Hi Guys.
Really need some help on this one, hope I dont sound too dumb.
Right so Factions is installed and got the quest from Sergio to go see Mhenlo in NKP, only i cant find him. Apparently he's supposed to be just outside of Lion's but i must be missing something!!
Can anyone shed some light on this and tell me where he is??
Factions Help
Rothen Kithkanan
Former Ruling
Just leave Lion's Arch and he is standing RIGHT outside the exit.
When you zone in you are standing literally right in front of him.
When you zone in you are standing literally right in front of him.
Rothen Kithkanan
nope he's not there, all i've got is Lionscout Gabrien and 3 sentry's.. NO Mhenlo
Former Ruling
Originally Posted by Rothen Kithkanan
nope he's not there, all i've got is Lionscout Gabrien and 3 sentry's.. NO Mhenlo
EDIT: if you have the quest and he isnt there, look at your character lvl and such. Interviews and soruces before Factions came out said that only Ascended high lvl Tyria chars can visit Cantha. Havent tested with a low lvl yet, but it probably still stands true.
Rothen Kithkanan
nope def took it, is in my log
Dump defend north kryta province, I had the same thing.
Rothen Kithkanan
thats the trick, cheers