Confused!!! =S
yo home boi
Right let me get this straight... i got factions i click on add key under the password box type in username and pass then put the security card number from factions in and then does tht make my 2 chars from the old campian with the chars from factions i will make??
Tsunami Rain
uh not sure what you are asking but I'll try to answer.
When you add the factions key to your existing account you will have two additional slots added onto it (total of 6 unless you purchased more slots).
When you add the factions key to your existing account you will have two additional slots added onto it (total of 6 unless you purchased more slots).
yo home boi
so do u just click add key then type in the secruity card number [the key] into it... and tht add another key to ur accoutn so i wil ave 2???
you will have +2 new slots ...not 2 slots...so in total you get 6 slots...simple.
Catalin Dracul
Do you have to install Factions first?