Battle Isle map reset

Max Spider X

Max Spider X

Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2005

Both mine and my friend's unlocked places and mapped out areas on our Battle Isle maps have been reset. Now it only contains Great Temple and Random Arenas. The other friend's map is still intact. The only clue we got to why this has happened is the Factions preorder key. The friend whose map was not reset did not enter a Factions preorder key while we did. Can anyone confirm?


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2006

Keepers of the Alicorn


Well met,

I know what you mean about the Battle Isle Reset. My wife and I have seperate accounts however we both had pre-ordered Factions, used the pre-order key and have added the full Factions key aswell. Now my wife's account has lost the battle isle just as you have said, she only has access to Random, Temple and Guild Hall while my account is as it was before with all unlocked. Much strangeness indeed. Any ideas why?



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jan 2006



I used the preorder key, but I still have everything unlocked while I haven't pvp'd.