Code=019 problems
I try to do a mission or even leave a town or just go into a portal and it say unable to find mission request It's happend like 4-5 times this weekend would appreciate any help.
Well since no one knows has it happend to any one else?
Francis Demeules
Same thing here. I got less when I go to International district thought. Generally, it happens when I enter in a mission and not to an explorable area.
It said I can't find the mission.
Can someone help us to rid this problem?
It said I can't find the mission.

Can someone help us to rid this problem?
This crap happens to me ALL the time, I hate when it happens in Random Arenas/Team Arenas. >:|
looks like that the ip you gave us is the server ip, they may have had probs , if it continues to happen contact them, and see what they say.
Well I already sent them an email just waiting for reply. I'll post the results here if any come.