Help, please, urgent!!!
Zethron Ahriman
Look, ive done most quests, both missions e.g. on my lvl 11 assasin, i got take to the MarketPlace yet all monsters/players are lvl 20? How do you expect my char to lvl on such a puny/xp-less island?
Ashleigh McMahon
I think this is for the event only, as you started at level 20 on the beta event.
You'll level up much quicker fighting level 20s. Find a good group and you should be fine.
There are loads of quests to do in the part where you start. Me and my buddy made lvl 17 when we reached the marketplace. So i'd suggest u explore more and do some more quests.
Originally Posted by Zethron Ahriman
Look, ive done most quests, both missions e.g. on my lvl 11 assasin, i got take to the MarketPlace yet all monsters/players are lvl 20? How do you expect my char to lvl on such a puny/xp-less island?