Video Card Problem, Please Help



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005

So I've been having problems with my video card for a long time.

It's an NVIDIA Geforce 4 TI 4200, manufactured by Jaton. (
They don't support the card anymore. It's not Windows certified. I'm pretty sure its a bad card, and I'm certain its the source of my problems.

But I've been running Guild Wars on it for almost a year, with intermittent problems- Guild Wars crashes occasionally. This hasn't been enough to stop me from enjoying the game, but it's been noticeable.

I have, over the course of the past year, getting restarts, and then bluescreens when I turned off restarts. The Windows error message I got when the computer started back up was "Error Caused By Unknown Device Driver." (This recently clicked for me the other day... since the card isn't Windows Certified, of course its the Unknown Driver in question.)

However, once I installed Guild Wars factions, things got really bad. I couldn't play more than 15-20 minutes without GW locking up or crashing (I was fine during the preview event.)

Over the past year, I've been occasionally going to the nvidia website and downloading their driver updates.

In the past two days, I've uninstalled my video card, reinstalled it, reinstalled direct X, updated the drivers from the Jaton website, and updated the drivers from the Nvidia website. (And tried running GW between each of those steps.) Nothing has worked. I've got all of GW's graphics settings cranked down to the absolute lowest.

I really don't know what to do right now. I absolutely can't afford a new video card right now, and my technical know-how has run-out. Please help me troubleshoot this and get Guild Wars running again. It doesn't have to look good. It just has to run and not crash.

(Sorry I couldn't provide more information about my technical specs. I'm at work right now. But ask and ye shall recieve.)