Thankyou Guru, This site made me 2 million gold!
I just have to say. Thanks. About 2 months ago I was reading a threat discussing what rare materials would probably increase in price when Factions came out. The majority of posts mentioned Gems. One caught my eye though. Someone said to invest in a little steel. It was sure to be used in new armors and would definitely not drop. So that's what i did. Over the next to month between farming and buying for 100g a piece I managed to collect more than 5000 steel ingots.
Guess what, because of Factions, the merchants have been regularly sold out of steel for the first 3 days. I know its wrong but I've been charging
400g an ingot because ppl pay. I just broke my 2 million mark tonight at work.
This website is all about sharing ideas and helping one another. kudos to you!
Guess what, because of Factions, the merchants have been regularly sold out of steel for the first 3 days. I know its wrong but I've been charging
400g an ingot because ppl pay. I just broke my 2 million mark tonight at work.
This website is all about sharing ideas and helping one another. kudos to you!
Francis Crawford
I held onto a few stacks of crafting items, but I didn't have the guts (or the funds) to buy aggressively.
I may come out 10K or so ahead by letting a few stacks pile up. No biggie.
I held onto a few stacks of crafting items, but I didn't have the guts (or the funds) to buy aggressively.
I may come out 10K or so ahead by letting a few stacks pile up. No biggie.
Originally Posted by KurtTheBehemoth
This website is all about sharing ideas and helping one another. kudos to you!
Cyan The Archer
50/50 please? Come on! I was the guy who said Steel Ingots would be worth alot(Actually no, but...) Then it's just fair!
Nah.. Grats on that.
Nah.. Grats on that.
I like how people sell Steel for 400, when the buyers could just switch districts and have a merchant with steel for 260.
Well, at least that's what happened with me each time I needed materials.
Well, at least that's what happened with me each time I needed materials.
Those who buy steel off trader are silly, you can easily make them by yourself.
Originally Posted by Opeth11
I like how people sell Steel for 400, when the buyers could just switch districts and have a merchant with steel for 260.
Well, at least that's what happened with me each time I needed materials. |
You sold them for 400g each? Dang. I had people haggling with me at 200g.
Da Cebuano
Man, You must've been WTS alot then. I sold 6 ingots for 1k ^^ just cause this guy kept buying stuff off me, and I know they're just starting out mostly, even though most have tyrian storage. Anyway, GG on that though. 2mill congrats, although its kinda false to say 2mill as you can't have more than 1(something I loathe about storage), so may I ask what you invested that other mill on?
Originally Posted by ophidian409
Those who buy steel off trader are silly, you can easily make them by yourself.
Sagius Truthbarron
You should have horded Monstrous Eyes instead 1.4k a pop now?
Ranger Rog
I've just had to log off and chill for a while after trying to sell my steel hoard. Every other trade was an attempted scam, I got sick of seeing the trade window click off 3 times in a row and a lower ammount of gold appear or people ask me to go outside and drop it for them. I'm about as scam proof as someone can get, but I bet these scumbags are cleaning up with all the new players about.
Ilya Khan
I did the same but with cloth.
The trader price just hit 35/peice and since I hoarded my cloth, I am now sellin at 27/peice and making a killing
The trader price just hit 35/peice and since I hoarded my cloth, I am now sellin at 27/peice and making a killing
the cloth pissed me off
i had a lot of it but they were close to useless in prophecy and i just merchnated all of them and now they are worth a lot
i had a lot of it but they were close to useless in prophecy and i just merchnated all of them and now they are worth a lot
I stocked up on a mix of hides, cloth (linen and leather too since I'm bound to get some of them too with a salvage) and wood. The hides and cloth are the only things really profitable, but since Factions came out, I've also gone around farming plant fibers.
I would also like to thank this site for the insider info that has helped me gain ~30k in the past few days.
I would also like to thank this site for the insider info that has helped me gain ~30k in the past few days.
umm u can only have 1million in your bank and only 100k per char so thats only a max of 1.6million that you can really hold
Originally Posted by Kamer
Then how about sending me some money .
/sigh i just sold all my steel.
Fargin Scotchsman
lol, where did u invest the money u cudnt hold? i mean, if u need suone to "hold" it fo u, i'll be glad to assist
/sign Sold off my 3000 steel the other day....but "only" for 200g each
Originally Posted by Dallus
umm u can only have 1million in your bank and only 100k per char so thats only a max of 1.6million that you can really hold
Batou of Nine
Actually. you can have upwards of 3 million gold...
2 seperate accounts with 1.4 million per account (factions kept seperate from prophecies) would have to have a real honest friend to xfer all that cash eh?
2 seperate accounts with 1.4 million per account (factions kept seperate from prophecies) would have to have a real honest friend to xfer all that cash eh?
I highly doubt hes got 2 accounts
Batou of Nine
lol. read my post again...
Simply keep the CHAPTER 1 Prophecies Campaign >>seperate<< from the CHAPTER 2 Factions Campaign == 2 Seperate 4 character accounts. Comprende?
Simply keep the CHAPTER 1 Prophecies Campaign >>seperate<< from the CHAPTER 2 Factions Campaign == 2 Seperate 4 character accounts. Comprende?
He said he made 2 million. He didn't say he has 2 millions in storage. He most likely has ectos.
Thanks for the confidence. lol.
I bought two copies of factions.
One to merge and one stand alone.
I did not want this thread to invite flaming.
Guess I should expect it by now.
<-- *rolls in his platinum*
I bought two copies of factions.
One to merge and one stand alone.
I did not want this thread to invite flaming.
Guess I should expect it by now.
<-- *rolls in his platinum*
Heh nice. I went the buy 126 sup vigors at 21k (yes they were that low at one point) way instead of steel. Looks like im making 15k+ per vigor. 15000 x 126 = gg you do the math. Luckily I have a good friend to hold vigors and gold.
Jiao Yang
Anyone noticed that Cloth is also going up? I really really hope that wood will go up too- I have thousands (literally) of wood.