faction armors all same look but diff stats?
so far in faction ive noticed all the armor merchants have max armor that all pieces from the trader look same, but can have diff. stats, somwhat the same principle as fow, so if theres just one merchant that has cooler armor, then fow was a waste of time?

There are different NPC's, but all offer every set. So you can mix pieces and keep a central appearance on your armor, or you can go with the cantral stats with mixed appearances.

Pevil Lihatuh
fow isn't a waste of time, a lot of people prefer the look of fow (i personally don't). And i think this is a much better way to do it; i can get the look I want with the stats I want. I don't wanna look ugly just coz I need Frostbound armour (for example, I actually like FB armour looks
) Stops all rangers having Druids look, now you'll see up to 7 looks (3 Canthan Druids, 15k Canthan Druid, Fow Ranger, 15k Tyrian Druids, 1.5k Druid) and of course this counts for all classes.