new services.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Mar 2006




I bought my guild a Xunlai Agent and a Weaponsmith last night. Xunlai is fine, wep. smith dissapointed me. Has anybody gotten anything else? Does anybody know what level skills the trader offers? Or what the mat. traders etc. sell and buy? It would be good to get this all down organized in one topic. If you are detailing everything, you should try to write the name, the price, and what the person specifically does in relation to in-game real traders. That way we can compile a good reference list for anybody looking into buying these things. I'll start off.

Xunlai Agent [Storage]:

Price: 10,000 coins, or 10 Platinum.

Description: Just another place to have a Xunlai Agent. Storage size does not increase, and it functions just like any other storage outpost in the game.


Price: 10,000 Coins, or 10 Platinum

Description: Will buy weapons off of you, and customize them for the regulation price of 10 gold coins. Does not craft or sell weapons.

Yuo Can Do It!

Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2006


When you click on what you want to buy (not the buy button, the item to select it), it tells you what they do.

I'm interested in the skill trainer, to see what skills it trains (if it has all..or most...or little..)

With every update the guild hall would be like your own little town, bar armor makers, and quests.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005

East Coast =D

Various GvG Guilds...Always Moving


Ah yes ive heard about this from a friend that has factions right now...lucky...

I want to explore these features when i get factions....when i GET it..

Best Buy delayed my preorder to may 20th because of so much backorder

nuff said
~Captain CCC

Princess Amalia

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2006

The Waztopian Empire



From what i can work out the skill trainer (100k) doesnt sell all that much, we have one in our GH and with my mes/mo i couldnt even buy heal other.

The rare material and material traders (100k each i think) sell and buy all materials.

Though we spent 500,000 ish on buying everything for the guild and all in all it's not worth buying anything really, unless you like going to the guild hall after farming runs and stuff or just generally spend time in there.

One question though, if anyone knows. We wanna change our Guild Hall but we don't know if all the traders we just bought will come with us or not, does anyone know if they will? We don't wanna spend 500,000 to find out we've lost them all if we change GH.

Princess Amalia


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2005

Kansas City, USA

Riddle of Kings [RoK]


Something odd about our skill trainer: Ritualist skills aren't available to my Mo/Rt. Anyone else seen this or know how to make these skills available?




Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2005

Lions Arch Dis 4 (International)

Servants of Fortuna [SoF


Our guild bought the whole lot. 400+K... kind of killed the leaders pocket book.

Anyhow I believe the skill trainer works just like the ones in any PvE setting, only skills that have been unlocked on your account are avalible.

What I would really like is for there to be a way to change secondary profession at the guild hall. It would save so much time over everybody warping to the desert and back.

I've enjoyed having all of the traders there though, it makes it easy to clean out inventory when switching between factons and FSP

And yes.. if you change hall those guys come with
you have paid for their services, not their location.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2005

Kansas City, USA

Riddle of Kings [RoK]


Sorry, I didn't explain the situation clearly. The skill trainers in Cantha offer a wide selection of Rt. skill including those that I have already learned (marked "known"). The skill trainer in our guild hall lists zero Rt. skills. The categories aren't even present. Only Monk skills are listed, as if I hadn't chosen a secondary (Ritualist) yet.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2005


The skill trainer only offers "Core" skills, unfortunately skills are divided into Core, Prophecies and Factions..
And if you buy a new hall all your NPC's are kept.

Oh, and to quote some guy with a Russian accent in our vent server: "You spent 10k on weaponsmith? For 10k you can buy nice lady and make sweet sex!"