COnnecting Problems ;\



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005

England, UK


Hi, since recently, the Factions release date (28th) to be precise.

Whenever I log in, well, I can't! It gets stuck on connecting, I've tried;

- Disabling Windows Firewall
- Ports 6112 and 80 TCP are both on Exceptions when I turn it on
- I have them both fully open on my Router
- Tried rebooting
- Tried restarting GW incase I missed any downloads
- I've let it stream the data remaining with the lightning bolt icon in the top right
- Last time I played was the 27th on the 24-hour Headstart period.
- I have no other software blocking any actions by Gw.exe

Also, another weird note is; I can't download ANYTHING from the official Guild Wars site (, I can visit it, and NCSofts website, but I can't download anything from any of the 2s websites. It just errors me. saying it can't make a connection to the server.

I can download things fine from other websites and play CS:S (Counter-Strike: Source) perfectly fine though.

Any help is highly appreciated!


{ EDIT }
Hmph, funny how after I un-install NOD32, it connects fine. ;\

ALTHOUGH, still can't download anything of or NCSoft