In factions a couple of things have changed the MM for the worse.
1) Firstly, and most importantly, the total number of minions you can control at one time has been restricted to a mere 10. This has a huge detrimental effect on the MM, as skilled players were about to control 20-40 at one time, depending on the area.
2) Verata's Sacrifice (the most important skill for maintaining an army of minions) has been changed. The amount of time that your minions receive the +10 health regeneration has been changed from 18 seconds, to a maximum of 10 seconds. Not only this, but the recharge time for this spell has doubled from 30 seconds to 60 seconds. This means that your minions die much faster, making it hard to even maintain the puny 10 minions that they have allowed.
Having said this, MMs can now control a level 28 flesh golem. However, this still does not make up for the other effects. In addition to this, Blood of the Master has improved as it targets all of your minions, not only your adjacent ones.
But this does not make up for what we have lost
