I have this general question about PVP and PVE about Monk,Ranger and Warrior abd here's what i use. Please revise it for me and tell me if they are good builds any comments are appreciated.
W/MO Ettin Farm:
Healing Hands (E)
Vigorous Spirit
Balthazar Spirit
Live Vicariously
Disrupting Shot
Cyclone Axe
Executioner’s Strike
W/E PVP Build (8 Air Magic):
Healing Signet
Endure Pain
Eviscerate (E)
Axe rake
Rez Signet
W/N PVP Build:
Disrupting Shot
Axe rake
Healing Signet
Battle rage (E)
Rez Signet
Plague Touch
Penetrating Blow/Axe twist
Executioner’s Strike/Dismember
Alternate optional skills:
* Doylak Signet
* I will survive
* Wild Blow
* Flurry
R/Me PVP Build (Spiker):
Punishing Shot (E)
Dual Shot
Savage Shot
Troll Unguent
Spirit of Favorable Winds
Kindle Arrows
Rez Signet
Whirling Defense
Trapper (R/Me):
Same Skills Replacing Shots and Spirit of FW with:
Spike Trap (E)
Barbed Trap
Dust Trap
Flame trap
R/N PVP Build:
Same Skills of Spiker replacing Spirit of FW and Dual Shot with:
Vampiric Bite
Vampiric Touch
Mo/N PVP Build:
Offering of Blood (Elite)
Orison of Healing
Healing Touch
Heal Party
Healing Breeze
Divine Boon
Mend Ailment
Rez Signet
Boon/Prot Monk/Mesmer PVP Build (Pants and Chest Judge Armor, Rest: Tattoos for Energy):
Inspiration Magic: 10
Protection Prayers: 11 (10+1 from rune)
Divine Favor: 15 (10+1 from headpiece + 3 from rune)
Contemplation of Purity
Reversal of Fortune
Mend Ailment
Protective Spirit
Inspired Hex
Mantra of Recall Elite Skill (Elite)
Divine Boon
W/R IWAY Axe Build [PvP]:
Eviscerate [E]
Executioners Strike
Penetrating Blow
I Will Avenge You
Spirit (Edge of Extincion, Predatory Season) or Sprint.
Tigers Fury or Apply Poison for the sprinter so you don’t have to put as many attribute points in BM for Tiger's Fury.
Charm Animal
Resurrect Signet
General Question about several Professions