Looking for: How to take your guild from PvE to PvP for Dummies



Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2005

Lions Arch Dis 4 (International)

Servants of Fortuna [SoF


yeah yeah... I know it doesn't exsist, but with the breif searching I've done for tips I haven't found a good refrence on how to do this. I keep stonewalling doing it on my own. My officers that are into PvP seem to ask for people to come PvP right as we go in to do some mission like THK or Abbadon's. I would like to add PvP players to the guild, but I know they wont stay because we aren't constantly doing PvP. Yet I don't want to lose my members who are getting into PvP. Me, myself, I like PvP ok, but I stink at it (this is why I only like it 'ok'). I really need help getting the PvP side of my guild to grow, PvP is part of the game, and it is a fun part of the game, I just don't know how to be a leader on that part and my PvP players don't seem to want to lead.

Help Please!!!



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Sep 2005

The Godless


The way we did it was to set a regular time for the guild to play GvG every night if you stick at it you will get 8 in the end and they will not start if they know they may be playing GvG in 10 mins. Also practice matches help a lot, most members are afraid to play a rated match because they will look bad so playing a practice game gives them confidence. If you want contacts for practice GvG let me know and I’ll see if my guild can sort out a time.



Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2006

Oxford, UK



for us, we just all switched eventually, as most of us had completed the game we eventually all started playing pvp together which is great fun

The best way isn't to recruit pvp players, most won't want to join if you're not top 500 if they're a serious player, it's to train the players you already have, and if you're short on numbers, invite guests to gvg with you, some of them will probably get on well with you guys and want to join.



Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2005

Lions Arch Dis 4 (International)

Servants of Fortuna [SoF


Thanks. with scrimage and the faction battles maybe a few more will become active in PvP.