad

I think they should have removed them altogether in the first place, I can see why you'd be mad
They never should have removed it in the first place and when they did, they never should have left any in game.

Crimson Ashwood
Totally. Leaving it there is what's really screwed alot of people over. Like, it's really destroyed what a lot of people worked hard, in game, to buy! Put yourself in the HoD owners position. Maybe you sacrificed upwards of 400plat for it, to have it cheapened?
What could have happened, is they could have had it removed or, they could have replaced it with something else of value, or, they could have left it craftable... that's all.
I guess I am upset, and yeah, it's easy to poke fun at someone when they're feelin' that way about something. I just wanted to vent really...

That being said, can't WAIT to get a kick ass ANYTHING sword with +5 energy for my warrior and IW mesmer. It'll be awesome!
Pity a lost a lot on that HoD Sword tho... which, FYI, i paid 100k and 50ectos for less than a week ago (my bad) and just sold today for 35 ectos. :/
What could have happened, is they could have had it removed or, they could have replaced it with something else of value, or, they could have left it craftable... that's all.
I guess I am upset, and yeah, it's easy to poke fun at someone when they're feelin' that way about something. I just wanted to vent really...
That being said, can't WAIT to get a kick ass ANYTHING sword with +5 energy for my warrior and IW mesmer. It'll be awesome!
Muse of Shadows
If ArenaNet decides to remove an item from the game, REMOVE IT. Even with the addition of +5 energy sword drops back into the game, the HoD sword should be placed back at the crafter, or removed entirely. They should also change the statistics on the 20/20 rockmolder to 20/10, as it is supposed to be (the 20/20 ones where in fact bugged if I am not mistaken - the greens are perfect versions of the items [exeption being the 3^50 wands...], and the perfect version of that item would be 20/10).
The same should be applied to all items removed/to-be removed in this game, regardless of its value at the time it was available, its value now, or how much it is worth once it is added/removed.
The same should be applied to all items removed/to-be removed in this game, regardless of its value at the time it was available, its value now, or how much it is worth once it is added/removed.