Originally Posted by zulu123
Has any developer fcking seen how much any FOTM weapon costs? Where does one get the gold required for all these?

Max weapons are cheap. Weapons with special skins and FOTM mods are expensive.
Lasher Dragon
Originally Posted by zulu123
Has any developer fcking seen how much any FOTM weapon costs? Where does one get the gold required for all these?
Originally Posted by zulu123
Although I personally would never stoop so low as to NOT share my builds/spots (if I have any)... I guess the op has the right to protect his farming spots. Especially if Anet tracks down these spots and nerfs them.
What I get pissed off is the company itself... Anet. First there is the hard limitation of being able to use only 8 skills. Then they force us to constantly change and adapt to the changing scenarios and different mobs. These changes need different builds, armor sets, weapons, etc, etc. This is not a game where one build, one armor set and one weapon works anywhere and everywhere like other games *cough* World of Warcraft *cough* Has any developer fcking seen how much any decent weapon costs? Where does one get the gold required for all these? Why dont they try to do something productive like controlling the inflation OR trying to implement an auctioning system in the game? Instead all they keep doing is nerf different builds that allows you to earn some much needed gold OR nerf some good farming spot. |
Originally Posted by wsmcasey
I made a goal to not spend any money and farm for 1 hour every day over the past 2 weeks before the factions release.
I started with 10k. I finished with 300k. ![]() I know you can make money faster if you buy and trade items, but the market isn't stable at the moment because of the factions release. I'll go back to buying and trading when the smoke clears. |
The New Guy
Originally Posted by WoodyDotNet
Finally, it's A FREAKING GAME!!! It's supposed to be fun. If you take farming this seriously, please go outside and get some fresh air. While you're out there, you might even see a real live person you can communicate with and who knows what then. Maybe even get a life?
Originally Posted by Iskrah
Guys, if ever you find out that the best way to get rich is to win HoH, just don't tell anybody, 'kay? And if ever you know that that one little lucky drop will net you more than the rest of your 9 months farming, just don't tell anyone either, 'kay? [/irony] Seriously, the OP must be a lovely person to know in real life, no kidding. Talk about greed. |
Kylie Minon
Originally Posted by Str0b0
I am a lovely person to know in real life once you get to know me. I enjoy long walks on the beach, puppies, fine dining and travel. Why do you want to date me or something?
Originally Posted by The New Guy
I seriously agree that this is just a game, but believe it or not, some people take it more seriously than us. For some of us, "Life" is going out with friends, hangin' out with our gf/bf, smoking weed, stealing cars, and etc....for some, playing GW and taking it seriously is their life. NON of us has the right to tell other people how to live their life as how we see fit. No flame intended on you, it just annoys me everytime I see someone say "get a life" in regards to how other people take this game more seriously and how much time they put in this game.
Originally Posted by The New Guy
I seriously agree that this is just a game, but believe it or not, some people take it more seriously than us. For some of us, "Life" is going out with friends, hangin' out with our gf/bf, smoking weed, stealing cars, and etc....for some, playing GW and taking it seriously is their life. NON of us has the right to tell other people how to live their life as how we see fit. No flame intended on you, it just annoys me everytime I see someone say "get a life" in regards to how other people take this game more seriously and how much time they put in this game.
The Herbalizer ill keep quiet. I have a few prophecies places which noone knows about. got myself a nice place to get lots of gold summit items. got another where i get runes and lots of gold weps. will i say? sure as hell i wont i just think it is dumb to tell people when you can farm the shit out of it make a ton of gold. after that i would say |
Cottage Pie
Originally Posted by zulu123
Although I personally would never stoop so low as to NOT share my builds/spots (if I have any)... I guess the op has the right to protect his farming spots. Especially if Anet tracks down these spots and nerfs them.
What I get pissed off is the company itself... Anet. First there is the hard limitation of being able to use only 8 skills. Then they force us to constantly change and adapt to the changing scenarios and different mobs. These changes need different builds, armor sets, weapons, etc, etc. This is not a game where one build, one armor set and one weapon works anywhere and everywhere like other games *cough* World of Warcraft *cough* Has any developer fcking seen how much any decent weapon costs? Where does one get the gold required for all these? Why dont they try to do something productive like controlling the inflation OR trying to implement an auctioning system in the game? Instead all they keep doing is nerf different builds that allows you to earn some much needed gold OR nerf some good farming spot. |
The Herbalizer
Originally Posted by BellyFlop
I dint read all the treads cos i tired off piss heads with this type of comments, but just a note to you, why don’t you visit a non community forums, cos a community one is when people share and help people out and not acting like a spoil twat with that comment. I know something but I am not telling anyone! That’s like kindergarten crap.
If you know a good spot just don’t say it full stop don’t some and say you know of one and you not telling. Same thing applies to Str0b0 maybe u the one that need a bone to keep you mouth shut cos it sound like thats what you like to do. If u want to blame someone blame Anet or now called NerfNet. If they keep doing this I see the casual gamer stopping playing the game, cos not everyone got 8hours a day to play this game if they do they would be playing the other game. What is the chance of a casual gamer getting FOW? Ebay? Maybe that’s what they want! Well they say with great proud that Lv20 is just a number and they don’t want people to lvs up like if they were in a treadmill or something like that, but this game now feels more and more like a treadmill, just the LV stays at 20. |
Originally Posted by Ctb
To all the people whining that he doesn't want to share his "uber cool" stuff with you...
If it really bothers you, please take note that you could just as easily assume he's lying through his teeth to either agitate people or make himself feel better. It doesn't matter which perspective you choose to view the claims from since he precluded any possibility of proving them one way or another. Newsflash: the world contains emotionally unstable people who try to exert dominance in unhealthy ways. Learn to deal with it, because they're everywhere in both cyber and meatspace. |
Sure the world contains people in such a manner. I'm not the most emotionally stable either. Hell I'm currently on about *looks at dresser* 4 different types of mood medications. But, to see someone come to a community style forum and game. Then say, "Don't share.." Is like going to a track meet, enter it, then ask the other runners to stay at your pace. And with the builds. Bascially like using a form of karate (excuse me for spelling) going to a contest entering and winning. Then when asked what technique you say, "Sorry I can comment on that its personal." Come on. If you don't like the way a game is run. Then simply don't play it or don't bother with forums/people in general. |
Sparks Dawnbringer
Originally Posted by Str0b0
My fellow farmers, now that factions is upon us I know many of you will soon be seeking out those elusive hot spots for loot throughout the game. and many of us will be testing builds and methods to get the goodies from these spots. The thrill of the build and the find are what matters to us and by god this new chapter offers untold riches for us to get our hands on. Let us learn from the mistakes of the past as we venture into this new chapter in Guild Wars.
I'd like to really address one mistake that sort of catches all the mistakes up in one group. Let's try to keep our mouths shut this time. If you find the next awesome, solo super assassin or ritualist build keep it to yourself. If you find a spot where rare items and runes fall form the heavens like rain do not post it on this forum or any other forum for that matter. We've seen broad nerfs across the board because people just have to share. Knock it off already. A sense of community is one thing but cutting our own throats is another entirely. Remember the goal of the game is to have fun but there is no reason you can't make some loot while you do it. Just remember if you want to keep making the loot then the last thing you need to do is tell about your new farming spot or your new awesome solo build. I hope this has instilled you all with the appropriate amount of caution. |
Originally Posted by Phrozenflame
How the hell are the supposed to control an inflation? Buy limiting supply or demand, depending whats causing it. .
Decent Weapons are cheap to get, infact they are free to get, go figure. |
Look at the hyporcracy of your post, You want a place where ppl can earn lods of cash, and at the same time you want to control inflation? |
Ever wondered why the Governments didnt start mass publishing currency notes to pay all their bills? You think governments are stupdid when they take billions of dollars of loans? You think those economists who spend like dunno...entire lifes studying economics and go work in federal banks are idiots? when they could just print more money and exchange it and get all the dollars they need? When everyone has more money, they will all be willing to pay more, hence hyper inflation, it will just kill the new players. ANet has done a great job so far. keep nerfing where nerfs are required |
Cottage Pie
Originally Posted by Hippocheesebarn
I see no reason why things can't be made public for the greater good,
I'm sorry but I didnt think this forum supported communism? |
Mustache Mayhem
Originally Posted by Ctb
Your first step before using that word again would be to come to at least a rudimentary understanding of social and economic communism. At that point you will realize that the comment above was completely irrelevant and nonsensical in relation to the comment you responded to. "greater good" does not automatically indicate communism.
![]() Nobody is under any obgliation to share or keep secrets. Do whatever you want. The people who are complaining are complaining because strobo and friends are basically tlrying to order other people around. Simply ignore them. If you don't like trolls/griefers, don't respond to them. Simple as that. Play your own game in your own way and tell anybody else trying to coerce you to do otherwise to go take a flying leap. |