I'm just curious as to why my DirectX 9 is not rendering when I play Factions.
I read that Factions would use DX 9 rather than 8 like the previous game, however, I notice that when I go to options and Advanced to change my graphics settings, it still says that my GW is rendering with DX 8 at the bottom of the options window.
How do I change it so that it renders with 9, or, is it already rendering with 9 and it's just not telling me? If so how can I tell.
I've downloaded and installed DX 9 three times just to be sure, I dunno if that's good or bad, but I have no idea what else I can do. I've restarted and shut down my computer as well and I still don't notice a change.
Help would be greatly appreciated,
DirectX issue
tryin this....
right click short cut change...
"C:\Program Files\Guild Wars\Gw.exe"
"C:\Program Files\Guild Wars\Gw.exe" -dx8
dx9 been slackin wit older graphic card try that 2 see if it work
right click short cut change...
"C:\Program Files\Guild Wars\Gw.exe"
"C:\Program Files\Guild Wars\Gw.exe" -dx8
dx9 been slackin wit older graphic card try that 2 see if it work
Omega X
DX9 won't be used by the game if the card isn't DX9 capable.
Omega's pretty much right.
Post your card if you know it and maybe we can help you out.
ATi didn't start DX9 cards until the 9500 I believe (god I miss that card. Overclockers dream), and nVidia didn't start their DX9 cards until the GF5 series.
Post your card if you know it and maybe we can help you out.
ATi didn't start DX9 cards until the 9500 I believe (god I miss that card. Overclockers dream), and nVidia didn't start their DX9 cards until the GF5 series.
yeah that's probably it then, my GFX card is ridiculously old
GeForce 4 MX 440??? I think??
Haven't had the will to save up for a new one which is a pity, and my computer's a piece of crap in general - P3, 256MB RAM and 900Mghz processor, which is just above set requirements for the game, but I'm pretty sure if it's anything that's causing the lag I get in busy areas it's my GFX card.
Any way to speed things up with that card by chance?
I tried overclocking once and nothing really seemed to happen, I can't overclock by much either.
GeForce 4 MX 440??? I think??
Haven't had the will to save up for a new one which is a pity, and my computer's a piece of crap in general - P3, 256MB RAM and 900Mghz processor, which is just above set requirements for the game, but I'm pretty sure if it's anything that's causing the lag I get in busy areas it's my GFX card.
Any way to speed things up with that card by chance?
I tried overclocking once and nothing really seemed to happen, I can't overclock by much either.
I don't think I've ever tried to overclock a P3, I'm not even sure if you can.
If you have a computer manufacturer's computer (aka Dell, Compaq), overclocking isn't gonna happen. They lock their BIOS down to a few key features and that's it.
Only advice I have is upgrade. You can make a decent upgrade from your current system fairly cheap.
Good luck!
If you have a computer manufacturer's computer (aka Dell, Compaq), overclocking isn't gonna happen. They lock their BIOS down to a few key features and that's it.
Only advice I have is upgrade. You can make a decent upgrade from your current system fairly cheap.
Good luck!
Awsome, thanks.
Any recomendations (spell?) to keep it fairly 'cheap'?
Any recomendations (spell?) to keep it fairly 'cheap'?
Omega X
Originally Posted by Matix411
Awsome, thanks.
Any recomendations (spell?) to keep it fairly 'cheap'? |
IT would make recommending so much easier.
Originally Posted by Omega X
Full Specs?(include your PSU brand/wattage)
IT would make recommending so much easier. |
I can build a decent gaming PC relatively cheap. You dont need top of the line stuff to run this game.
My recommended setup (though some people will be partial to Intel, and disagree

-AMD Athlon XP 2500+M - This is the mobile version of the regular 2500+, and they're fully unlocked to be overclocked to your liking. If you use proper cooling (aka pretty much anything but the stock fan

-Asus Motherboard - Anything Socket A (462) that will fit the Athlon chip will be fine. I recommend the A7N8X (if they still even make it. I'll check)
-ATi DirectX 9-capable card - Remember that the "preferred" card for Guild Wars is anything ATi. This means they'll tweak and optimize the game for ATi cards. I've personally always been a fan of ATi. Recommended card would be the 9800 or above. I'm currently running an "ancient" 9600XT with absolutely no lag or slowdowns at full settings.
512-1GB of RAM - PC-3200 and above, preferrably. You don't need name brand RAM, just don't buy anything that looks cheap or has bad reviews (based on Newegg.com, of course).
Now, 1-2 years ago this was a top of the line PC, and if you tweak it to your liking it could still be. I still have absolutely no problems with this setup and still recommend it to anyone that plays GW.
This setup at this point, with a new case and PSU, will run you about $400-450US
If you got more to spend, I can recommend "better" stuff.
If you're overclocking it, why not go for an Opteron and a 939 motherboard? Those 'optys' clock like mad! Easily upto FX57 speeds!
Originally Posted by Azagoth
If you're overclocking it, why not go for an Opteron and a 939 motherboard? Those 'optys' clock like mad! Easily upto FX57 speeds!

Originally Posted by Chris1986
This setup at this point, with a new case and PSU, will run you about $400-450US
-Chris |
Damn American currency.
so that's like what. ... 500-600 Canadian?
That's not too bad.
I'd do it, but it'll require some saving that's for sure cuz I have a massive spending problem.
Would it be possible to upgrade just the vid-card for the moment until I can upgrade everything else? Or would it make much of a difference at all due to processing speed etc.
PS. Thanks for the help