It currently affects only controlled minions of the caster, but it is worded "All of your undead allies gain +10 health regen." Compareing it to a ranger skill, revive companion, which is worded "Ressurect all nearby allied animal companions." The outstanding difference is the use of the word "your" in vertas.
I submitted a report to playNC and they told me it is indeed only supposed to target your minions you have. I think they should take the wording of Verta's and make it "your summoned minions" or "your controlled minions" beacuse it seems like it should effect all minions the way it is worded. It was confusing to the couple of people I talked to and I think it would be better if it were more clearly worded for everyone
Verta's Sacrafice Wording
Why bother, they might aswell just remove the entire selection of 'Veratis' skills since they're all useless. Sacrifice is just pathetic, Gaze and Aura are now way too overpowered since they will most likely get all of your army (if you can call 10 an army).