Now i am comfused, if i going with Kurzick what does it do and what happend with it. If i going with Luxon what it do and what it happend too?
Thanks for everybody here.
Ascalonian Squire
Join Date: Aug 2005
29 Apr 2006 at 16:21 - 2
All it means is you fight the other side, say if you are Kurzick you will fight Luxons in alliance battles, you won't be able to use their rez shrines on their side of the border unless you bribe the priest or fight him, can't talk to all or most the npcs in their towns, and can only do missions for the side that you are on.
Something to that extent, correct me if im wrong
Academy Page
Join Date: Mar 2006
California, United States
29 Apr 2006 at 16:25 - 3
*Flips a Coin*
*Calls Heads*
*Lands on Tails*
........Kurzick...or am I? (insert maniacal laughter)
My bad. thought this would be a poll or something. From what I gather the faction just determines the side you fight on/take territories with in competitive missions, but my guess is the same as neooki's =\
Academy Page
Join Date: Apr 2006
Pure Phoenix [Pure] ( Luxon )
29 Apr 2006 at 16:31 - 4
IS there something with if i am with Kurzick i can buy hims, armour? And if i am with Luxon i can buy hims?