Originally Posted by Solar Light
This guy is a complete fake, all evidence points towards him being ran everywhere, and i bet you he got a powerleveler to get him that exp or someone else while he sat around, this guy is a complete disgrace to the survivor titles!
To tell the truth, I didn't even want to answer that one, but I think I will, just to keep everything clear. If you'll look at this
screenshot, you'll see the original area where I've been getting my experience from, that is Diviner's Ascent. You'll also see the build I used to solo the enemies, this is a tricky area with 2 Sand Drake bosses, and one of them (Ele) isn't too easy to kill. Plus, you're always attacked by 2-3 enemies at once.
You see, when you're working on getting the second or third Survivor title, the main problem which can occur is occasional connection drops from your ISP or GW server glitches like teleports to a random location, out of syncs, etc. And, in this case, it's not even a matter of skill -- you're absolutely sure you can tank the enemies by yourself, but it becomes a matter of raffle, where you can get killed anytime, just as soon as your connection expresses a lag that's longer than 10-15 seconds. You probably haven't thought about it yet, but I'll tell you what happens in this case, in a solo-farm run or henchway mission. The whole stuff on your screen (the client) is getting frozen as if the game's been paused for a while, but the true thing that's happening is that you're still alive on the server and it doesn't understand that you've been temporarily disconnected. You can try to do the logout or even close the game client, but the chances it's going to help are rather low. In other words, when it comes to an ISP or GW servers lag, there's a 80% chance your character is gonna die no matter what, until he's bonded like a crazy mofo. The funny thing is that you're not even going to see your first death, it's not a matter of personal skill, as I said =) That's why I invited a guildie to help me with getting the last 200k of my exp, otherwise I could die any time, just as soon as my connection started to lag or if it temporarily disappeared.
P.S. Believe it or not, I never used any power-levelers, and as a Warrior myself, I wouldn't spend a single platinum on them.