Tengu Day - complaint



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

Scars Meadows [SMS], Retired Officer


Originally Posted by Epinephrine
Right, so if they delete all your toons and reset your account, that's cool with you? After all, they reserve those rights, all the online information is their property, and as you said, it's just a game?

Anet doesn't have to keep your unlocks.
Anet doesn't have to let you play.
There's an EULA warning you that they can cancel your account anytime.
It is just your time and money.
It is just a game.

Give me a break.

The "event" extension was a "surprise gift", and presumably was going to extend the event, not the grace period. Many of us thought that it was a chance to get the rewards over the weekend, to allow casual players who work, have kids and so on a chance to get the rewards of pre-ordering.

i think the point is that the day of the tengu event is an extra that anet threw our way. everything else you mentioned is what we pay for when we buy the game. we paid for the characters, the items, the skills, and the ability to play it. so, deleting our toons, resetting our accounts, locking skills, and preventing us from playing would be an outrage considering that is what we paid for.

however, the head start event was an "extra" that they provided. they could very well have not thrown the event and just allowed people with pre-orders get a head start on doing normal questing/exploring of cantha. would people complain if there hadn't been any event or mention of an event at all? most likely not. they would be too busy enjoying the new continent and what it had to offer to notice.

so the point is, the event is an extra. if you missed it, i'm sorry. if you really were a "casual" player, you wouldn't care so much.

after all, it is just a chicken head.
get over it.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2005

Originally Posted by kdragonsbane
those that say he wasnt there at midnight please be more specific, i was there at midnight EST, and he was there on time not late not early, on time, then again he is an Emperor, and since when does royalty abide by our time standards?
answer to Q1: okay, specifically, the Canthan Emperor wasn't there at the Monastery from 11:50 to 12:10AM on 4/28/2006.

answer to Q2: since when the royalty in question is not a real royalty but one that exists in virtual reality (one might call it "virtual royalty).



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005


Hmm well for the next event(s) please ensure they are held close to the end of the week and also run throughout the weekend if possible.

Many people have work/school during the week and might not be able to be online much during a weekday (like me lately!)

This should allow more time in future for people who work/school during weekdays, and give time for weekend workers too (hopefully they might have thurs/fri off or sunday or something)

I'm not super angry or upset, but enjoy the Anet events very much (video'ing them even for other fans!) and wanted to take part in this one, but due to the timing and duration missed this one. Sure it's not earth shatteringly big but would have been nice


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2006

New Jersey

Funloving Gamers [FLG]


I missed getting the Tengu masks because I too found Day of the Tengu EXTREMELY confusing, pretty much the whole way through...

Just like many of you posting here (and many more who aren't posting I'm sure), I was confused as to what the "extension" of the Head Start event referred to. I work full time, and so I had only about 6 hours to figure everything out and do the Naga quests and then catch the Emperor at an opportune time... and that's if I did nothing but play GW from the time I walked in the door to the time I went to bed... or I suppose I could have had more time if I sacrificed sleep... or had the luxury of calling in sick to work...

I went to bed thinking I could continue on my quest for enough Naga fangs, and then get up and finish during the "extension" of the Head Start Event. What a rude awakening to jump back into Shing Jea Monastery this morning to find out that the Emperor had "left the building..." I feel for all of you who were waiting for the Last Coming and missed it because he showed up early... that was NOT COOL.

My other beef with this is that it actually took me a long time to figure out how to do the quests... I wanted to get a mask for a Tyrian character as well as a new Canthan one, but I got mired in trying to get my Ra/N through the city to the docks. I thought I was following a straightforward path but ended up stuck in Vizunah Square trying to make it through that impossible mission... simply because, when I got to Cantha, I started following Mhenlo's "Welcome to Cantha" quest. Some welcome... I had no idea that there was another (and I assume quicker) way to get down to the Monastery with my lvl20. I ended up giving up and went to focus on getting my new Ritualist some Naga fangs.

But I'd already wasted (albeit unknowingly) so much time on my Tyrian character, that I didn't have enough time to get my Naga fangs. Well I suppose (if I had been aware that the Head Start extension didn't include Day of the Tengu) could have stayed up and gotten no sleep last night, but I still have to work today. But even so, part of the problem was that I was very confused as to how to get started on the Naga quests.

I really hadn't anticipated that there would be so many steps to getting the Tengu mask. In my opinion, there were too many for the time alotted, especially since the event was on a "weeknight". It was a huge let down to find out I'd spent so much of my time online trying to figure things out only to find that I'd missed the boat. BIG disappointment.

Granted, the Tengu masks aren't all that, it IS just a game, yada yada yada. Still, I don't find working toward a goal and coming up empty-handed to be good entertainment. So in a lot of ways that's what I feel the Head Start event was: Day of the Frustrated.

I just wish it had been better spelled out, more self-evident how to get the quests, and that we had a more realistic time frame for completing the necessary tasks given the release of the Head Start on a weekday (and also considering that there are many dedicated players who connect through dial-up who also had to deal with huge and time-consuming downloads when exploring each new area).

I'm still a huge fan of Guild Wars, and look forward to exploring Cantha (and earning my Tyrian/Canthan Cartographer title). Hopefully the developers will work out a way to make future special events like this one more enjoyable and satisfying?



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: May 2005

in the midline


The event was okay. However, they should have made it every hour or half hour. I was only able to get 2 because if I were to stay up for a 3rd for my warrior I wouldve stayed up to 3 in the morning EST.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

Quite Vulgar [FUN]

Anet needs to really get on the ball explaining events and game mechanics.

I have not seen any details saying the emperor shows up every 3 hours.

I have not seen any details explaining alliances and town holdings.

I have not seen any details on how to join luxons or kurzicks.

I have not seen any details on how to add things to your guild.

If you cannot make a game manuel that is worth a damn then don't make the game. Its like renting a video game with no instruction manuel. Many times I'd rather not rent that game.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2005

If you weren't there, you missed out. Tough luck. Didn't your guildmates tell you anything? Those bastards.

Personally I got completely discouraged by the ridiculous amount of fangs it required... And felt a bit sad it was only for farmers. Then I saw the mask and laughed: THAT is what this is all about?! I prefer the Yule cap.



Hall Hero

Join Date: Jul 2005

California Canada/BC

STG Administrator


I am glad i didn't farm for 250 fangs and yes annoucing things like the Halloween event and this would be nice.There are some of us as adult and can't be in game all the time.You can always sell them.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2005

Originally Posted by Corinthian
If you weren't there, you missed out. Tough luck. Didn't your guildmates tell you anything? Those bastards.

Personally I got completely discouraged by the ridiculous amount of fangs it required... And felt a bit sad it was only for farmers. Then I saw the mask and laughed: THAT is what this is all about?! I prefer the Yule cap.
Actually, just doing the 3 quests that the Master of Celebrations gave gave you like 200 fans, then the rest just drops from all the Naga you have to kill in those quests.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2005

The Tengu event may be an "extra," but if ANet is going to hold an event, they sure as hell better do it right.

I'm sure everyone crowing "It's just an event, get over it!" wouldn't be calling the same tune if you spent hours and hours farming, only to miss the entire point of your day by 20 minutes.

"GW IZ FREA!" (which by the way, it isn't - preorder keys cost money) and "LOL ITZ EXTRUH!" aren't excuses for holding a bad event. If ANet wants people pay up to get preorder keys, and hold an event for them - DO IT RIGHT.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2006

New Jersey

Funloving Gamers [FLG]


Hi all,

Just wanted to let you know that I emailed ANet and sent in a support ticket about this, and, after a bunch of back and forth with form letter emails I came up with a list of suggestions for how I thought future events might be better organized and communicated. There is also another thread on this at GWOnline.net, and so the follow-ups I wrote are there. Here's the link to their thread ("Cheated out of a Tengu Mask"):


Maybe if we provide ANet with suggestions and constructive criticism they will be able to prevent these frustrations in the future...



Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2005


Seers of Serpents [SoS]


Come on guys we all know Anet has always been terrible at organising events and they just dont want to admit it. Making players wait around for hours on ends to gain some rewards that dont even have stats and in some cases its not even possible to get them for the charatcers you want. What happened to being for casual player? Some of us actually have a job and real life commitments to be waiting around for some avatar to show up.

The only event thats reliable so far is the misinformed Gaile showing up after each update trying to explain things we already know or to give her famous *I will check with someone* statement in her purple text followed by a congo.

Constructive criticism failed long ago when mistakes keep repeating themselves. No more excuses, time to face your community.

Edit for spelling