*Sigh* We Have Been "Had"
I find it very cheap and low key that there was no warning at all about the Emperor Even comming in a full 20 minutes earlier then normal the last time.
I feel I have been cheated and mislead by this. You (Guild Wars Developpers) should have given warning that this would have happened, now, I have payed 10$ for an access code that only granted me a few hours of for-hand play and 2 items, seeing as all other trial access codes are included in The Normal CD package of Guild Wars: Factions, this is not much at all, you will agree.
My only request is not to bring the quests back up, but to at least make it so the people who HAVE the pre-order codes, be able to obtain the Tengu Mask (only if they ahve the 250 fangs of course), a least during the extended pre-order days.
What you have done is not fair in any way that you look at it.
You should have given warning that this would have happened.
Thanks for contacting the Guild Wars Support Team.
While we understand you may have experienced some frustration by missing the last appearance of the Emperor, the Support team will be unable to replace or award any of the "Day of the Tengu" event tengu masks. However, we do suggest that you post your feedback and/or suggestions about this event or future events on any of our fansite forums (http://www.guildwars.com/community/fansites/). This is the best way to express your ideas and offer suggestions for the events as the development team does take them into consideration.
Once again, we do apologize for any frustration this may have caused you.
The Guild Wars Support Team
Dear Guild Wars Support Team,
There is not such thing as being "Unable" Seeing as you can change the aggressivity of the Kappa, shut down all of the Servers and Re-Boot them to prior state.
It is not that you "can not", it is that you do not wish to do so, seeing as it can creat "an unfair advantage" over others.
That is not so, seing as the only "unfaire" thing that is happening here is having an event that is kept at 3 hour intervals, eccept for the last time, so you can "close the preview event on time" (I have been told you have done this to previous event also, saddly I did not own a copy back then), Yet, seeing as you extended the preview event by 5 days, there was no valid reason for the final Visit to happen 20 minutes eariler.
And this is not only for me, There are hundreds of people who have not been able to obtain the mask because of the sheer number of people surrounding the emperor, they where not able to get threw, dispite having all the necesairy requirments. And Further more, if his stay was longer, more People With the Requirments would have been able to obtain the item.
This is absurbed, People who own a Pre-order code, have done everything thats hould be done, Should be able to obtain a mask. If you are worried about others who do not have a pre-order package getting it, make it instanced, Only those with the proper code will be able to interact with the Emperor.
I am doing this so the Developpers can see, As said by the team, And so you can "Speak up".
Thank you for your support
I find it very cheap and low key that there was no warning at all about the Emperor Even comming in a full 20 minutes earlier then normal the last time.
I feel I have been cheated and mislead by this. You (Guild Wars Developpers) should have given warning that this would have happened, now, I have payed 10$ for an access code that only granted me a few hours of for-hand play and 2 items, seeing as all other trial access codes are included in The Normal CD package of Guild Wars: Factions, this is not much at all, you will agree.
My only request is not to bring the quests back up, but to at least make it so the people who HAVE the pre-order codes, be able to obtain the Tengu Mask (only if they ahve the 250 fangs of course), a least during the extended pre-order days.
What you have done is not fair in any way that you look at it.
You should have given warning that this would have happened.
Thanks for contacting the Guild Wars Support Team.
While we understand you may have experienced some frustration by missing the last appearance of the Emperor, the Support team will be unable to replace or award any of the "Day of the Tengu" event tengu masks. However, we do suggest that you post your feedback and/or suggestions about this event or future events on any of our fansite forums (http://www.guildwars.com/community/fansites/). This is the best way to express your ideas and offer suggestions for the events as the development team does take them into consideration.
Once again, we do apologize for any frustration this may have caused you.
The Guild Wars Support Team
Dear Guild Wars Support Team,
There is not such thing as being "Unable" Seeing as you can change the aggressivity of the Kappa, shut down all of the Servers and Re-Boot them to prior state.
It is not that you "can not", it is that you do not wish to do so, seeing as it can creat "an unfair advantage" over others.
That is not so, seing as the only "unfaire" thing that is happening here is having an event that is kept at 3 hour intervals, eccept for the last time, so you can "close the preview event on time" (I have been told you have done this to previous event also, saddly I did not own a copy back then), Yet, seeing as you extended the preview event by 5 days, there was no valid reason for the final Visit to happen 20 minutes eariler.
And this is not only for me, There are hundreds of people who have not been able to obtain the mask because of the sheer number of people surrounding the emperor, they where not able to get threw, dispite having all the necesairy requirments. And Further more, if his stay was longer, more People With the Requirments would have been able to obtain the item.
This is absurbed, People who own a Pre-order code, have done everything thats hould be done, Should be able to obtain a mask. If you are worried about others who do not have a pre-order package getting it, make it instanced, Only those with the proper code will be able to interact with the Emperor.
I am doing this so the Developpers can see, As said by the team, And so you can "Speak up".
Thank you for your support
Guinevere Ac
just 2 things:
1st: u haven't payed anything because the preorder box it's basicly free of charge. return to the same store and u can have the $1o u payed for the preorder discounted from the full retail game.
2nd: what can a.net do about this? the tengu event lasted 24 full hours, and the preorder was launched a month ago. it's not their fault if u waited the last 2 hours buying one and if u haven't understood how was the event going... it was all very clear: only ppl with a preorder could take part in the special event the 27th.
i'm sorry but i really don't see the reason to open a thread like this, it's not developers fault
1st: u haven't payed anything because the preorder box it's basicly free of charge. return to the same store and u can have the $1o u payed for the preorder discounted from the full retail game.
2nd: what can a.net do about this? the tengu event lasted 24 full hours, and the preorder was launched a month ago. it's not their fault if u waited the last 2 hours buying one and if u haven't understood how was the event going... it was all very clear: only ppl with a preorder could take part in the special event the 27th.
i'm sorry but i really don't see the reason to open a thread like this, it's not developers fault
I did not "wait" Untill the last two hours, I had work, and College, Sorry for Keeping to my responcibilities as Primary. I was there for the Previous Event, But Scince I just logged on.
Guinevere Ac
Originally Posted by KoalaMeatPie
I did not "wait" Untill the last two hours, I had work, and College, Sorry for Keeping to my responcibilities as Primary. I was there for the Previous Event, But Scince I just logged on.
Originally Posted by Guinevere Ac
then i'm sorry that important things prevented u to play the event... but still nothing a.net can do

Originally Posted by KoalaMeatPie
It is not that you "can not", it is that you do not wish to do so, seeing as it can creat "an unfair advantage" over others. |
Duh. Unfortunately, your grammer usage and the fact that you didn't realize that you had to be anywhere near the emporer to get a mask betrays your cause by making you seem somewhat underread. I agree with you though. (Even though I got 2 masks)
As I was aware you idnt have to be that close ot get a mask off the fella.
Also I respect you following yuour responisiblites, but then you should respect that A.net only wanted this event open to those that pre-ordered, as a thank you, and thats why you could only play beofre the full release.
Mind i do find it a bit hard that out of 24 hours (ok 21 since the emporar didnt show for the first 3 hours) that you cudnt fit in a little bit of GW, it didnt take long to farm, or at a pinch, buy those fangs. Personally in your state once home I would have got the required fangs, and left my character in the district, thats what i did to get my Yule Cap.
Personally I think it was a bit risky leaving it until the last minute to get a Mask, I dididnt even think he'd show up after 5am (British Summer Time, the beginning of the final 3 hours of preview, so 9PM to PST), I had assumed that would be his last visit, I think it was a bit nice of them to fit in one last visit before it ended.
At the end of the day they arnt obligated to provide this event or any event like it, I think your second email was really rude, true perhaps "Unable" is not true, but why change the rules, og out of the way and waste time that oculd be used fixing bugs etc because one person missed getting his mask cos he waited till the last minute, imo, its your own fault for going for the final appearance.
The pre-order period as beene extended ot a genuine mistake somewhere on the Service side of the line in the delivery of Pre-Order CEs, and thats fair, I ordered CE pretty much ASAP and I fully intend to pay for it once my store finally gets it in, the fact I risk loosing my data is not my fault.
The fact that you missed out on getting a relatively simple collector item is, at the end of the day, only your fault. I spent the whole day with my interent failing and constant DCs and still managed to get the number of fangs I wanted, oh and i went to University that day, did essays, watched a movie, had a properl meal, and I found time for a lil bit of GW, so please don't bitch about or to the team.
Id be upset if I was one of them and after offering an event so generously have people complain how they feel lef tout. End of the day, I and many others put effort into getitng the stuff in time, I am many others were rewarded.
Also I respect you following yuour responisiblites, but then you should respect that A.net only wanted this event open to those that pre-ordered, as a thank you, and thats why you could only play beofre the full release.
Mind i do find it a bit hard that out of 24 hours (ok 21 since the emporar didnt show for the first 3 hours) that you cudnt fit in a little bit of GW, it didnt take long to farm, or at a pinch, buy those fangs. Personally in your state once home I would have got the required fangs, and left my character in the district, thats what i did to get my Yule Cap.
Personally I think it was a bit risky leaving it until the last minute to get a Mask, I dididnt even think he'd show up after 5am (British Summer Time, the beginning of the final 3 hours of preview, so 9PM to PST), I had assumed that would be his last visit, I think it was a bit nice of them to fit in one last visit before it ended.
At the end of the day they arnt obligated to provide this event or any event like it, I think your second email was really rude, true perhaps "Unable" is not true, but why change the rules, og out of the way and waste time that oculd be used fixing bugs etc because one person missed getting his mask cos he waited till the last minute, imo, its your own fault for going for the final appearance.
The pre-order period as beene extended ot a genuine mistake somewhere on the Service side of the line in the delivery of Pre-Order CEs, and thats fair, I ordered CE pretty much ASAP and I fully intend to pay for it once my store finally gets it in, the fact I risk loosing my data is not my fault.
The fact that you missed out on getting a relatively simple collector item is, at the end of the day, only your fault. I spent the whole day with my interent failing and constant DCs and still managed to get the number of fangs I wanted, oh and i went to University that day, did essays, watched a movie, had a properl meal, and I found time for a lil bit of GW, so please don't bitch about or to the team.
Id be upset if I was one of them and after offering an event so generously have people complain how they feel lef tout. End of the day, I and many others put effort into getitng the stuff in time, I am many others were rewarded.
Of course people are going to feel bloody left out. No warning was given that the bloke was going to be early. I'm sorry but Gaile Grey telling people in an international district that he was coming early and relying on them to spread the word is not good enough.
Instead of a message telling us how long we have been playing how about using that function for something important, like telling us event news ?
Instead of a message telling us how long we have been playing how about using that function for something important, like telling us event news ?
Bormil Stonemight
Originally Posted by Sidra
Duh. Unfortunately, your grammer usage and the fact that you didn't realize that you had to be anywhere near the emporer to get a mask betrays your cause by making you seem somewhat underread. I agree with you though. (Even though I got 2 masks)
Hunter Sharparrow
It has no stats and is customized to that character. What's the big deal? Also for the preorder I was able to put a down payment and get the nesessary key to play factions starting at 4 am my time. As someone that works as a weapons technician in the Canadian military I was still able to schedual in the hour it took with a lvl 3-5 assassin (gained levels collecting) to get the 250 fangs then left my character in the district while doing some running around after work. I was hoping for a few stats but there were absolutly none. Plus I was hoping to put it on my warrior to show off to those that didn't preorder but nope, it's customized when you get it. What a waste of time that was. So really what's the big deal?
nirhan shadowmauler
maybe like me he was collecting event items (i doubt it since he said he didnt play during other events) but maybe he wanted to start. in any case even though i was busy working that day i still got my mask. it wasnt that hard and you little whiny cry babies that cant get things done in time make me sick with your whining.
Originally Posted by Sidra
Duh. Unfortunately, your grammer usage and the fact that you didn't realize that you had to be anywhere near the emporer to get a mask betrays your cause by making you seem somewhat underread. I agree with you though. (Even though I got 2 masks)
Studio Ghibli
This thread is hilarious.
It is. I pre ordered from best buy and I still don't have it. I really don't have sympathy for anyone who complains about having any of the 24 hour head start thing, and really I don't have sympathy for anyone who has GW Factions as it is. And so there's no "you probably pre ordered it too late" kind of things, I preordered the game on March 11th. My suggestion to all who read this: Don't preorder things from Best Buy.
For Christ's sake, if you're going to make a formal complaint of any kind, learn how to write and spell!
Gaile Gray
I'm a little confused. We had in-game messages many times over the course of The Day of the Tengu. I believe the messages were "2 hours until the event" and then "1 hour until the event" and I'm quite sure I saw, as well, a "30 minute" (perhaps 15 minutes, too?) warning.
I'm sorry if any players didn't notice those messages, or if they called it so close to the hour that they were not online to read the in-game messages at all. Certainly I will be happy to pass along to the team that we might want to post a list of times. But I have to say that part of the fun of the event is figuring out the appearance schedule; even more of the fun is being there during more than a few minutes of a special event. It seems sort of cut-and-dried to simply list times and have people log in just to get the goodies. If the special gifts are given for participation, I don't know how "participating" that is.
However, I'll ask the designers how they feel about that idea and they'll make the decision that they believe is most fitting for future events.
Oh, and that is exactly what we gave you. My talking with players was extra. There were more than sufficient mentions in the game itself.
I'm sorry if any players didn't notice those messages, or if they called it so close to the hour that they were not online to read the in-game messages at all. Certainly I will be happy to pass along to the team that we might want to post a list of times. But I have to say that part of the fun of the event is figuring out the appearance schedule; even more of the fun is being there during more than a few minutes of a special event. It seems sort of cut-and-dried to simply list times and have people log in just to get the goodies. If the special gifts are given for participation, I don't know how "participating" that is.

However, I'll ask the designers how they feel about that idea and they'll make the decision that they believe is most fitting for future events.
Originally Posted by Andy_M
Of course people are going to feel bloody left out. No warning was given that the bloke was going to be early. I'm sorry but Gaile Grey telling people in an international district that he was coming early and relying on them to spread the word is not good enough. Instead of a message telling us how long we have been playing how about using that function for something important, like telling us event news ?
Studio Ghibli
I never noticed in messages, actually.
Maybe I was simply too busy playing, though.
I never noticed in messages, actually.
Maybe I was simply too busy playing, though.
Rey Lentless
So you won't have a hat burning a hole in your inventory.
Originally Posted by Sidra
Duh. Unfortunately, your grammer usage and the fact that you didn't realize that you had to be anywhere near the emporer to get a mask betrays your cause by making you seem somewhat underread. I agree with you though. (Even though I got 2 masks)
Originally Posted by Bormil Stonemight
Funny... you spelled "grammar" wrong.

I cannot believe I'm reading this.
Studio Ghibli
Originally Posted by denshuu
I cannot believe I'm reading this.
Numa Pompilius
Wrt handing out items, specifically the TIMING of the handing out of items, ANet's fuxxored every event they've ever held (remember the winter event items available only to those playing new years eve?), there was never any doubt this would be any different.
You should be glad these events even exits, they're something given to us as a sign of appreciation.
Stop whinging.
Stop whinging.
Amok it's not just the event - the event was the first stone in a landslide of things people are unhappy with.... The thing is, people are hoping that at least THAT can change, seeing as how we DID pre order....
So Gaile let me get this straight... Instead of farming the naga fangs and doing the quests so we could get the mask, we were supposed to wait in town for that little popup eh?
Or better yet hunt around on the board till we found one of your chat logs telling us the times cause you all will not post in on the OFFICIAL Guild Wars website for the rest of the world?
BTW turned off search function on these forums FTL!
I think in many areas your loyal followers will need much better excuses.
I have 3 kids and my husband has college and work, we don't have time to sit around and wait for messages... We get little time to play together and it seems everything we looked forward to in Factions and the headstart have been stripped from us...
Heck we don't even know when our copy of Factions CE will come (neither does EB headquarters just so ya know, even though you claim to be communicating with them).
Like EB headquarters you have failed to make anything clear to your loyal fans and followers... And because of this you have a bunch of unhappy people... Kinda like your best friend running over ya with your car (putting a dent in it with your body) and going oops, but because of this I will be on time for work cause I didn't have to wait for you to move!
.... -_-.... Kinda like you made it sound like you were being especially great for not paying attention to your costumers and we should be oh so happy that we have to wait 2mths instead of what we thought when we first got our preorders.... You are confusing and unclear about nearly everying and no offense Gaile I used to come to LA but ya got cryptic in trying to get across your points or worse you would say something that Anet was doing and it would never happen.... So me just like many others have given up hope at the moment and are really hoping that Anet will do something to make it right.
By heck with all the screw ups I would think giving people their silly masks would be the least of your worries.
Forgive me if I seem overly sarcastic, I am just annoyed with all the crap that has been going on and seeing so many unhappy players and friends leave because no one will listen and when they do they still don't get it right or even verify before screwing it up... Lack of communication - Try looking for a post by my husband Redly (he is much better at words than I, and his thread isn't a flame, also called by several to be one of the best posts ever written here). It sums up everything you need to know about how your fans are feeling, what they want... It's real!
So Gaile let me get this straight... Instead of farming the naga fangs and doing the quests so we could get the mask, we were supposed to wait in town for that little popup eh?
Or better yet hunt around on the board till we found one of your chat logs telling us the times cause you all will not post in on the OFFICIAL Guild Wars website for the rest of the world?
BTW turned off search function on these forums FTL!
I think in many areas your loyal followers will need much better excuses.
I have 3 kids and my husband has college and work, we don't have time to sit around and wait for messages... We get little time to play together and it seems everything we looked forward to in Factions and the headstart have been stripped from us...
Heck we don't even know when our copy of Factions CE will come (neither does EB headquarters just so ya know, even though you claim to be communicating with them).
Like EB headquarters you have failed to make anything clear to your loyal fans and followers... And because of this you have a bunch of unhappy people... Kinda like your best friend running over ya with your car (putting a dent in it with your body) and going oops, but because of this I will be on time for work cause I didn't have to wait for you to move!
.... -_-.... Kinda like you made it sound like you were being especially great for not paying attention to your costumers and we should be oh so happy that we have to wait 2mths instead of what we thought when we first got our preorders.... You are confusing and unclear about nearly everying and no offense Gaile I used to come to LA but ya got cryptic in trying to get across your points or worse you would say something that Anet was doing and it would never happen.... So me just like many others have given up hope at the moment and are really hoping that Anet will do something to make it right.
By heck with all the screw ups I would think giving people their silly masks would be the least of your worries.
Forgive me if I seem overly sarcastic, I am just annoyed with all the crap that has been going on and seeing so many unhappy players and friends leave because no one will listen and when they do they still don't get it right or even verify before screwing it up... Lack of communication - Try looking for a post by my husband Redly (he is much better at words than I, and his thread isn't a flame, also called by several to be one of the best posts ever written here). It sums up everything you need to know about how your fans are feeling, what they want... It's real!
Hunter Sharparrow
Well I didn't notice any messages that popped up. There were none. I only knew about it from what everyone was talking about in the town.
Wow Gaile, this is the first time I've seen you post in the forums. Actually it's the first I've seen you anywhere.
Wow Gaile, this is the first time I've seen you post in the forums. Actually it's the first I've seen you anywhere.

Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
I'm a little confused. We had in-game messages many times over the course of The Day of the Tengu. I believe the messages were "2 hours until the event" and then "1 hour until the event" and I'm quite sure I saw, as well, a "30 minute" (perhaps 15 minutes, too?) warning.
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
But I have to say that part of the fun of the event is figuring out the appearance schedule; even more of the fun is being there during more than a few minutes of a special event.
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
It seems sort of cut-and-dried to simply list times and have people log in just to get the goodies. If the special gifts are given for participation, I don't know how "participating" that is.
![]() |
The "message" (if I remember correctly) was actually the NPC talking, so you'd only see it if you were in the town and had him in view.
Hunter Sharparrow
The "message" (if I remember correctly) was actually the NPC talking, so you'd only see it if you were in the town and had him in view. |
Well, I'm just saying I saw the NPC saying something about it, but that's it. Granted, I only played maybe 1 1/2 hours in it, but I was talking to other people playing at the time and they didn't see any others either.
Edit: I also agree that the NPC discussion popups are annoying, as is the henchmen talking (I always hated Rurik talking during the missions... this is just insanity-causing).
Edit: I also agree that the NPC discussion popups are annoying, as is the henchmen talking (I always hated Rurik talking during the missions... this is just insanity-causing).
Originally Posted by agentnull
The "message" (if I remember correctly) was actually the NPC talking, so you'd only see it if you were in the town and had him in view.
Originally Posted by Hunter Sharparrow
Wait a minute. That was the message? Yeah that is pretty bad. Should have been either a screen popup like the new (very annoying) npc discussion popups or it should have came up as a message like the "You have been playing for one hour" message.

Once I made it to the Monastery, my goal was to get the 250 fangs, not to stand around in town listening to the NPC. I did manage to meet the emperor once, and he gave me a nifty looking hat.

I agree, though, that it would be much more useful to have event news instead of that ever-annoying "You have been playing for X hours. Please take a break" message.
Dougal Kronik
You people have all your priorities skewed. If you wanted a Mask, you should have skipped school, taken a vacation day from work, send the kids to the sitter, send your spouse to go see a movie, and played the pre-order that you should have ordered a month in advance! No problem!
Never let real life interfere with Guild Wars!
Never let real life interfere with Guild Wars!

The tengu mask is kinda ugly.
I use it to scare the children.
I use it to scare the children.
This is not a gripe but, like everyone else that wanted a mask I was collecting fangs and when I returned to the monistary I had to ask when the guy was going to show otherwise I would not have known his schedule. I was able to get 3 masks and I only saw one message out of all of the times I was in the monistary. I got my 3rd only by accident as I was in the monistary early for his last showing and knowing it was his last, I wanted to be there.
The mask is a party (favor) (favor, got'a love it) mask and means nothing in the game play. Personnaly I had fun and I hope that inspite of all of the griping anet does not stop these special events but, I will not be supprised if they do.
It is impossible to please everyone, someone somewhere will always be disappointed or left out. Thats life, get over it.
Yes you will see some posts by me elsewhere in here where I was not happy about something or other but, hey, I got over it and will deal with it and continue to enjoy the game.
Anet, Gaile, keep up the good work.
The mask is a party (favor) (favor, got'a love it) mask and means nothing in the game play. Personnaly I had fun and I hope that inspite of all of the griping anet does not stop these special events but, I will not be supprised if they do.
It is impossible to please everyone, someone somewhere will always be disappointed or left out. Thats life, get over it.
Yes you will see some posts by me elsewhere in here where I was not happy about something or other but, hey, I got over it and will deal with it and continue to enjoy the game.
Anet, Gaile, keep up the good work.
Thom Bangalter
Dude, it's a mask. I didn't get one because I had no idea how. I didn't want to roll a new character right away.
You aren't missing much on not getting the mask, I got one and it was OK. I was about to turn in 250 fangs on my second toon for another mask when I saw the ridiculous prices 250 fangs were going for.
Capitalism won out and I now have two ectos that I didn't have before.
I understand where you are coming from but if you didn't have a lot of time to play on last thursday why did you preorder? You still get the weapons so that is something....................
You aren't missing much on not getting the mask, I got one and it was OK. I was about to turn in 250 fangs on my second toon for another mask when I saw the ridiculous prices 250 fangs were going for.
Capitalism won out and I now have two ectos that I didn't have before.

I understand where you are coming from but if you didn't have a lot of time to play on last thursday why did you preorder? You still get the weapons so that is something....................
How hard is it to look on some forums to find the times? Or ask people in game?
Seriously. You can do the quests and get 250 fangs in 30 minutes to an hour. Lets be generous, and say it takes another hour to get to the Monastery from Lion's Arch (or to get a second prof for your Cantha character). That's two hours max to get a mask. Yes, they screwed up by having the last showing early (I was sleeping by then!), but with the event happening every 3 hours, it seems there should have been sometime for those who wanted a mask to find the Emperor.
If you really wanted the mask, you could even buy fangs. I ended up just giving away 20 fangs at around 10:00 pm CST because no one would buy them, and I was going to bed. The prices seemed to be crashing by then...
In the end I played for a total of 4 hours, and got two Masks. It wasn't that hard...
Seriously. You can do the quests and get 250 fangs in 30 minutes to an hour. Lets be generous, and say it takes another hour to get to the Monastery from Lion's Arch (or to get a second prof for your Cantha character). That's two hours max to get a mask. Yes, they screwed up by having the last showing early (I was sleeping by then!), but with the event happening every 3 hours, it seems there should have been sometime for those who wanted a mask to find the Emperor.
If you really wanted the mask, you could even buy fangs. I ended up just giving away 20 fangs at around 10:00 pm CST because no one would buy them, and I was going to bed. The prices seemed to be crashing by then...
In the end I played for a total of 4 hours, and got two Masks. It wasn't that hard...
I like the way the holiday events run in general. There is no need to post a schedule, and there is no need to even post count downs such as "1 more hour till the event."
However, making the final appearance 20 mins early was just plain EVIL!!! This particular event required questing and exploration, unlike previous events. It was on a weekday when people tend to have less time to play. I, for one, had great difficulty trying to attend the earlier appearances. I was counting on the final appearance... is that so wrong? I showed up 5 mins early too!
Honestly, I played for 5 hours that night trying to figure out how to get to the Monastery and finally collect enough fangs. I was too busy questing and exploring to hear any news about the early appearance. I finished just in time to wait 5 minutes early at the Monastery for the last appearance.
I wanted just 1 Tengu mask to complete the full collection of holiday hats for my monk, and now my collection is ruined. I was upset for a moment, but I'm over it. The mask is very ugly anyway.
I just hope Anet will understand that changing the schedule at the last minute can hurt some players, especially for these limited 1 day events.
Anet, please don't change the schedule on us like that in the future... pretty please?
PS: For those of you who got your masks because you were smarter, faster, more informed, or just had more time on your hands, it was still very inconsiderate of Anet to change the timing for the last appearance. It's really in everyone's best interest that they don't do that in the future. So please stop flaming the less fortunate players. It could be you in the future.
However, making the final appearance 20 mins early was just plain EVIL!!! This particular event required questing and exploration, unlike previous events. It was on a weekday when people tend to have less time to play. I, for one, had great difficulty trying to attend the earlier appearances. I was counting on the final appearance... is that so wrong? I showed up 5 mins early too!
Honestly, I played for 5 hours that night trying to figure out how to get to the Monastery and finally collect enough fangs. I was too busy questing and exploring to hear any news about the early appearance. I finished just in time to wait 5 minutes early at the Monastery for the last appearance.
I wanted just 1 Tengu mask to complete the full collection of holiday hats for my monk, and now my collection is ruined. I was upset for a moment, but I'm over it. The mask is very ugly anyway.
I just hope Anet will understand that changing the schedule at the last minute can hurt some players, especially for these limited 1 day events.
Anet, please don't change the schedule on us like that in the future... pretty please?
PS: For those of you who got your masks because you were smarter, faster, more informed, or just had more time on your hands, it was still very inconsiderate of Anet to change the timing for the last appearance. It's really in everyone's best interest that they don't do that in the future. So please stop flaming the less fortunate players. It could be you in the future.
Originally Posted by Bormil Stonemight
Funny... you spelled "grammar" wrong.

I fail to see how college and work could keep you away from Guild Wars for 21 hours. You knew the time of his arrial. Spend 10 minutes to get the fangs from the quests, then logon 5 minutes before his appearance to get your mask like most everyone else did.
Also, the masks don't do anything, so you shouldn't get hyped up about it.
I do think anet need to do a better job on giving enough info in advance with some how-to's to at least start the event and I do think that timming w/ people that had pre-order's that did not ship the pre-order kit until to late.
Aka this event could of been executed better (I messed out two due to work). It's not going to cause me to quit playing or get overly angery, disappointed I could not particapte it.
Aka this event could of been executed better (I messed out two due to work). It's not going to cause me to quit playing or get overly angery, disappointed I could not particapte it.